Chapter 30: Happy Holidays

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Edit: I've added in an entire duel. You're welcome @crystal9636

Finally, Christmas approached, and Hade couldn't wait to be free from the Golden trio, if only for a month. Hagrid had brought in trees taller than him, glittering with magical snow and dust from the fairies nesting within the branches. Holly floated around, looking for its next victims. Students were running around, looking for personal belongings to pack away as they left, whilst other sat looking morose. Not all would be going home for Christmas. This was why Ginny, Ron and Hermione weren't watching him. They'd assumed that he would, like always, stay at Hogwarts for Yule. Too busy packing, they hadn't noticed his vacant looking bed, or that he hadn't been inside the castle for an hour. He was waiting by the edge of Hogwarts' wards, waiting for them to be lifted so all the students could go home for the holidays. Suddenly a strong vibration ran through him, and the ground in front of him glowed slightly before fading again. The wards were down.  He turned quickly and, seeing no Gingers in sight, apperated away.

The Malfoys and company were sitting tensely in the Dark Lords study at Riddle Manor. Now it's protection on the Fidelius charm was renewed, Their Lord had returned to his home. Narcissa looked at her husband, and couldn't help but frown slightly at his pale complexion, hardly noticeable against his usual alabaster skin. They were both concerned, as they had plans this Christmas that clashed with Hadrian's arrival. The Lestranges would be joining them for the holiday, and they would then be attending the Death Eaters ball. Of course, no one else knew of Hades change in alliance. Including Bella. She was sure all three of them were imagining a gruesome death at Hades hands if Bella insulted his beloved Godfather. The only one that seemed completely unconcerned was Their Lord, but he was always unreadable.

Voldemort sat at his desk waiting for the arrival of six. Hopefull Bellatrix and the Lestrange brothers would arrive first, so he could explain that his Hadrian was not to be touched. After all, Bella was insane, and he knew Rodolphus had developed a taste for young beautiful men. And Hade was beautiful. After that, Severus would be arriving with the young Malfoy, and Hadrian in tow. What he wasn't expecting was for Severus to arrive first, with only Draco behind him. Where was his little one?

Severus was panicking. Internally, of course. He had spent an hour searching the castle both magically and manually for Hadrian, but he was nowhere to be found. He hadn't been in the grounds or the forest either. Hade was gone. Eventually Snape stormed back to his quarters to collect Draco, apperating to His Lord with a stony face and an unpleasant manner. This anger (concealed worry) evaporated as he realised he had to tell the Dark Lord that he had lost the man's ally, favourite person and possible love interest. Even just thinking those words made Severus shiver. For several different reasons. Before he could even begin to speak, his Lord did. "Severus. Where is my Hadrian? Why did you not bring him to me?" The sibilant hissing tones could be mistaken for Parceltongue. His Lord was angry. Instantly he kneeled at His feet. "I have failed you My Lord. It appears he is....missing. I searched the castle and it's grounds for hours, yet he is nowhere to be found. It's possible Dumbledore took him to the Weasleys, or Headquarters." His Lord raised his wand, and just as Snape began to tense, preparing for the Cruciatus several loud bangs, and wild screams echoed through the manner. Saved by the torturous screams, he thought, as he relaxed.

Lucius had been sitting still in his chair the entire time. Whilst at first he had befriended Hadrian for  his wife's sake, he had grown rather fond of Hades strange personality. The boy was rather witty and good company. He'd been almost as worried as Narcissa upon hearing Hadrian had been silent for a while. Even when Severus admitted he hadn't been eating much. But this worry was much worse. Hade could be anywhere, Dumbledore.could have gotten his manipulative claws into him, and there was nothing they could do. He had been shocked out of his brooding silence at the insane tortured screams, that seemed to resonate from the Entrance Hall. Everyone in the room stood as one, and rushed out to see what was happening.

Narcissa could not believe her eyes. After she'd heard that Hade was missing she was distraught, but in front of her was such a strange sight, she couldn't even be angry. The five occupants of the study stood at the stairs looking down at the strange sight. Rodolphus Lestrange was writhing on the floor, screaming in absolute agony, as the skin seemed to be peeling itself away from his body. Another person, most likely Rabastan had been plastered to a wall by a tight curtain of thorns, small drops of blood dripping down the rosewood finishings. And their, blasting curses away at each other, was her sister and Hadrian.

Hade had just arrived in the manor, carrying so many presents his arms hurt. He looked around, taking in how different the manor looked from his visions in forth year. Suddenly a loud pop from behind him alerted him to three presences. "Potter!" The loud screeching told him exactly who had arrived. He ducked and rolled, whilst throwing to curses simultaneously. One would pin the first Lestrange to a wall with thorns. The other was an overpowered Flagrante. Nasty little dark curse, and one of his favourites. After assuring all the presents were behind him, he set about to duelling the wild haired woman, an insane grin sporting both their faces.  Bellatrix threw her head back, her wild mane flying in the heavy atmosphere of their magic as she cackled. She threw a "Crucio" towards him, predictably. "Is that the best you've got?" he screamed and returned a "Somnum exterri." If that curse had hit her she would have been a deep dream full of her worst nightmares. From the outraged look on her face she knew it. She returned fire with vigor, flashes of dark reds and corkscrew purples flying through the air. A barrage of sharp icicles made their way toward him, and they were blocked by a large convulsing wall of green fire, images taking place of the screaming dead. Fiendfyre. Bellatrix looked both horrified and captivated by the sight, as she shot an overpowered aquius towards it. She held it, clearly think Hadrian was still in there drowning. After all, no-one but the dark lord could apperate within these walls. Hade apperated just behind her, and a bombarda hit her straight on, sending her flying towards the wall. Eventually she stood again, wand poised for the kill, as it's tip glowed the same green as his eyes. Her face twisted into a snarl, as Hade prepared to duck behind her husband, making her kill him instead. They could have danced for hours, if Vol and co hadn't shown up and blasted them apart. Hade looked up at them all and smiled sheepishly, now that he was out of the strange trance he wen to to when fighting or torturing. Well. Playing with his food was more accurate. "Merry Christmas?"

Draco had been quiet whilst this was going on. He had a feeling that Hadrian was absolutely fine, and would be back shocking everyone very soon. He was right. Not even three minutes later everyone stood downstairs staring at an epic duel between his aunt and Hade. Their Lord took care of it though, and soon they were sitting still back inside the study.

Hade had stopped walking at the top of the stairs as everyone walked in. Everyone was going to be mad at him for disappearing like that. He still wasn't used to people worrying about him. Vol stopped and turned to look at him, a single brow raised, waiting. "I missed you." Hade said, face blank and slightly wary. Vol didn't say anything, and Hadrian began to wonder if he'd really messed up this time.

Tom just looked at Hadrian for a second, and wasn't sure how to react. He'd missed him also, and wanted nothing more than to take him in his arms. Usually he would punish his followers for fighting with one another. But looking at Hadrian, he remembered he was looking at his ally and only equal. So, taking what he wanted he reached out his hand, and when Hade gave him that illegal smile, pulled him into his arms and took him into the study. He most likely wouldn't be letting go all night.

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