Striking A Conversation

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*Please note throughout the Prologue and Part One (year one) there are some chapters that may or may not be from the original Author and Book; Twins: A Different Life By Jessiikaa15, on*

"Harry!" Draco's voice entered his whirling thoughts.

"What?" His voice sounded off.

"You phased out and froze, we have been called you 5 times."

Harry blinked.

"I need to do something." He muttered and began running full pelt back to the common room, he tore through tapestries and jumped down stairs, he flew in to the common room ignoring the alarmed looks and nearly fell up the stairs in his haste to get to the dorms.

He rushed to a desk and pulled out the journal he had been using for all of his research on Riddle just as Draco fell through the door, he waved his hand and sealed the doors shut and pulled out a quill. Harry wrote down the name Tom Marvolo Riddle and rearranged it, his eyes widened as his suspicions were confirmed.

"I cannot believe it." He breathed completely stunned, he couldn't believe he didn't work it out sooner: with his scar and someone wanted to steal the stone, who else would be desperate for the Philosopher's stone so suddenly and an actual threat to it?

Dumbledore must have known, placing it close to him to try and ward him off with his presence.

"What is it, you've gone strange?" Harry looked at his best friends with the shock still written on his face.

"I've worked it out, who wants the stone." Harry told him.


"How and who?"

"I should have seen it before, it was glaring me in the face." Harry muttered to himself.

"Who is it?"

"Remember I asked you about Riddle?" They nodded. "Well I did some research in to him, he's from a long line of unblessed from his father's side but I couldn't get the info from his mother because I didn't know her name; you cannot get information on a certain person, just a surname it's a loophole." Harry explained and Draco nodded in understanding,

"But where did you even get the interest and what's he have to do with the stone?"

"I saw his name on the map and he was always by Quirrell, like literally on top of the man and the map never lies. In my research I found that Tom Marvolo Riddle vanished in the late 50's and when I checked the map in Quirrell's lesson today, Riddle was there still." Harry was excited now, the Dark Lord was in the school right now and it was the perfect opportunity to speak to the man. If his words were honest and his cause appealed to Harry, then the boy would join his cause, however Harry had a few points he wanted to make clear with the man.

He wouldn't follow anyone and he would never take the Dark Mark, the tattoo branded in to the Dark Lord's followers, he would join him however but he was getting off topic.

"I get that, so you think whoever this Riddle person is wants the stone."

"Oh I know he does and I know why, I also know why he disappeared."

Harry rushed out and handed the to the journal; Tom Marvolo Riddle — I Am Lord Voldemort. Their eyes widened and their jaw dropped.

"You cannot be serious?"

"It fits."

"Yes it does, Voldemort is an anagram of his original name. When Riddle vanished Voldemort until he visited us on Samhain when the killing curse backfired. I thought Riddle vanished when he didn't, he was very much out there; it was the name that vanished." Harry explained by excitedly to a wide eyed Malfoy and Nott. 

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