His Time To Shine

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The Friday finally arrived, Harry was practically bouncing with excitement for his Potions class. Even though he knew that whatever would be taught to him that day wouldn't even be close to a challenge for him, he couldn't help but feel that it had been much too long since his last Potions lesson, not even lesson just time in the lab.

First years were not allowed to use the labs on their own. Harry hopped that he would be able to speak with the Professor to get that slightly amended, he loved to brew and just the thought of only being able to do so in class was horrifying. His dorm mates, having seen him pour through numerous Potions texts, some of which they didn't even know existed, all knew what was making him so twitchy.

Draco finally got annoyed with his pacing and muttering under his breath that he forcefully sat Harry down to wait for the rest of their year mates. The blond was quite excited to be taught by his Godfather, but at the same time he was nervous because he knew the high standard the man expected from all of his students and he was worried that he would have forgotten everything he had been taught previously. Harry's bright mood was noticeable to anyone who had the right eye, and up at the Head table there was one who was eyeing the boy with a somewhat questioning expression.

"Potions you think?" James asked Sirius, who was sat next to him.

"I would assume so." Sirius responded, and then he grinned. "Harry has been so excited about Potions all week that I thought he might combust if this day didn't hurry and come already."

Harry noticed, with a start, he was almost fifteen minutes early to the lesson because he hadn't finished his breakfast, so he sat down, using the air around him to make him a chair, and cracked open his book again.

If anything would settle his mind it was Potions. He didn't rouse until Draco nudged him, and he rose to his feet, clearing his expression and shooting the blond a nod of gratitude. Over the course week he found that Draco was really nice company and so was Theo which he was glad about.

The Gryffindors came down as loud as always, Harry could hear them speaking about how Snape was the worst teacher in the school and how he hated Gryffindors. They were shut up when the door slammed open startling them, and Harry very nearly grinned; Salazar used to do the same thing. He said that if the students were not prepared to hear a door slam when they were not focusing on potentially lethal concoctions then they had no business being in a lab.

Harry actually thought it was because he loved scaring the crap in to people, but he never actually voiced that thought to the man.

The Slytherins entered first, silently and in a single file, taking their seats without haste, though Harry was sure to grab the front desk with Draco and Theo. The door slammed shut once the Gryffindors had got in, whispering among themselves as they got to their seats, they fell silent as Professor Snape strode to the front of the room, his black robes billowing behind him ominously. He took the register and paused when he came to Evangeline's name.

"Ah yes, Evangeline Potter. Our new celebrity." The final word was send with a touch of disdain, and Evangeline flushed, glaring up at Snape. Harry couldn't help but smirk, Evangeline would be getting absolutely no special treatment in this class apparently also. Once he had finished he rose and stood in front of his desk, crossing his arms and regarding them coolly. He had that ability to keep the room utterly silent without doing anything, and then he began to speak.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, some of you will not appreciate the subtle science and art which is Potions." He spoke softly, his voice carrying through the room effortlessly and Harry felt himself leaving forward, absently flicking his wrist to make his quill copy down everything that was said.

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