Chapter 33: The end of an Era

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Foreword: okay, here we go. Last one I promise!

Severus sat in his usual seat at the head table, surveying the Great Hall with his usual cool stare and slightly disgusted sneer. Inside, his stomach was in knots, as the muggles said. Today would be the day he could finally quit teaching and retire. Today was the day the war would finally be over. A loud bang brought his attention as the original Golden Trio walked in. Hadrian included. He turned towards the Headmaster, and seeing the twinkle return to the old man's eyes filled him with evil glee. He couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he realised that the dark's demon's return spelt their doom!!

Dumbledore stood instantly, filled with evil glee! Harry had escaped, and his plans could once again run smoothly. He would speak to the boy and send him out with his spies right away to destroy the Horcruxes. Of course Albus would join them but he would be 'dead' acting as the final incentive for the Potter boy to destroy Voldemort, where he would sadly die and Dumbledore would return to mourn their lost saviour. Everything was going according to plan.

Hadrian walked in and the Schick on everyone's faces was delicious to see. And he was sure he and Draco were the only ones to spot the dark delight on Severus' face. "Harry!!!!" Oh Merlin, he'd forgot about the ginger whore. He refused to let her touch him. It wouldn't happen. Luckily for him, Dumbledore was already walking towards him, indicating for him to follow. Time for Harry Potter to come back for a bit.  He looked around and grinned sheepishly, running his hand through his hair. Instantly everyone started cheering, and in the noise a pattern started to become apparent. "Harry you're back!" "It's potter! Potter's back!" "It's going to be okay! He'll save us!" "Can you do it Harry? Can you really kill him?" It was difficult not to laugh in their faces and release the spells hiding his demon form. He could feast on them all, and sacrifice their souls to his father. That darkest part of him was desperate for release, but he held tight. Not yet. Soon. He looked up when everyone fell silent, to see the reason why. Every single Slytherin was staring at him, and, one by one, began clapping slowly. To everyone else it would seem sarcastic and cruel. A message from the Dark. To him, he knew. It was a message, from Draco. The Slytherins knew and were ready. They would stay in the dungeons as he let the Death Eaters in.

A few minutes later, everyone was gathered in the office, the Weasleys, Granger and all the Order. "Now now, everyone. Be patient. I'm sure Harry has had a very trying time in the clutches of Voldemort. Give him space." The room fell silent and they turned to look at Harry Potter, their saviour. "Harry, my boy. What happened?" Everyone was shocked as tears welled in his eyes. Harry twisted his hands in his lap, eyes downcast as he took several deep breaths. "My aunt had sent me out to get shopping. I wasn't gone that long, but when I got back, Death Eaters were there. I don't understand how they could have gotten through the wards. I saw them apparate away with my relatives, so I knew I had to leave before they saw me. I ran back to the shop, I knew they wouldn't follow me to a Muggle area. Then I got the Knightbus in a back alley and hid in a Muggle hotel. I've been getting buses and staying in hotels trying to get back here without being caught. I was almost spotted several times, but eventually I got here." Everyone was silent, taking in what he had just said. Ginny leant forward to wrap her arms around her boyfriend, but he shrunk down, obviously scarred by what had happened. "They're dead aren't they?" Nobody answered, and that was all the answer needed. "Perhaps my boy, it is time for bed. You clearly need rest." The children nodded and left the adults looking worried and pensive in the office, all of them wondering the same thing. What was You-Know-Who up to?

Hadrian smirked as he lay in bed, waiting for the others to fall asleep. Listening he heard the light breathing of Dean and snuffles from Seamus under the load snores of Ronald. It was time. He hopped up, not surprised to see Neville looking at him. "Is it time Hade?" He nodded and they walked downstairs, even less surprised to see the twins and Luna. How the Twins had gotten in they didn't want to know. "Go to the Slytherin Common room. I'm sure George or Fred know where it is. Draco will let you in." He watched them look at eachother before nodding and leaving without a word. He was glad his friends understood the gravity of the situation. He took his time walking to the room of requirement. No one suspected anything. He walked past the tapestry three times thinking one thing. Ward room. A door appeared and he entered, strangely calm considering what was happening. By doing this, he was turning his back from a life with the gods. He was binding himself to this earth, even whilst risking that Vol would never forgive him for what he was about to do. He would let the Death Eaters in. He would let the Dark win this war. But he wouldn't let them take Dumbledore. The man belonged to him. Inside the room, it was empty, cold and dark. In the centre, was a podium with a beautiful glowing crystal placed on top. He walked forwards with no resistance. The castle clearly agreed with his decision. Placing a hand on the crystal, he released the full extent of his magic to probe the intricate webs and weaves that made up the ancient powerful wards. He moved along until he felt the presence of the whomping willow, and underneath it, the Death Eaters. He concentrated, this part would be the most difficult. He couldn't collapse the wards. Not only would the castle never allow it, but the magical backlash would alert everyone in the castle. He took each thread of magic, twisting them until they re-formed around the Dark wizards. Done. He collapsed back, tired but pleased. His job wasn't over yet. The original plan had been to rush in straight away with the Weasleys and Granger, having a 'vision'. But instead he walked towards the office on his own. Dumbledore was his.

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