Chapter 16: To confront a Dark Lord

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Foreword: I'm ridiculously happy about how many people like this Fic. When I started writing I would never believe it would be so well received. I just want to say thanks for all the support, questions, advice, and hilarious comments I've got. You've been very good witches and wizards so I have decided to move forward the relationship between Tom and Harry. And I may not be updating for a little while due to exams. But I will do what I can. Hope you enjoy.

Hadrian wondered if he should be worried about what he had just revealed to Severus. But his secret was still just that. A secret. It could drive the potions master crazy for all he cared. If anyone was going to figure it out it would be Voldemort. Speaking of, he decided to go visit him now. His birthday was in two weeks and there were some arrangements that needed to be....taken care of.

Voldemort had been in the study most of the day, only emerging for lunch, for fear of facing Narcissa and her motherly wrath. Hade hadn't been there much to the worry of those attending. What was strange was that Lucius, little Malfoy and Severus had all seemed rather out of sorts. The second lunch was over, all three had rushed out with barely a 'If I may be excused My Lord.' Where was the respect? Sometimes being a scary powerful Dark Lord was tough. A firm knock at the door brought him from his thoughts. Ah. His new obsession. Those viridian green eyes bore into him with a kind of fervour that he knew well. They shone in his own crimson orbs whenever he thought of a raid, or if a plan had gone particularly well.

Voldemort seemed preoccupied, but Hade didn't particularly care. He needed to get this over and done with. Because of this, he was surprised when the first thing that came out of his mouth was "The Malfoys and Severus spoke to me this afternoon." What the hell was this, a casual téte à téte with the Dark Lord? Oh well let's see where this goes.

Voldemort couldn't help but be secretly thrilled Hadrian had come to talk to him. But he was also surprised. He rarely had a simple conversation with someone. Orders were given, reports were delivered, and fearful pleas were ignored. Idle gossip wasn't usually his thing. This was why he was so surprised when he responded with "Is that so? What did they have to say for themselves. More insults?" Even more surprising was the rage he felt at the idea of his followers insulting Hadrian.

"Actually they came to apologise. Lucius claimed that he misjudged me. I feel it was more for his agenda, but at least I won't have to argue with and shame him all the time anymore it's fun at first but eventually just gets tiring," Hade claimed. At Voldemorts smirk and answer he took a seat, seeing (or perhaps hoping) this would last longer. "I'm sure your right. Lucius has had it drilled into his head from a very young age to take advantage of every situation. His father was quite insistent", Voldemort replied. Hadrian went to ask how Voldemort knew Abraxas Malfoy, but Riddle swiftly moved on. "And the others?" It took Hade a moment to understand what he meant, before answering "Draco was more sincere than his father. Apparently he wasn't used to being denied, or sharing, and his jealousy got the best of him. However, whilst Lord Malfoy seemed uncomfortable around me, Draco was clearly scared. It was likely just self preservation." Tom pondered on this for a minute before saying "Perhaps, but an alliance with the Malfoy heir can only be beneficial, whether it is friendship or not. What of my potions master? I couldn't help but notice you call him Severus now?" Tom didn't say that with a jealous undertone. Not at all. Hadrian replied with confusion, "Out of all of them Severus seemed the most sincere. He asked me many questions and we came to an understanding of sorts." At a raised eyebrow from Tom he continued. "He despises me because of my father. I thought if he realised how unlike James I really am, things might be easier for him." With this Hadrian removed his glamour, for what would be the final time. Here, Harry Potter no longer existed. And neither did his glamour.

Tom didn't know what to say. If Hade was beautiful before, now he was almost ethereal. His pale, almost unhealthy skin had become a smooth alabaster to shame the Malfoys. His black, messy hair now framed his face in soft, perfect curls that he longed to bury his fingers in. And his eyes. They glowed with an inner power that drew him in, and he knew he could lose himself in that enrapturing gaze. It was here, that he stopped in his perusal (read staring) and noticed his eyes were almost cat like. And dark birthmark like symbols were emblazoned on his cheeks like a brand. Clearly not human. Was this part of Hadrians secret? The reason his medical chart claimed he was dead? The change to his seven year old self, that introduced him to magic and darkness? This clue only left him with more questions. And he had a feeling they wouldn't be answered. Not yet at least.

Hade couldn't help but smirk and feel smug at Voldemorts smouldering gaze. He couldn't help but feel a little self conscious of how he looked, considering the first reaction it got, but this was clearly positive to say the least. Clearing his throat to get Voldemort back on track, he schooled his expression back into a blank mask.

Voldemort looked back up, and raised an eyebrow in question. "I didn't just come here for idle chatter as I'm sure you know. I need to ask you something." This wasn't the answer Tom wanted but he waved his hand, indicating for Hade to proceed. "It's my birthday in two weeks and their are things we must discuss." Tom went to ask what he meant before looking out the window. Darkness had fallen across the well tended estate. A quick non-verbal wandless Tempus revealed that dinner would soon be served. "If you are amenable, we could continue this discussion after dinner." Hadrian quickly nodded and a worried expression swept over his face. "I missed lunch." This was followed by a lowly whispered "Fuck." Yes. Hade was clearly aware of how Narcissa could be.

It was only after the duo left the study did they realise. The entire conversation had been exchanged in the sibilant hiss of parseltongue. This was going to be interesting.

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