Chapter 1

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Rosie puts the fork and knife aside. "This has all been very reasonably awkward, so what's the catch?" She looks at Eric, who suddenly became a lot more business than usual. "The court case," he sighs and continues, "Good news and bad news. The good news is that we are winning. The bad news... Your ex cheated on you throughout the entire relationship." Eric awaits Rosie's reaction before continuing. "What?! Cheated?! How could he?!" Eric sighs tired by Rosie's reaction to the news. She has already forgotten that they are winning the case. Eric calmly continues, "The other woman used him and took a large sum of his bank money, which he could do nothing about. Then to compensate, he thought he could exploit you by dragging you to court claiming that you abused him... He never was the brightest, was he?" Rosie is furious. Her ex abused her - she has the scars to prove it. "No, he was a fool. Why would you be telling me this? All I need to know is that the case is cancelled," she asks frustrated. "I'm telling you this because you deserve the right to know - and to ensure that we don't end up in this situation again. This is the third time we have been to court to fix your problems," Eric strictly points out. "I was wrongly accused! You know I'm not a thief," Rosie exclaims loudly before remembering where they were. Eric had asked Rosie to join him for dinner to clear out the matters of court. Rosie agreed because it would mean a free meal. In reality, she just wants this court case to be over with. They had both gotten a beef served with mashed sweet potato. Despite her eating habits, Rosie was surprisingly fit - she did also do boxing and a bit of martial arts. Eric is a manager - not a lawyer - but he is better than the defense attorney. "And the second time?" Eric asks. Rosie sighs. "I was handcuffed because I looked like a 'typical criminal'. Right?" Eric laughs. "I still don't get why they took you of all people to be a criminal. You'd have a better chance convincing people that you were a granny." Rosie does not approve of his joke, but she does not let it show so instead she laughs it off. "Why do you always wear a tuxedo?" she asks after noticing his choice of clothing. "I'm a manager. What is your excuse for dressing like a granny?" he replies. Rosie has no answer. "How long till the case ends?" Rosie asks instead. "Hopefully, tomorrow. We have our last encounter in court unless he delays the case. Since he wrongly accused you, he'll have to pay for the judge and the case. We go free. All you have to do is own up to me," Eric says and leans back in his chair. "Guessing by the look on your face, you don't want money?" Rosie says and contemplates her chances of getting out of this case with just a little remaining of her dignity. Eric sighs. "Couldn't we just enjoy a casual meal together?" Rosie lifts an eyebrow. "You're the one who's been strictly business for most of the evening," she replies sharply. Eric's happy face fades. He puts his hands on the table. "I lost my contestant for the new drama modelling show called Stars of the Day. She found out she was pregnant plus she was deeply in love with the father of the child. Anyway, she dropped out and now I have no way of fulfilling my invitation. Every manager has to pick a woman or man to be their contestant and then put together a team of beauty specialists. I have the specialists but am missing the girl. You're now that girl." Rosie looks at him like he is the stupidest man on earth. "You're kidding," she declares. Eric shakes his head. "You wish," he says casually. His gaze wonders around the restaurant. "I'm not doing that," Rosie states. "You have to. I help you, you help me. That's how we do." Eric seems awfully calm and decent. Decent! Something has to be wrong.

Rosie contemplates the results of her choice to be made. Either she will agree and hate what she puts herself through or she will have to come up with an alternative. She cannot afford to pay Eric due to economic problems since she lost her job as a result of the case. "Alright, let's say - just for a moment - that I agree to this show. What then?" Eric eyes Rosie. "We'll discuss that further once we get to the mansion. The organizers has had a mansion built. It's all new. One apartment for each manager and his or her contestant with room for the specialist and bathrooms, beauty care etc. You'll see it when we get there. Rosie, I know that there is little on earth that would make you volunteer. But this could be a breakthrough for your career - or a start of one - just as it will be for me," Eric smirks. Rosie growls. "You make it sound as though I have already agreed," she points out displeased. "What other options do you have?" Eric smiles pleased with himself. Rosie hates that smirk.

"When do we leave?" Rosie asks as they step outside into the night. "First thing after the case is closed. We have to get settled. The show starts Saturday. Tomorrow is Friday. We don't have much time," Eric says as he calls on a cab.

When Rosie gets home, she unlocks the door and sighs. This has been a nightmare. The court case. Losing her job. Eric. Now the show. What more could possibly go wrong? Rosie's apartment is quite small. She has a boxing pillow hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the small living room which connects with the kitchen. One has to go through the bedroom in order to get to the bathroom. That is severely unpractical. Rosie removes the hairpieces, she had thrown into her light blond hair this evening. Her clear blue eyes shine like sapphires which adds perfectly up to her soft features. If she cared, she could be beautiful, which probably was the main reason why Eric chose her. That and the short notice. She checks the mail on her desk. She did not have time to read it this morning. A letter from the prison explaining the movement of her father. He is shifting from a cell in the rough part of the prison to a cell in the gentler part. A mail about the rent. And last but definitely not least an invitation to the drama modelling show Eric was talking about. He sent out the invitation before even confronting her with it! But Rosie is too tired to be upset. Instead she changes into her nightgown and hits the sheets.

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