The News

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*Please note throughout the Prologue and Part One (year one) there are some chapters that may or may not be from the original Author and Book; Twins: A Different Life By Jessiikaa15, on*

Harry woke with the sun beams dancing in the room. He was reluctant to get up, the sheets were warm and the bed felt like a cloud.

He sat up the room was large with faded gold and green walls. The curtains were a rich green, the covers on the king size bed were of green and golden intricate designs. There was a desk and dark wood wardrobe with a en suite off to the side.

It wasn't anything like his room in the Imbetween at Hogwarts but this felt like home.

He did his morning routine and getting dressed, deciding to wonder around a bit.

There wasn't that many rooms in the cottage a small library on the top floor. A sitting room, study, and running room with a kitchen hooked to it on the main floor.

Harry made his way to the sitting room where James sat by the fireplace. He couldn't believe how a like he looked like his father expect for his eyes.

"Morning, I thought staring was rude?" James asked looking over to Harry who smirked.

"Morning, you must have passed it to me." Harry said joining his father on the couch.

"Sorry about your book. I could tell it was special."

"Its all good and new now it was just the fact she startled me. Last time that happened I almost burnt down an entire wing at the castle." Harry said laughing at the memory.

"Really... What you did last night it was wandless and nonverbal." James stated more than a question.

Harry nodded his head "ya I was never able to use a wand when I was little. They never worked." Harry finished, James was stunned it take a lot of talent to do wandless but a lot to do both, nonverbal and wandless.

James was going to ask for more explanation, wanting to learn more about his son's life when Evangeline screamed a blood curtailing scream.

They both ran, Evangeline was found in Harry's room, with the trunk open. With a very angry black snake.

"Spero!" Harry shouted, the snake turned to Harry relaxing her grip around Evangeline. "Come." Harry commanded and looked sheepishly at his petrified father.

"I was going to ask before I brought her out. She is my familiar and one of the best gift." By now Spero was rapped around his neck.

"You're a-a pars-" James tried to say but Harry finished it.

"A parcelmouth ya I am. It's not as bad as people make it. Believe it or not I got this gift from mum." Harry said seeing their shocked faces and fear on his dads.

With the silence hanging around Harry dropped his head. Merlin told him about how the world now sees parseltongue. A dark gift.

What felt like ages James finally spoke "well I don't know what to say. It is something I never expected" Harry looked over to see a smug look on Evangeline "however I will not let this get in the way of meeting you" he knelled before Harry "you said her name is Spero?"

Harry looked shocked but nodded. "Your not scared?"

"Scared no how could I, a little ah nervous yes but I just got you back" James then reached up towards the snake "may I?"

"Yes. Be nice Spero." Harry warned her and she kept her lenses down to not kill him by her eyes. Her head raised to let him run his finger down her scales. Then suddenly she slithered up his arm to his neck. "Don't freek out she is only getting your scent." Harry in formed him and James nodded, he'd always a fear of snakes.

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