Part Two

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July 3, 2021

Hey all here is the beginning of Part Two: Year Two. Took us long enough, thanks to all the reads and comments even those one of us had deleted. It has been crazzy with copy right issues and other things. I do give the original author their credit for the previous chapters, it is a wonderful story to fully read. I highly recomend to read it. This is our virsion of their story though, the copy right issues wasn't ment to happen when we took this story from one of our group members when they left.

Now onto Part Two this will be a lot shorter all of 14-15 chapters is planed. So I hope you all enjoy the Part Two as much as you enjoyed Part One. Summary of Part Two can be found below:

Harry returns to Hogwarts for his Second Year, another sinister plot unfolds in the halls of Hogwarts. What he hears may not be right, and what he sees may not be true. With his friends by his side, Harry seeks to stop the plot before it may brake his family even further or brake himself.

Thanks again hope you enjoy!

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