The Next Day

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With the crying, and busy day Harry fell asleep, hugging his father. Who was also crying, Harry woke up latter still rapped in his fathers arms. He smiled at the feeling it brought him. He was complete.

Silently Harry wiggled his way out, and found the kitchen. Welcoming him by the sight he started something Helga taught him, to cook. Witch he really enjoyed, and so he made his favorite, Pancakes ale-mode. His creation, of pancakes, bacon, fruit, some pastries and his favorite pumpkin pasties. He set everything on the table and picked up a book to wait. 

James woke to the smell of cooking, at first he noticed Harry wasn't there. He freaked out, thinking he is imagining all of this and hurried off to the kitchen. 

The door swung opened to his astonishment the table was filled with fresh baked food. Breakfast was set. At the end of the table sat a raven haired boy reading a book.  'Secrets of the Darkest Arts'

James saw this was interesting for a eleven year old but was so contempt to just watch the young boy, no glasses, almost a carbon copy of James, but there was some difference. Like his height was taller, cheek bones were not of either Lily or James, his skin was darker. He was a healthy eleven year old boy. 

"Staring isn't a nice thing to do," James felt his heart jump, it was his first time he had heard Harry speak. His voice was the sweetest sound, with a hint of arrogance. 

"Sorry I just...." James said suddenly nervous. 

"Breakfast?" Harry asked point to the table, as he set down the book. 

"Did you make all of this?" He asked in disbelief, Harry only nodded filling his plate. The kitchen hasn't truly been used since Lily, but it made his day. They silently eat, James was too lost for words, the food was delicious and saver. Lily's cooking was the best but this almost topped it off. "This is amazing." James told his son.

A huge grin came to Harry's face "Thank you." James looked at the boy sitting in front of him. Straight back, a glint in his eye, blank face, a pureblood. 

"I know you have questions, and I do too," James started nervously "May I ask you ask you some?"

"You already asked me a question." Harry stated with a smirk.

"Right" James laughed under his breath "Were were you, all these years, I can tell you are healthy, you were cared for."

Harry nodded "I was by five greatest people that I know, one of them saved me from some horrible people. I was beaten severely by people I thought were family, almost died six years ago. But I was saved they taught me how to live, love, even magic. They also did it to change the fates but I don't truly understand that yet." 

James enjoyed hearing him speak, he couldn't say why but he did. "Would I be able meet them one day?"

"One day," he answered with a playful smile. 

They continued with small questions here and there, Harry never giving him full answers. All the food was gone James realize "You got your letter?"


"Yes, how about me and you go shopping?" James asked

"You me you and I?" Harry cheekily said "I would enjoy that."

"Awesome, the toilet is over around the hall," James showed Harry were is it an went to flu call the Weasely. "Molly?"

"Oh yes dear? Morning."

"Morning, how is Eva?"

"Perfectly fine, is there something wrong?"

"No no things are fine I was just wondering if you could watch her for a day."

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