The Imbetween

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For three long years, Harry had grown well and he had warmed himself in to all their hearts. Harry now can be himself a small boy filled with laughter and imagination none of the others could ever come up with. Harry's wild magic grew each year, much more than they first expected.  It was funny seeing a six year old try to hide his use of magic. 

Time does flow differently in the Imbetween, for every four months was a year while it was just a month in the outside. They don't age well the founders and Merlin are technically dead they definitely don't get older. Harry though grows magically each year while his age Changes with the outside. 

Harry learned how to control his magic wandless within the three years. He hasn't yet started his magical training but others like reading and writing officially and fluently, different language, Lord responsibilities and some history facts. Everything seamed easy to Harry, and when was was able to summon and banish items with just a flick of his hand was when he started his lessons. 

"Good morning young man" Salazar said as Harry walked in to the office.

"Yep!" he responded with as he took a seat. 

"So today is your birthday in the outside" Merlin said "Happy Birthday!" Harry gleamed as a few gifts appeared in front of him.

"Thank you!" He cheered, they all laughed as he tore through the presents.

He got some books, journals, quills, a bow and arrow and some daggers. He beamed up at all of then "you mean...?"

"Yes Snakelet, but you must promise to listen to our instructions clearly and not to break the rules." Salazar, warned him in his cold voice. 

"I will," Harry promised.

"I will be teaching you customs of your time and facts of history told in your time. I will also be helping you tune in to any hidden abilities you may have," Merlin started and Harry nodded.

"You will be learning Blade Handling, Transfiguration, Defensive Magic and Flying with me," Ric said brightly with a grinning Harry. 

"Now with me, we will cover Charms, Arithmancy, Runic Magic and Astronomy," Row listed to him, "If you by chance have an aptitude for Divination then I would be the one to teach you."

"Together we will cover, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Wards and Protection Magic and Arts together," Helga continued  

"Finally," Sal drawled, "I will teach you Potions, and Mind Magic, Offensive Magic and Archery."

Harry was ecstatic, there was so much to learn. And he would do his very best.

Harry was fitted with a wand, Elder and Aspen wood, with a Thestral and Basilisk, but still he struggled to cast correctly. It was decided after a week of training Harry would be beneficial if he learned without a wand and only the basics to use a wand which he preferred no wand.  

Within a year, Harry was doing on quite well it was hard at first but he did enjoy himself. It was Potions with Salazar something Harry really enjoyed much to everyone's liking. 

"Now,  Potions." Sal charmed it having Harry follow him to the dungeons. 

"I knew this would happen. Damn." He hissed to himself and Harry blinked, he had never heard the usually calm man say such a word. 

"What's happened?"  Harry asked not knowing he spoke in Parseltongue.

"An experimental Potion had been ruined-" Salazar froze, straightened his back and slowly turned to face the young boy. 

"Did you just speak Parseltongue?" He asked Harry in disbelief.

"The snake language?" Harry was confused and Salazar rolled his eyes.

"The ancient dialect of the serpent." he corrected the boy, "yes."   

"I don't know. I thought only you could?" Harry mentioned and Salazar nodded.

"As did I "  he murmured "Can you under stand me?"

"Of course I can" Harry said annoyed,  with a look that said has he lost his mind.

"This is not English, Harry."  Sal told him "It seems you have the gift of Parseltongue." 

"This is going to be so amazing!"  Harry decided and Salazar chuckled. 

"Our lessons became slightly more interesting" Sal mused. 

From their on those two had a stronger bond, with the most sever founder. He spent his free time with Salazar but also the others. Soon Salazar adopted a nickname and would call him 'Snakelet' and the other four just accepted the pair.   

Three years into training it was found out that there was not much aptitude for Divination, and struggled on Herbology and astronomy but excelled in Rune magic and more on the action side of magic.  Making Potions and Defense his best subjects.

Archery and Blade handling was easy for Harry, he was suited for daggers. He excelled in the movements and even throwing them. Archery was the same once he got down the magic part of is, Harry could make the arrow go were ever he said. While first learning, Harry managed to somehow hit Salazar in the shoulder which a mused Godric a lot.

Harry was also huge on painting and drawing both muggle and magical. You would be able to find him either in poisons or drawing the scenery. He also had a knack for being able to pick up any instrument and play. His music seemed to travel all throughout the castle in delight. It even got to the point where the castle added a room in Harry's chamber so he could easily play. Helga did teach him how to dance which he was also a good dancer and he did enjoy him self. 

 With Merlin, Harry learned he is an Elemental, like himself and could manipulate the earth, air, water and fire. To his surprise Harry was able to master air and water in a year which he now had those bands on his arm. He was also informed about his Dad and Godfather, which Harry did want to go meet them at some point and also knew that he would be returning back to that home.   

 Flying Harry did love, he was a natural in the air. There was no fear what so ever, which made Helga freak out. That talent was also carried over to riding animals, horses and Hippogriffs loved the boy, then learning how to ride a Hippogriffs. It was also that Harry had a gift with animals they loved him and he loved animals. 

On Harry's 8th year the eight year old boy started to learn how to do spells silently. Which Helga also helped him in that area. The three teachers, Rowena, Salazar and Godric did team up to show Harry to never rely on one branch and keep moving. 

His general skills were above par, some even inhuman, in dueling he started to use his daggers. So on his 10th year Salazar gifted him daggers, pure black with curved blades and carved hilt with two sparkling cut emeralds. They were even made by goblins, and were resistant to mostly everything. 

One day Harry and Sal's secret came out when he turned in one of his homework in Parseltongue, Sal had found it hilarious when Harry explained what happened. He brought it up as much as possible.   

Harry even worked on his mind escape and mind magic, which Salazar taught him. By the 11th year he had many many different doors, tricks you name it. Salazar was even slightly proud at how well only to be stuck himself for a few hours.

On his 11th year he did maser his animagus transformation with the help of mastering his mind. Harry was a very rare animagus, a gold and black Phoenix form which made him immune to mostly everything and had a rapid rate of healing, getting sick, with the added bonus of traveling through fire or smoke. Throughout the rest of that year Sal and Harry worked with controlling fire in human form. 

When Harry turned 10 in the outside he had practically read all the books, study all he could and, create spells, potions with many other things. In the Imbetween Harry spent 15 long years at Hogwarts, traveled through time with Merlin, saw many thing only people have read about, and he understood that he would have to go to the outside but not the full why. 

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