3: Starting Second Year

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Dejectedly Harry stepped out of the floo network onto Platform 9 ¾ carrying his shrunken trunk in his packet. The past week it has been odd, Harry found himself doing mostly everything in the house. He didn't mind as he was sure his dad had lots of things to get ready for the school year.

But today, 1 September, was the strangest of all. Harry woke up at normal time; his dad already had breakfast ready and Evangeline was there before him. Once the three were all done his dad then proceeded to ask Harry to clean everything up while they (Evangeline and James) head to Hogwarts through the floo. When he asked if he could use the floo he got a murderous smile from his twin as James said, "no you may not. Dumbledore had a teacher meeting and wanted to have a lesson with Evangeline before the feast." With that Harry was left alone to clean up breakfast.

Harry just couldn't shake off the thought that this year would be horrible.

Harry sat in the last train cart thinking over what the painting could mean when Theo and Draco entered the train car after it started. Both the blond and brunette teens tried to get Harry to talk but the ride to Hogwarts was a quiet one.

The trio exceedingly sat at the second-year spot at the Slytherin Table. The sorting hat made his annual poem. This time it was about a dark force at work, Harry would have to somehow talk with the hat about it. Hogwarts didn't feel right to Harry. The magic was heavy, not as light and airy as it was last time he was here.

He narrowed his eyes looking at all the teachers sitting at the head table. Dumbledore sat in his throne-like chair with a small smile watching the first years get sorted. His father to the right of Mcgonagall was mindlessly looking out the Hall not even glancing at the Slytherin side. Sirius and Ramus at the end of the table by Severus were murmuring something glancing repeatedly to a new Slytherin student. Even worrisome was that Evangeline seemed very smug about something.

As the last first year sat down, Slytherin only gaming 5 new students this year, Dumbledore stood up giving his speech that Harry ignored. "...and now I would like to introduce the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Gilderoy Lockhart." Said man stood getting a loud clap from the students (mostly the girls). Harry could help but glare something was off.

"There is more to Lockhart; his magic is off." Harry quietly stated to Draco and Theo.

"Oh relax Harry, he could be just nervous," Theo said.

"Wait till the first class to decide," was Daraco's answer.

Harry huffed and slowly followed behind his friends as they headed to the Slytherin Common Room for the night.

The great Hall was filled with excited chatter about the upcoming school year the next morning. Breakfast was the grand affair Harry always remembered, towards the middle when all the students were present the heads of each house stood. Making their way to their respective tables, like a rehearsed thing. One by one Severus gave each Slytherin their times table, Harry grabbed his looking in shock. "Is there a problem, Potter?"

"Yes," Harry looked up questionably, "I am signed up for Potions."

Severus raised an eyebrow, "Potions is a requirement."

"I understand, but I am a master in the art of Potions."

"I see. Take it up with Professor's Dumbledore and Mcgonagall then."

With that Harry dumbfoundedly watched Severus move on to the next group of students.

"Dad." Harry called out in the hall getting the man to stop. "I have been placed in Potions when I am a registered master."

"Yes I am aware." James stated nodding his head "Dumbledore said that it would be best for you to stay with students your own age, and I agreed with him."

"That's not fair, I am way beyond what they are covering."

James sighed pinching his nose under his glasses. "Harry, it is for the best and a way to be with your twin. After all she is not complaining." Harry's jaw fell in astonishment, "now get to your class, wouldn't want to be late on the first day."

The first week went by predominantly slow for Harry, potions were dull Severus didn't want anything to do with Harry or said he was too busy. Pretty mush mostly any one Harry wanted to talk to said the same. 'They were busy.' Harry noticed Draco and Theo gave Harry sad looks whenever they were doing something in classes and Harry argued with each thing he was to do. Somehow earning detention and losing multiple points.

At the end of the week Harry's first quidditch practice happened. This time only one possession was needed to be filled, and a third year was welcomed onto the team. Even with everything Harry was excited for the upcoming season.

Late one Friday night Harry was returning from the library when he paused. A faint hissing could be heard, it was like a snake but like any snake there was magic in their words. Harry couldn't feel anything coming from the noise. "I'll have to go to the chamber tomorrow morning. She must be waking up." Harry nodded his head planning to update the ward stone to block a Basilisk's gaze.

And that is what Harry did, early the next morning. He left note to Draco and Theo that he would be back for lunch and went to the main entrance of the Chamber. Once entering Harry noticed it was unlocked and clean. It was one place where house elves didn't come so someone was using the main chamber. After Harry charged the wording stone Harry went the nest where Salazar's favorite Basilisk lay still sleeping. So Harry was back to square one and he knew trouble was coming this year to Hogwarts.

*Hey all, hope these two chapters can fill in the long wait. Sorry the posting dropped for so long. Who knew how much work goes into publishing a book. Other than that hope the start of school year for most went well, Collage for me was a rough start. Thanks for the reads, till next time!*

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