Chapter 18: Happy Birthday

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Foreword: Okay I'm sorry it's been a while. Exams are hard! But that's not the only reason. I've been writing a new book a part of my new series, The Dark Reality Series. It's an
original idea and the first book is getting started. It's called 'What it means to be human'. Only thing is, I need someone's opinion on it. What do you think. Should I pre-emptively publish 3 chapters to get your thoughts on it? Meanwhile, here's another fan fiction chapter. Enjoy!

Voldemort was furious. He was sure Hadrian was avoiding him. And he didn't even know how! He saw him at meals but that was it. He would be right behind him walking out of the dining room, and the next he'd be gone, leaving Tom alone with the shadows. It was just like when he disappeared in the office. And Tom just couldn't explain it. Hades birthday was in two days, Narcissa was desperate to throw a ball, introducing Hadrian to the Pureblood world, but they couldn't do anything if they didn't have the birthday boy! It was infuriating. Voldemort had planned everything perfectly. Tomorrow afternoon, Hadrian, Voldemort and the Death Eaters would attack Privet Drive; killing all the muggles and kidnapping the relatives in the process. They'd stew  in the dungeon whilst everyone enjoyed Hadrians Birthday Ball and Dumbledore panicked about where his Golden Boy was being kept. Severus would of course spin some tall tale for them. Over the last week, Severus could often be seen talking intensely to Hade. And not arguing. Conversing! It was almost strange to see. Severus Snape was not one for idle chit chat. Then Tom would give Hadrian his gift and they could all go and torture those awful pathetic muggles! Now he just needed to find Hadrian.

Hadrian was furious. He was avoiding Tom and honestly it was horrible. Sure he was brewing with Severus and Draco a lot. It was definitely amusing to see Sevs many attempts at guessing what he was. The man was constantly asking him to reveal his eyes and teeth and claws, poking and prodding to try and find some new clue. To be frank, it's hilarious! But Tom was quite different from everyone else. They were so similar! They could discuss the Black Magiks and swap notes over new spells and experiments. And the teasing had been so fun. But when Wormtail had knocked on the door, Hade had panicked and used his more, unorthodox abilities to leave. And he had no idea how he was supposed to explain that to Tom.

Severus Snape was sure he was going insane! He still had no idea what Hadrian was. And he had spent a lot of time trying to figure it out. In fact, he spent most of his days with Hadrian, and occasionally Draco, now. He'd gotten to know him much better. He was intelligent and witty. Powerful and actually good at potions. He was surprised at how easy it was to get along with him. But for now, he would have to put this blooming friendship to the side. He had a job to do. For the greater good.

Draco had been very happy these last couple of weeks. He actually got along surprisingly well with Hade. He was smarter than Potter, funnier than Potter and a hell of a lot less aggravating than Potter. Although, honestly he was strangely similar to his Lord. He didn't hold back from cursing Draco if he was being "annoying and childish" apparently. They were well on their way to forming a close friendship. But that had to be forgotten for now. He and Uncle Sev had a plan. For the greater good.

Hade was confused. He hadn't seen Severus or Draco all day. In fact he hadn't seen anyone. At lunchtime, he gave up searching and went to the Dining room. Even if they were avoiding him for some reason, they wouldn't dare avoid Narcissa. As Hadrian made his was their, he couldn't help but wonder if Severus had somehow realised what he was and they'd all ran. He instantly threw that small insecure thought aside. It was unlikely, and even if they did he had other places to go. And he could protect himself from little witches and wizards, even if one was a Dark Lord. With that confirmation set in his mind, he walked quickly into the room before everything went black.

This was completely necessary, Narcissa thought. Hadrian hadn't revealed anything, or fallen into any of her other traps, so jumping on and blindfolding him was the last option. Absolutely necessary for the greater good. Lucius had agreed. Helped even. Oh she couldn't wait.

Voldemort thought this was a little far fetched to ask Hadrian about his birthday. Practically kidnapping him. But Hade had been avoiding him so this was a chance to stop that. Besides, his birthday was tomorrow. This was needed.

Hadrian couldn't help but laugh as he walked back to his rooms. At first he had thought this was a rather pathetic attempt to kidnap him from Dumbledork. He had thrown off his capture without breaking a sweat and set the blindfold on fire wandlessly and non verbally. It was lucky he realised what was going on before he simply Shadowed away. One look at Lucius groaning on the floor, and Narcissa holding a book saying Hades birthday cleared things up. She had just gone a little overboard. An hour later the plan had been set. Tonight they would attack Little Whinging and kidnap his relatives. On his birthday they would throw a large ball to celebrate his 'rebirth' so to speak. Then he and the Dark Lord (and anyone else wishing to join in) would torture their guests in the dungeon. Brilliant.

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