A new world

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"Greeting Master Teller, I wish to speak with some about my accounts," Harry spoke in full Gobbledygook. The goblin's expression flashed but it was gone just as quickly.

"Do you have identification?" The Teller asked, Harry laid his hand on the till revealing his rings, the Teller shot backwards alarmingly, and stumble out of chair bolting down the aisle. Suddenly Harry and Merlin were surrounded by armed guards and ushered into a nicely decorated room. 

"Director Ragnok, the young Heir has come." One of the guards bit in a gravelly tone. The goblin in mentioned sat at a desk, and smiled slowly, very pleased look at Harry. "Greeting young Heir."

"Greetings, Director Ragnok, my name is Harry Potter."

"We have been waiting a long time, young Heir." Ragnok told him, gesturing to take a seat, "When I was appointed Director and Chief, I was told a heavily guarded secret that has been passed down, since the Founders opened their vaults. That Merlin had taken a child from the future to learn in the presence of the great five. Making the prophecy real. They opened up five accounts, saying when the Heir returns the vaults will be bestowed upon him. Each vault has been perfectly preserved harnessed and expanded as magically possible. Now the wishes have been put into place, though I did not expect it to be the Dead Potter child."

"Thank you Director. The vaults hold more than monetary value" Harry said gratefully, smirking as he continued "as to my name, I can understand your surprise."

"On to your accounts, as you can imagine you have a very substantial monetary value. Upon your fifteenth year, you shall become Lord to each House without a current Head and will be able to take your place upon the Wizengamot."

"Is Gringotts able to continue their current arrangement with investment and management of my accounts." 

"We would be honored."

"Thank you. May I have copies of all my account details?"

"I will issue you with the standard copy given to all clients. Though should you lose these there is a fee for each new copy."

"May I enter one of my vaults to make a withdraw?" Harry asked.

"We at Gringotts, do offer weightless money pouches that are enhanced with charms where it it connected to which ever vault you want. Just say the number and the amount and only you can take out the money. We also have banking slips as well."

"How much for both?" 

"Fifty gallenons annually with a twenty gallenon charge to start, for them together."

"I will take both and take the annual fee from the Gryffindor account."

"It will be done" Ragnok said "Griphook will escort you to your chosen vault and will receive the pouches."

Harry and Merlin were meet with a laughing surprise with the cart they had to go on to get the vault. Harry was also meet with a huge shock, mounds and mounds of gold, silver and bronze he knew not to adventure to far in, getting the feeling Rowena and Helga were right and had a very valid point. He went back to the cart and headed out. 

Merlin directed Harry to go to the shop, Madam Malkins, for new roes while Merlin went off to get something. He only got a few robes, updating his robes, a new black hooded cloak with green. Plus some basic robes not knowing what his father would do entirely. While waiting for Merlin Harry adventured to the book store where he raided the whole store. It was disappointing with the lack of wild and dark magic  or even elementals. The shopkeeper was very much relieved when Harry said he could pay buy slip instead of actually counting the money.

"Oh there you are, Harry!" Merlin exclaimed "Look what I found you." He held up two cages with owls. They were essentially the same one was black with a few white feathers and the other a snow white owl with a few black feathers. "There twins! The shopkeeper kept telling me about how no one was able to buy them both and now well you have two trained owls. "

"Merlin , thank you their both beautiful" Harry said going to pet them both. 

"Harry be-" Merlin warn him about the biting because they did it to him but to Harry they didn't. "Circe I forgot." 

"Animal Lover." Harry said smiling at Merlin.

"Very well lets get you settled for the night tomorrow is quite busy." Merlin turned down the street "we will be getting your letter in the morning, always a week after your 11th birthday. Then it is some shopping and meet your father."

They ended up getting a room at The Leaky Cauldron for the night. They both fell asleep instantly, exhausted from the day, it was a lot slower then either of them truly knew. The morning came, and right when they were finishing up breakfast, an owl swooped in with a letter from, Hogwarts.

It had all the list of supplies which the two of them went and got them. Harry was flabbergasted at how the first years weren't allowed to get brooms. Merlin just chuckled at the boy. He was also reluctant to even get the 'required books' since he already finished practically everything. But Merlin pestered him into getting them. 

By lunch they were finished and enjoying a nice lunch, when shouts sounded. It was a lot all at once, Harry and Merlin looked to see a family of two, father and daughter with two other kids her age. Which looked like Harry's age as well. 

"Make way, the Girl-Who-Lived!" a boy shouted to the crowed. Harry looked and saw two parents, a wife and husband, walking with proud almost stuck up following not far behind. The father stood stoic and distance while he reluctantly followed his daughter. He could tell this man didn't like the crowds but also like he was lost. They walked to the store not farm from  Harry. In a brief second the man looked right at Harry, their eyes locked, hope filled his brown ones, while Harry's was exact eyes as his mothers. 

It felt like eternity till the young girl shouted "I found this necklace dad I have to get this."

At that Merlin and Harry both vanished from sight. 

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