Chapter 17:Revenge. Best served hot!

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Foreword: It's here! It happened! I never really thought I would get here

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Foreword: It's here! It happened! I never really thought I would get here. 1k! That's 1000 likes. So, to celebrate this momentous occasion, what am I gonna do? That's right. Write more fan fiction! Woo! This one's extra long as well. And there is a little gay smut at the end. Dont like, dont read. Simple. Ill mark it and everything. Read, like, follow. If we hit 2k, not only will I one hundred percent finish this fic, but you get to choose the next one I write. Yay! Enjoy Dudes and dudettes. Skeletondigger out!

Hadrian knew he was in trouble the second they walked into the dining room. The food smelt Amazing, the room looked perfect. Harry was dressed in black dragon hide trousers with a forest green dress shirt, and casual robe with a snake motif. But Narcissa did not look happy. At all. She stood up, clearly ready to chew him out for missing lunch when her mouth fell open in shock. Oh right. He wasn't wearing his glamour. Narci wasn't the only Malfoy that looked shocked. Draco clearly had no idea what to think, and their was a glint in Lucius' eyes, that were matched in Tom's. So maybe the Dragon leather was particularly tight. And maybe his robe was rather form fitting. Oh well. The only one in the room that wasn't shocked was Snape. He looked rather preoccupied. Brilliant. Hade could barely hide his smirk, before pulling up an innocent mask, and widening his eyes a bit. "Cissa I'm so sorry! I understand I shouldn't be missing lunch, but the book I was reading was really interesting. I guess it will take a while for me to get used to having dinner again." It was a low blow but....  Oh well.

Voldemort could see what Hade was doing. Whatever had happened to him, clearly left a little emotionally numb to say the least. They would need to fix that. And no. Tom wasn't even going to think about how that wide-eyed, innocent look on Hadrian in those sinful trousers, affected him. Nope. Not at all.

Narcissa stood, all ready to admonish Hadrian on how unhealthy it was for him to miss meals in his state. But the second his new look registered, her mouth fell open in a most undignified manner. Oh her new adopted son was just gorgeous. Well he was good looking before but now. Oh and that little face. He looked so adorably and innocent. Every single mothering instinct she had reared up their ugly head. "Oh dear, of course. It's fine. As long as you eat now." Quickly serving him a plate, before guiding him to his seat opposite Her Lord, she couldn't help but ask about his new visage. He shrugged sheepishly before saying he had often had unwanted attention for his looks when he was younger. He'd felt it best to hide it, until he was in a safer situation. Narcissa saw she wasn't the only one in the room worried by those words. Exactly how far had that poor excuse for a muggle take the abuse? The medical scan hadn't indicated any dubious undertakings, but then again the didn't always.... Best not to think on it. Hopefully Hade would one day feel comfortable enough to tell them the whole story.

Snape's mind was racing. What was Hadrian. Why did he look nothing like Lily or James? Sure his eyes were green, and his hair was black. That's where the resemblance ended. Lily had almond shaped eyes, and they were a duller green. Potter's hair was uncontrollable and more of a dark brown. And what was he. Vampires were known to be exceedingly beautiful as were Veela. But Vampires had red eyes, and Veela silver. The only creatures he could think of with black eyes were water nymphs and dark elves. But dark elves had pointed ears and were exceedingly tall, whilst water nymphs were in reality annoying and ugly little things, barely any magical human in them. What was he?

Tom was leading Hadrian back to his office. Once dinner was over, and Lucius had finished oggling His Hadrian, they had decided to continue their conversation. Taking a seat by the fireplace this time, a hushed parseltongue resumed. "So what is it you wished to speak about?"

Hadrian took a deep breath. This wasn't really something he wanted to address, but he felt like now would be the best time. "It's my birthday in two weeks. Usually, on Harry Potter's birthday, he's picked up by the Weasley family and spends some time there before going to Hogwarts. Now we have this... alliance I was wondering how you'd want this to proceed." Tom was silent for a minute, and Hadrian began to worry a little. Voldemort wouldn't send him back to the Dursleys would he?

Tom could see the consternation in Hades eyes. "Whilst another spy would certainly benefit the cause, especially if it was you I won't force any decision. You are my ally, not my servant. What would you like to do?"
The relief was instant. Tom could tell from just this first day he had truly known Hadrian that he didn't show emotion freely. He felt honoured that Hade showed him, though he couldn't help but wonder as to why that was.

Hadrian breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't have to go back. "Whilst I understand wanting a spy, the order and Rumbleroar don't tell me anything. And honestly, I want to punish the Dursleys. Now that I'm not playing the Golden Boy muggle lover, I don't have to just allow what they did to me. I want revenge. If we make it look like a kidnapping, I can kill the Dursleys and say that I just escaped if you want me back in Hogwarts. Besides I know loads of ways to sneak in without anyone knowing."

Voldemort considered it and realise Hadrian was right. Not only was he not absolutely needed in Hogwarts, but from what he could tell, he shouldn't have to go there. Hade was intelligent and powerful. He had seen the kind of books he had been reading. To understand even half of them took genius and power. And after everything he had been through, at Dumbledore and the muggles hands he deserves revenge. "Very well. I'll have my death eaters fetch your relatives immediately, though I'm not sure how to get past those wards." This is where Hadrian surprised him. Again. That seemed to happen a lot today. "There aren't any wards." At Tom's surprised face he elaborated. "There aren't any wards. That's just bullshit Snumblefuck was throwing to make Potter stay like a good little weapon. And even if their were you could get through. You've had my blood since fourth year, and as your ally you can no longer do me harm. So yeah, it's a non issue." Tom was stunned to say the least. He could have killed Potter ages ago. Old hmicidal thoughts began to pop up, and as it did, the tattoo on his wrist burnt a ferocious fire. Ahh. That would be the unbreakable bond. It was strangely interactive and attuned to his thoughts. It had almost a magic of it's own. Yet it was somehow similar to Hadrians. He looked from the tattoo to Hadrian, eyebrow raised.


Hadrian shifted in his seat slightly. Tom was wondering about the tattoo again. Yes that was not a conversation they would be having right now. He pulled up an innocent mask but was clearly too late. A, dare he say playful, look entered Voldemorts wine coloured eyes. "Hadrian...." he hissed out in a teasing voice. Tom stood up and started to walk towards him. What the hell was happening right now. He looked around the room, ready to run if need be, but intrigued by his allies sudden playful mood. This was a side to Voldemort he had never seen or imagined. As if sending his thoughts, Tom leaned in, arms trapping him in the chair. Instead of feeling angry or scared, heat started to rise, from his stomach along his chest to his throat.

Voldemort had no idea why he was doing this. But the idea of teasing Hade, playing with him and seeing that devious mind and delicious sarcasm, was too much to resist. "I think you know more about this mark than you're letting on. A faint red flush now adorned Hadrians cheeks, along his throat before disappearing under his shirt. Tom found himself wondering how far that flush of red went.

Well. This isn't where Hadrian saw this going. But Tom was a genius and this witty, playful bantering was kind of fun. The Gryffindor in him loved the thrill of taunting the big bad Dark Lord. Two could play at this game. "And if I did, why would I tell you?" The wicked smirk that graced Tom's face at that sent sparks down Hades spine. Tom opened his mouth to reply when a knock sounded at the door. Damn.

Damn. Tom straightened up and turned to the door with a curt "Enter."  Looking back at the armchair he was furious to see that Hadrian had disappeared. A movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention, but it was nothing. Just a shadow. Turning back to the door to see who dared interrupt his conversation with HIS Hade, Wormtail walked in. Perfect. Needless to say, Wormtails screams could be heard all across the mansion.

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