21) The Dark's Bright Day

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[Author's Note: We're going to pretend for the sake of my story that Route 88 is a train route instead of a state highway. So yeah, Bio-hazard is on a train following Route 88. Go Google Map it. =P

{5.20.2013} Just edited through and fixed a few little things. PS - I'm fully aware that Jean isn't Phoenix but since she doesn't really have a codename thing, I just threw it in there. Don't throw things at me.

X-Men Characters In This Chapter: Nightcrawler (Kurt), Professor X (Charles Xavier), Wolverine (Logan), Jubilee, Shadowcat (Kitty), Multiple (Jamie), Cyclops (Scott), and Phoenix (Jean)

StormFireGirl's OC: Bio-hazard (A.J.)

OCs: Panther (Emery), and the Shadow]

The jet landed in a field just outside of Allegheny National Forest.


The shadow watched the guards carefully. It had only been here a few minutes, contemplating how to get inside of the building using the girl he'd picked up. She was destructive; oh so destructive. Toxins, radioactive ooze, and acid eased out from the pores on her hands quickly and effectively. The shadow found an opening along the side of the building where no one was watching. He raised Bio-hazard's hands to the wall and burned a hole though it with her acidic waste. Oh yes, she would work great. He already memorized the schematics of the building. He was a genius and had mutant abilities. Everyone that knew of him was afraid of him, so they had separated him from his body and banished his essence to another realm: one that was used as an exile realm because nothing was alive there. It was barren.

They hadn't really expected to kill him had they? There was no way an essence would die of starvation, or even boredom. It would not wither away. No, he'd had about a century to plan out how he was going to get his body back. These non-mutant people were stupid, ignorant, and illogical. They'd chosen to cryogenically freeze his body instead of burning it. He would've burnt it if he was in their position. He'd be able to come back if they kept him. Maybe they thought they'd be able to completely kill him next time.

The shadow burned through another wall. They hadn't seen him yet? Well, her. Or did they just not have anyone willing to take on a little girl. He laughed, Bio-hazard's voice ringing out through the halls. 

In the process of burning through a third hole, clamor and chaos began. Sirens, flashing lights, and the sound of running feet could be heard.

There's the attention he was waiting for.

'Let's see what this girl can do,' he thought. Bubbles of green, radioactive ooze formed on her skin, slipping out of every pore. Bio-hazard's clothes burned off and the floor beneath her feet began to dissolve. 

Seven armed men came around the corner, weapons ready, bodies covered in a resilient, high-grade armor.

"Halt, mutant!" one commanded

The shadow laughed again, letting the guards hear Bio-hazard's voice.

"Make me," Bio-hazard's voice floated out into the air.

Guns fired; bullets of various kinds went flying towards Bio-hazard. Each one disintegrated on contact with her skin. He didn't even flinch. Sure, the girl would have some bruises later, but they'd heal. He didn't really care anyway. Maybe he'd care if she chose to join him after he got his body back, but he highly doubted that she would. No one ever liked his ideas. No one ever really liked him either, but that was okay, he was going to destroy everything and everyone that got in his way.

The ooze beneath her feet finally ate enough of the floor that it began to bend under her weight. The last thing the men saw was a grin creeping across her face as she sunk through the floor and into the basement. Gunshots ricocheted behind her, but the shadow just pushed her body forward to the center of the building, where the cryogenics were stored.

The guard at the door never saw Bio-hazard coming. Her hand reached out, on the shadow's command, and grabbed his arm. The ooze burned through his armor and seared through his skin. He screamed in pain and passed out on the floor from pain overload.



"If you would just let us in, I promise we can stop her from doing whatever she is here to do," the Professor told the commander of defense for the building.

"You don't have authorization to enter this facility."

"But my team can help. We've dealt with this girl before. Why would you put your people's lives on the line when you can simply let us in to deal with it?"

"Alright fine, but if your mutants get out of line, we'll have to take you all out. And trust me; as much as we don't want to resort to those forces, we have them."

"Understood," the Professor said and hug up the phone. "Access granted," the Professor spoke into the headset.

"Get us there, Charles," Wolverine responded.

Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean, Jubilee, Multiple, and Shadowcat stormed into the building, racing towards the point where Bio-hazard was via the Professor's instructions.


The team arrived at the cryogenics room to find Bio-hazard laying on the floor, a man standing over her. His lips curved up in a creepy smile.

"This isn't possible. There's not a chance he's still kickin'," Wolverine growled.

"Who is he?" Shadowcat asked.


[Author's Note: Cliff hanger! hahaha]

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