Chapter 24: Keep your enemies closer

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Hey guys! So I have a little favour to ask. Do you think we can get this to hit 3k likes? Maybe? Pretty please? I'm gonna bribe you with this new chapter.

Hadrian sighed as he looked away from the Malfoys and stepped onto the train. It was true, he had missed Hogwarts and it would always be his first home, but he'd rather stay with Tom. It was probably for the best anyway. He had decided to bring the other Death Eaters to Malfoy Manor, to start planning the attack on Hogwarts, now that Hade had shown them all the secret entrances. Hadrian wasn't looking forward to seeing the Death Eaters again. They weren't too fond of him, to say the least. Hadrian found an empty compartment at the back of the train and waited for the little traitors to find him, as they always did. Objectively, he knew he could pull up the golden boy mask and fool them. He'd done it before. However, he couldn't help but worry they would see through him this time, and drug him to be their perfect saviour. That couldn't happen, they couldn't win. Dumbledore had to pay. As the carriage door opened, he threw away those thoughts and focused on the entourage in front of him. "Harry!" Suddenly a mangled bush of brown hair was thrust into his face as a pair of skinny arms squeezed the life out of him. "Harry James Potter, where in Merlin's name have you been?" The words were screeched in his ear, as his arm was hit with a bruising force. Rude little cow! "Jeez Hermione, calm down", he said timidly, whilst rubbing his arm. "Sorry mate, but I agree with her. Bloody hell, do you know how worried we've all been. Dumbledore and the order have spent over a month looking for you!" Hade frowned, had it really been a month? Time had flown by at the manor. "I'm so sorry guys. Look can I..." Hade paused for a second and pulled his features into a haunted expression, for effect. "I didn't have a choice. Can I explain it to you when we get to school? It's easier if I only have to do it once. We need to talk to Dumbledore." Ron nodded dumbly and sat down, whilst Ginny looked sympathetic and threw herself into his lap. Hermione huffed and leant back, absently muttering, "Professor Dumbledore." After this, the carriage was silent, everyone evidently lost in their thoughts. Hade restrained himself from just killing them all now. He really didn't think he could do this. He remembered that the twins wouldn't be here. They had left after Umbridge, to set up their shop. He would have to wait until Christmas to talk to them. Most people didn't know, but the Twins were like his older brothers. In fourth year they had been there for him, and defended him against everyone else. They had become close, especially when they realised he could tell them apart. Their own parents couldn't do that, but then again, they weren't paid a lot of attention. They were the black sheep of the family. Instead, Hadrian focused on how to get Luna and Neville on his side. Luna should be easy enough. She was a true friend and always seemed to know everything, so it was likely he wouldn't have to explain the summer to her. Neville would be more difficult. The Lestranges had killed his parents, dooming him to a life with his cruel abusive gran. They were similar in that way. It was likely that Dumbledore was behind that as well, so maybe Nev could be persuaded. If that didn't work, he would just be obliviated. Hade would rather not kill his friend.

Hadrian smiled and grinned at the Gryffindors stupid jokes, and nodded understandingly at everyone who had shunned him when Voldemort came back. Inside he wanted to kill them all, screw the Death Eaters and Tom's plan. He could take them, and get his revenge on Dumblefuck right now. They were all oblivious and shallow. Just as he was tempted to give into his desires, they entered the Great hall. Seeing both Sev and Draco calmed him. Draco looked and winked, before turning back to the Slytherins whilst Severus gave the minutest of nods. He wasn't alone in this. Taking a seat, he was taken surprise as a piece of parchment appeared in front of him, showing the words 'Come to my office. Bring jelly babies'. Looking up, he saw the headmaster looking straight at him. He seemed calm, but the twinkle in his eye was missing, evidence of his fury. He was going to need to be careful this time. Pulling on an anxious expression, he gave a timid nod before looking down at his plate. The welcoming speech flew by and he didn't eat anything at dinner, with no Narcissa to force him. Old habits die hard. Finally, it was over and he walked over with (see escorted by) the Gryffindor trio, until they arrived at his office. Show time.

Dumbledore was furious! The holiday had been a disaster. He had worried about his most important pawn disappearing and hadn't been able to get Horace to come to Hogwarts. Instead he had to bring Lupin in to take the defense position again. There would be complaints no doubt, but he could use the mutt to keep Harry under control. He had spent all his time and recourses in finding the stupid boy, and here he was seemingly safe and sound. He had better have a good excuse, or he may just be tempted to crucio the child. A quick obliviate does wonders. The ward in the door warned him of incoming visitors and before they could knock, called them in. That little trick worked surprisingly well, no one could ever figure out how he did it. Made him seem all knowing, as he should be seen. After all, he is the Great Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore! "Now, Harry my boy, would you care to explain where you have been over the summer. All your friends have been very worried about you, especially after Sirius' death and Voldemorts return." There, a quick guilt trip and emotional blackmail should do the trick.

Hadrian sighed inwardly and struggled not to roll his eyes. As if he couldn't feel the ward, or see the blatant manipulation. "I'm so sorry headmaster. I just had no idea what to do, I'd left and then when I came back it was too late, they were gone, and I panicked, I'm sorry I just didn't know what to do." By the end, he was sobbing, the tears mainly from suppressed laughter as he watched them fall for it. Hook, line and sinker. "There, there my boy. You're safe now. Try again, we need to know what happened. Lemon drop?" Hade couldn't hide a scoff, but luckily played it off as a hiccuping sob. The lemon drops were soaked in truth serum, whilst his own were laced with calming draught. Calming draughts were known to be addictive and had bad side effects with prolonged use. No wonder the old man was so barmy. Over the next our, he spun a web of lies over them all. He sobbed when they mentioned his relatives death and and shook as they grilled him for details of his escape. Only when he thought he was in the all clear did they ask the big question. "But Harry, where were you? What were you doing?" Well Hermione I accidentally apperated to the Dark Lords hide out, where I became his ally, started a friendship with his closest Death Eaters and eventually a relationship with the Dark Lord himself. How was your summer? Of course he didn't say any of this out loud. "I didn't want to lead them to any of you. I think it's best I don't tell anyone where I stayed. In case we need it again. It's safe, I promise!" He sounded so desperate and eager to please it sickened him. Hadrian froze as the Dumbledore looked him in the eye. He was going to use Legilimens on him. Harry Potter wasn't supposed to know occlumency. Where would he have gone. Potter Manor? No, he wasn't supposed to know about his inheritance. As he slowly descended into panic, Ronald, ironically saved him. "Sir, surely if you couldn't find him, then the Death Eaters can't. It could be a useful hideout?" Hade could have kissed the boy if he wasn't a traitorous little blood traitor.

Outwardly, Albus nodded safely, but inside he was seething. His pawns were getting too independent these days. He had control, not them. "Very well, I'm glad to see you're alright my boy. Now, off to bed. You must be tired." The group of teenagers left and he started to viciously suck in a Lemon Drop. He would have to get control of Harry Potter somehow. And quickly.

As Hadrian lay in bed, he looked out the window wondering what the Malfoys and Voldemort were doing. He sighed wistfully, desperately wanting to try out the diary hidden in his trunk, but not willing to risk it. Not all the boys were asleep yet. Tomorrow. He'd talk to him tomorrow, and meet with Sev and Draco. Maybe talk to Luna. Everything would be fine. He could do this.

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