17) Possession

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[Author's Note: I apologize in advance for the split scenes if you do not like this style of writing.

{5.20.2013} Just edited through and fixed a few little things

X-Men Characters In This Chapter: Nightcrawler (Kurt), and Wolverine (Logan)

StormFireGirl's OC: Bio-hazard (A.J.)

OCs: Panther (Emery), and the Shadow]

 "I can't see her anyvhere," Nightcrawler groaned.

He, Wolverine, and Bio-hazard had separated when they got outside. Bio-hazard had gone towards the entrance. Wolverine had headed into the woods. And he had teleported as close to the outside arenas and practice areas that he could before he started searching. Emery wasn't anywhere to be seen. Hopefully either Bio-hazard or Wolverine had found her.


Wolverine sniffed around. Nothing. There wasn't even a speck of "purple" smell anywhere. The scent of pine had cleared his nose out, but it still hadn't picked up her, or her power's scent. This was not good. Everybody knew how dangerous and unstable this one was. The Professor had warned him how much of a potential threat she could turn into if she turned against the x-men, if she turned against Kurt. Kurt was probably the only one that could stop her. Things weren't looking good.


Bio-hazard had headed towards the front gate of the institute. If Emery was running away, the logical explanation would be to leave through the front gate and go somewhere from there. She sped up her running; maybe if Emery wasn't moving fast she could catch up. 


Emery's body began to glow a phosphorescent purple. Panicking, she began to think of getting out of the Danger Room. She could feel the power rising within her and, somehow, she knew: there would be nothing left of the Danger Room if she didn't get out of there. It was already in pieces, if she couldn't reel in her power, which wasn't going to happen, it would be destroyed on a molecular level. She took off running for outside.


Wolverine turned around, catching a whiff of that unique "purple" smell. Panther was out here somewhere. He took off running in the direction the smell came from.


Emery could see the front gate. She felt like she was going to explode; she was just about to lose grip on the power building inside of her. But, she just had to make it as far away from here as possible. She had to run.


Bio-hazard heard crackling behind her. Like someone was crumpling up a sheet of aluminum or something. Halting her feet, she turned around to see Panther running towards her.


The shadow had watched this green-haired girl run by him, but she wasn't the one he wanted. He returned to waiting patiently until he saw her approaching. Yes, yes this was going to work splendidly. He began to creep forward, a mass of black mist, heading straight for the on-coming Panther. 


"Emery!" Bio-Hazard called. "Emery, stop! Don't leave!" 

There was no way Emery would be stopping just because Kurt's little best friend decided to get in the way. She altered her steps just a little to the left, and raced past Bio-hazard, her head searing in pain from with-holding her powers.


The shadow mentally grinned. He had done it; he'd gotten inside of her, possessing her. He turned the strangely feminine body he now controlled towards the long driveway. Wait, that was her there in front of him. What? Who? Who was he inside? The other one: that little green haired one. He let loose a string of swear words. Now his plan was ruined. Even if he tried to switch into that girl, this one would know everything. The shadow delved into Bio-Hazard's mind, discovering everything there was to know about her. Oh. Ohhh. Perhaps this one would be of help after all. He removed the gloves she wore. Tossing them on the ground he headed off in the direction of the prison compound he was aiming for.


Wolverine arrived at the front gate just in time for the explosion: a giant ball of purple plasma expanding, destroying, and then shrinking back towards its source. Wolverine stopped moving.

"Shit," he swore. Things had already gone wrong.


Nightcrawler heard the explosion and teleported to the front gate. Wolverine was standing there watching particles of purple floating around like cinders after a great fire. And it looked like a great fire had occurred, for dozens of feet on each side of Panther; down at the bottom of the long driveway, there was nothing. The grass and trees had been incinerated. The tarmac of the driveway was dissolved. Even the ground beneath her feet had eroded away beneath her powers. It looked like a giant bubble of destruction had carved the lower half into the surrounding ground.

"Vhere's Emery?" Kurt asked.

"Probably at the bottom of the dent she made."

"She did that?"

"Of course, who else?" Wolverine grumbled.

Kurt took off towards the hole. Wolverine leaped forward and caught his arm.

"I don't think that's a very good idea."

"What if she's hurt?" Kurt threw back at him. "Don't tell me you wouldn't for someone you cared about. I know you're reckless and stubborn. So just let me go!"

Wolverine swore again, but released Kurt's arm. "Good luck, Fuzzy," he mumbled as Kurt raced away.

[Author's Note:

{5.20.2013} If you guys have questions about the xmen I use, please feel free to ask them in the comments below. I don't always write everything that I know goes along with my stories. The only thing is if you ask something that I will be writing in, in later parts, I probably won't answer you. Instead I'll probably just tell you you'll have to read to find out =P]

Panther - A Nightcrawler FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz