Chapter 27:Friendship or confrontation

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Hadrian walked into the room and smiled slightly at what the castle had picked out for he and Neville. It took the basic shape of the Gryffindor common room, with the comfortable chairs surrounding the large fireplace, but had replace the colours with light greens and soft yellows, reminiscent of the houses they were supposed to be in. The table and fireplace was made of a dark cherry wood. Hade knew that if Luna was here there would be silvers and light blues as well, completing a room that was perfectly them. Nev was already here, sitting comfortably in a large armchair that almost swallowed the now gangly teen. He cleared his throat, to alert his friend of his presence. The bright smile he received settled him a little, as he took his seat, not on the opposing sofa, but on the table, facing Neville directly.

Neville was ecstatic to hear from Harry again. Luna had informed him of Harry's disappearance. Although she had reassured him that this was a good thing, he still couldn't help but worry. Especially considering how the Dursleys treated Harry each summer. So when he saw Harry back at school, he instantly agreed to talk to one of the few people who didn't see him as the cowardly lion. One of his few friends. Luna, of course was the other. She was so kind and gentle, with an appreciation for nature that matched his enthusiasm for herbology perfectly. Her wavy blonde hair framed her face, and led to her big, beautiful blue eyes.... A cough behind him drew him from his daydream, and he instantly threw a beaming grin to his friend. However, the smile was wiped from his face when Harry sat in front of him, expression solemn. Whatever this conversation was about, it was serious. "Snake, what's wrong?"

Hadrian took a deep breath, shaking his head and burying his face in his hands. "Its difficult to explain. And you might just hate me for this." Hade felt Neville take his hands, and he slowly looked up at his friend, confused. "Harry, you're my best friend. Nothing could change that. You've made me who I am today and I'm with you no matter what. Now tell me what's wrong!" Hade couldn't help it. His shoulders started shaking and before he knew it he was laughing out loud, for the first time in a long time. Only Nev, Luna and the twins had ever made him laugh like that. The only ones that could. "You know what Nev? Sometimes I can really see your Gryffindor coming through!"

Neville rolled his eyes good-naturedly, but was glad his friend had relaxed at least a bit.  He'd known Harry for a long time, when he'd been through a lot, but the Dragon had never looked this worried before. "About time" he joked. Nudging Harry's arm, he gave him a serious look. He wasn't getting off that easily.

Hadrian took a deep breath, noticing that it wavered slightly. He'd never been this nervous before. Neville was one of his few good friends. Suddenly, a silent chill swept through the room, and the shadows stretched towards him despite the blazing flames in the fireplace. Hade felt calm and safe. Death was by his side. "I'll give it to you quick, and then I'll explain. Basically, this summer I joined the Dark. I joined Lord Voldemort." Here he paused to assess Nev's reaction. His expression had frozen on his face, before slowly smoothing into nuetrality as he nodded. "I mean, I always knew you were slightly dark. And you didn't particularly care for your parents, but I still don't understand why you joined him particularly. You've always fought him and you aren't exactly a great follower of orders." At this, both of them chuckled, it was true that Harry Potter was known for breaking old rules, and incidentally creating  new ones. "You know about my relatives. It got really bad this summer and I almost died. I apperated to where my magic thought I would be safe and it took me to Him. Turns out, he's always wanted me on his side. He found out just how dark I was this summer, and he and the Malfoys took me in. They've really cared for me."  Hadrian looked up to see Neville smiling.  He must have looked confused because he said, "I'm just happy you had somewhere safe to go this summer. That isn't exactly a common occurrence for you." Hade nodded and continued to speak, hoping to explain everything quickly. "Vol isn't as insane as he used to be. Don't get me wrong, he's still slightly homicidal, but isn't ready to torture everyone that looks at him. He doesn't even look like a snake anymore. I figure Wormtail messed up the resurrection ritual. Anyway, we have an agreement. I'm his ally and as our plans coincide, we are going to be working together. The death eaters will be in before Summer."

Neville wasn't exactly sure how to respond. After spending so many years as Harry's secret friend and confidant, he wasn't exactly light anymore. He knew all about the Weasley theft, Ginny's potions and Dumbledores manipulations. He knew all about the threat of muggles. And as a pureblood, he was raised to dislike how Dumbledore was pushing out their culture to accommodate muggleborns. If Harry trusted Voldemort, he would stand with him. But there was one issue. "The Lestranges....." Harry nodded and his eyes closed slightly at the reminder of Neville's life long pain. That gesture alone always made Neville slightly happier. Harry understood how difficult it was for Neville to talk to his parents every week when they didn't even recognise him. Harry and Luna were the only ones that understood. "I'll be honest, I've thought if that. I haven't met them yet, and I hope not too. I want to kill Bellatrix for that alone, trust me. But she's his most loyal, I don't think he'd be too pleased.

This was the part Hadrian was so scared of. What would Nev think of him? "Badger?" He prompted. Neville looked up and gave a small lopsided smile. "Well as long you keep Crazy away from me, I don't think we'll have a problem." Hade gave a short swift sigh of relief, tension in his shoulders bleeding away. "Anything else I should know?" Neville asked him. 'Only that I'm an heir to death and I'm dating the dark lord. The usual.' Instead, Hadrian just smiled. "It isn't Harry anymore. I go by Hadrian now, or Hade." Neville just raised an eyebrow and nodded. Completely accepting. Always.

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