Chapter one

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I woke up in a haze. in between the state of being asleep, and awake. I starred at the ceiling until my eyes focused in my dark bedroom. Hearing the crashing of glass, my heart sank. I knew what had woken me. Sighing, I rolled over to catch sight of the clock. Six in the morning is what it displayed.

Knowing what would follow the crashing of the dishes, I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.

Tossing the covers off of my body, I tightened my robe as i groggily stumbled into my quaint kitchen. Grazing the pantry, I grabbed a box of cereal, and poured myself a bowl of Honey bunches of oats.

I cringed as the sound of things being thrown returned. Finding the light switch in the dark living room, the lights clicked on. I turned on the TV in attempt to drown out the noise. That's when the yelling began. Grabbing the remote, I turned the TV louder.

Muffled sounds of crying came through the thin walls of my home.

Hearing the neighbors screen door slam closed, I knew it was over. I walked to the window that displayed over my sink. I put my bowl In the sink and drew back the short curtains with the back of my hand. I peered outside. Jason, my next door neighbor, angrily entered his Chevy truck and sped off.

Letting the curtains flow back over the window, I braced my arms on the edge of the sink.

I wish she would let me help her. I wish she would let me stop this

*two years ago*

The sun beat down on my bare chest as I mowed my front lawn. The smell of grilled steak and chicken fragranced the air. I pulled my arm to my forehead, wiping away the small trace of sweat. The sound of a car door caught my attention. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing a young lady struggling to carry a cardboard box filled to the brim. Wondering who she was, and what she was doing with a full box, I smiled to myself, shut off my lawn mower, and made my way to help her.

"Need help with that?" I ask, holding my arms out as I walk closer

She looked up from the box, revealing her pale blue eyes

She stopped and let out a heavy breath "yes. That would be nice" she smiled

I picked the box up, freeing her arms

"I'm Harry" I held out my hand

"Skyler" she shakes it gently

"You made it" a familiar voice spoke, causing us both to turn

"Hey jase" skylers smile grew wider as she embraced my neighbor

"Oh" I say, putting the prices of the puzzle together "this must be the girl you were talking about" I direct to Jason, the man who became my neighbor a little over a year ago.

"Sure is. She finally agreed to move away from her home town, and move in with me" he longingly looked down at her. "You must have more boxes" he added, looking to her small blue car

"Yeah" she nodded, pulling her long, deep brown hair over to one shoulder "it's in the trunk. I don't want to move it right now though" she squinted her eyes, trying to block out the sun

I look at the watch hooked around my wrist "well I better get my lawn finished. It was nice meeting you, skyler"

Her face bore a beautiful smile once again "you too"


"Two bedrooms, one and a half baths" I say, unlocking the front door of the vacant house. The Bradford's followed me inside

I laid the paperwork for the house on the long, bare counter

"I'll let you two tour the house. Come join me when you are finished" I smiled

With a nod, they left to examine the house

I shifted through the papers I laid on the counter.

The couple returned happy, the wife practically exploding with happiness

"This house is lovely" she smiled "best one we've seen yet"

"We'd like to make an offer" Mr Bradford added

"Great" I smiled. "Decide on what you'd like to offer, and I'll talk with the owners. See what we can come up with"

"Alright. Thanks Styles. You're the first realtor to show us something we actually like. We'll be in contact"

After a long day of showings, I pulled into my driveway. I tugged my keys from the ignition and grabbed my briefcase full of paperwork.

A subtle knock sounded on my window. I turned my head to see my elderly neighbor, Peter Billings.

"Hello mr. Billings" I smiled, exiting my car

"Hello Harry" his earnest face held a meaningful smile

"How are you today?" I asked, signaling him to follow me inside.

"Oh I'm alright. I'm looking forward to the weather warming up a bit"

"It stays quite warm all year long here in Georgia, Mr. Billings. You just like it hot outside, don't you?" I smile "Coffee?" I ask him as I start a cup brewing for myself

"As always" he nodded

I made our coffee and led him outside to my porch. We sat in my rocking chairs out front, while we enjoyed our coffee.

The first day that I moved here about three years ago at the ripe age of 20, Mr billings took me under his wing. Knowing that I moved all the way from England, he was aware that I had no family here. Being a realtor, my company relocated me to this city just months after I came to the U.S. The reason I could afford a comfy home, though it's not the largest, is because they offered me housing as part of my contract.

Peter lost his wife shortly after I moved here. She was eighty-two when she died. Mr billings often visits me now, which I enjoy. They both would have me over for holiday meals, Mr. Billings still does so.

"So how are you and that next door neighbor of yours doing?" He asked, looking at Skye, and Jason's house.

I would often go to Peter about Skye, asking for advice about how to go about helping her. How to. . . Stop it from continuing.

"Mr. Billings. You know the situation"

"Well yes" he slowly set his coffee down "and I know you. I know you won't give up till that young girl is safe and out of harms way"

I looked down at my cup, watching the liquid as i swirled it slightly

"I've been trying for a year and a half, Pete"

"That's not too long in the scheme of things" he chuckled softly

"I've tried calling the cops" I told him "They can't do anything if she's not willing to testify or leave the home." I looked out across my porch "I just don't know what to do"

He kept the smile on his face and lightly patted my leg "One day, this will all be figured out. I promise"


So here it is! The first chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm really exited about writing this book for you guys. You have no idea! It's a totally different concept and I hope you love it as much as I do.

Also, ignore the video that is playing with the music. I couldn't find just the audio anywhere.

Comment, vote, follow! :)

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