1: Mastery

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Summary for Year Two: Harry returns to Hogwarts for his Second Year, another sinister plot unfolds in the halls of Hogwarts. What he hears may not be right, and what he sees may not be true. With his friends by his side, Harry seeks to stop the plot before it may brake his family even further or brake himself.

Harry sat nervously on the bench in a quiet hall, waiting for his time to go in his knees bouncy with nerves. After what felt like forever Harry was called in by one of the clerks. He walked up to the double doors to the main room from where they were waiting. Walking in, Harry looked around the room. It was a classroom set up with the ones watching on a raised platform to see him. Harry tentatively stepped into the middle of the room where the table stood.

"Good Evening Mr. Potter we are here for your mastery in Potions today, Please present your recommendation letter and your theory." One of the instructors said from the various hooded figures that were sitting on the raised diocese. Harry had then walked up and handed them the two documents to be read through. It was his final draft he wrote which was on Aconite and its properties and how it may be coordinated with the full moon and new moon. He had worked on it before he left with Sal on the idea which Harry did get his approval to use so he wasn't really worried. "Thank you, Mr. Potter, now if you may start with the exam while we read both documents."

Harry nodded and went back to the table where ink and quill appeared next to some parchment. Looking it over he couldn't help but laugh. Severus was right it was ridiculous Harry finished in no time. He learned most of it when he first started to learn. Once Harry answered the final question the parchment glowed and then disappeared along with the quill and ink. After that he stood and waited for them to tell him that they were ready.

"Now Mr. Potter, please tell us what you will be performing for us today and how you want to show us the finished products."

"Thank you, good evening everyone. Today I have planned to show four of my creations. I will start off with a throat daft which would heal about anything in the throat. Paired off with healing paste, which can get rid of any scar. To show the vitality of these two I would show selected memories of them being in use on an unnamed individual. The other two will be a vanishing and shield potion both of which I will perform on myself for you to see." With that he began his presentation, by showing how he made them with a demonstration to follow.

Like he planned he started off with the throat draft, he made for Remus after a full moon when his throat hurt. Harry carefully did each step with the description of what he was doing. Once he bottled the finished product Harry then went over to the pensive that projected it the room. "This is a memory of it being used; it was tested on a Werewolf after a full moon. The name and any identifying features have been removed." After this he put the memory in and let it play as he cleaned the station for the next creation.

Which was the healing paste that called for similar ingredients. He created this one on a limb and found it capable of getting rid of not only the cut but scars. For the second time Harry went through the motions of making the paste while telling it. "The memory of the paste being used is on a heavily scared and injured child from abuse. With this paste heals not only old injuries but the scars fade." Harry spoke as he went to the pensive "again the name and any identifying features have been removed."
Then it was onto his next two creations that won't be published. He did the vanishing potion first with the actual creation and the antidote to follow. He truly couldn't believe it finally came; the nerves he held had vanished after he started it was just like his lessons with Sal but with Harry, the one doing it. The nerves he held had vanished after he started it was just like his lessons with Sal but with Harry, the one doing it. He was well aware this one would get mighty interested in but he would never publish it to the public, maybe the Auror force but in a year or two. The great thing about this is all the ones on the board won't be able to mention anything.

Harry calmly bottled the potion and drank the requirements. "I have just taken the potion and will show the authenticity by casting various spells. Leveling from semi-lethal to lethal curses and jinxes." Nodding to himself and conjuring a mirror just like he did in Severus' lab with him standing in front but made sure those watching could see him. For the next five minutes Harry sent various curses to the mirror which sent them back to him. Proving his shielding potion protected him from the various curses and jinxes.

Harry paused as he sent the mirror away getting apologises from the board. Smiling Harry took his place in the center of the platform after he had finished, "I thank you for all of you allowing me this opportunity." Harry gave a slight bow and made his way out of the room to his waiting room where his father and Severus were still waiting. He pushed the double doors walking into the room.

Immediately following the slamming of the doors, Harry's entourage stood, smiling. Harry nodded, giving them a silent answer as he was too excited to say anything to them.

"Oh I'm so proud of you!" James whispered into Harry's hair as he hugged son in a tight squeeze, "I can't believe it, my son is a potions prodigy."

"Dad I don't know if I pass yet," Harry rolled his eyes. "It'll take a week to two weeks."

"I know but still I can be proud of my son any given day."

Harry laughed when he heard an indigent huff from behind his father, turning he saw Severus standing there. Quickly before Severus could blink Harry had his arms around the man getting a small pat on the head. "Thank you," he whispered to the man, only getting an unconventional sound.

It was interesting, but slowly over the summer and Harry's first year, Severus and James both came to terms with each other becoming semi-friends. Instead of tearing each other's throats out any given time. Which made Harry even happier as he looked up to Severus.

"Come on son of mine, I say a celebration is in order." James spoke, after Harry let Severus go saying their goodbyes, putting his arms on Harry's shoulder.

"Ya I would like that," Harry agreed knowing that Evangeline was at the Weasley's place. "Just you and I."

Together the father and son duo headed out of the Ministry deciding where to go for their night out and not have to worry about anything.

*Well a start into Harry's second year. Hope you enjoyed it. The next chapter will be probably the next weekend. Happy 4th!!*

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