Chapter 29: We need to talk

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Foreword: Sorry that this chapter is short and honestly a bit rubbish. Its just a filler, as we're coming to an end now. I will be posting the top five most voted fic ideas, as well as my own favourites, for you to choose which I write next.

Are you there?
Look, I'm so sorry. Things have been hectic recently.
Vol, are you okay?
Hadrian began to worry. He'd first written in the diary after dinner, during a lucky reprieve. Ron was playing chess with Dean, and neither Granger or the ginger whore noticed him slip into the boys dorm. It was now we'll past midnight, and all the other boys were asleep.
Hello Hade. Perhaps now you can understand how worried I was when you leave me such a message and then stay silent for two days!
If he hadn't already felt so guilty for his faux pas, Hade would've have felt a lot worse for that.
I'm so sorry. Luna came in to talk to me, I panicked . Then I ended up speaking to her and Neville. Its just been a long couple of days.

Voldemort wasn't happy, not by any stretch. He was possessive by nature and so unused to worrying about others. Hadrian, however, wasn't just another person. He was dark and alluring, with hypnotic eyes and an enticing personality. Everything about him called Voldemort in, made him forget himself. Which is why he did something he would not usually do. He forgave him.
Very well. Do not do it again though, we all began to think the worst over here. Narcissa was threatening to storm Hogwarts herself.

They continued to write until the early hours of the morning, as Hade had to sleep before classes the next day. The first Hogsmeade visit was this weekend, and he planned to sneak out to Diagon to speak to his twins. Compared to Neville and Luna, they wouldn't be an issue at all. The identical red-heads were the black sheep of the Weasley clan, a matter they had been quite open with to Harry. It wouldn't be too difficult to keep then onside. Finally assured that Vol was no longer angry, they exchanged goodnights before he drifted off into an almost peaceful sleep. One of these days he would smother Ronald with a pillow. How was it possible to snore that loud?

The next few weeks passed much the same, with Hadrian being followed by the Golden trio, and secret meetings with both Draco and Severus. Just as Hade was growing so bored he was considering killing the two Gingers now, Hogsmeade weekend approached. Time to meet the twins. Hade finally escaped Granger and the Weasleys after claiming he was going to get them all something special this year. It took only three seconds to drop the Harry Potter Glamour and apperate to Weasley Wizarding Wheezes.

George was sitting on a stool by the counter, levitating their products and restocking the shelves, when the shop door opened. He stood and walked towards the entrance expecting to see someome there dyed purple and green. The ginger was surprised to see that the pranks hadn't been set off, and only one friend of theirs had never been caught by their traps. "Fred!" He yelled. "Harry's come for a visit!" As soon as they said that a tall, gorgeous looking individual with vibrant green eyes stepped forward. If it wasn't for the scar and that familiar grin, George almost wouldn't have recognised their old business partner, and dear friend.

Hadrian grinned as George, astute as always, realised just who had visited. They sat for a few minutes waiting for Fred as George drew some tea. Finally the two boys sat in front of him, looking expectant. They had changed since they'd flown the nest. Both had bought matching high-quality suits to replace their ragged jeans and robes. Their hair, one a fierce orange like their siblings, was now a darker, fiery auburn. Independent and seperate from the Weasleys. Which made sense considering they were now Prewitts. Not that their parents or younger siblings were aware of this small fact. Even Percy had agreed with his brothers for once, when they all decided to renounce the name Weasley. None of them wanted to retain the taint of belonging to a family of known blood traitors. They had told Harry all of this, seeing Harry Potter as their youngest brother. They were family. It was because of this, that it didn't take long for him to explain his summer, and for them to accept these changes. The Prewitts hadn't exactly been light anyway. Now the only thing Hadrian had to worry about was making it to Christmas.

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