Chapter 14

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The next day Rosie is up early before all the others. She picks out an outfit from the walk-in closet and heads for the roof. She wants to breathe fresh air in the free one last time before hell swallows her.

Meanwhile, Sebastian wakes up early due to a terrible sleep because his head has been spinning round and round about Rosie the whole night. He gets up and goes to check the flat screen that has recently been installed. He sees Rosie exit her apartment and take the stairs heading for the roof. Sebastian twists it through his head and ends up with the worst idea ever. He heads for the closet picking out something that Barry would normally wear, namely a shirt beneath a sweater and a pair of jeans. Then he heads for the roof.

He finds Rosie gazing at the lake. He joins her leaning his arms on the brick wall. "Couldn't sleep?" he asks. First now, Rosie sees him. "Oh, yeah... My mind has been revolving around... everything throughout the entire night so I haven't really slept at all but... I guess it'll do. Excited for your date with Hope?" Rosie asks exposing that she has fallen for the trick. Sebastian smiles. "Yeah I guess so. I haven't really given it much thought until now. You know with everything," he says avoiding being too specific. "Yeah I get it. I wish life was easier but it's not. Hope is a wonderful girl. I'm sure you'll get a wonderful day when you guys set a date. Stefan thought today would be ideal... Now, I'm not so sure," Rosie says. Sebastian cannot help but getting worried. "Why don't you know?" he asks trying to be as normal as possible. Rosie sighs. "All this with Sebastian... I think he might be avoiding me. It's been more than half a day since I saw him the last time and that's a new record. What I don't get is why he would avoid me? What have I done?" Rosie jokes not knowing anything. "Maybe he has just been busy," Sebastian suggests. Rosie shakes his head. "I don't believe that. Maybe it could be connected to why he just left yesterday," Rosie says frustrated. Sebastian is surprised that she would be this angry at him. He thought he was the one with a reason to be mad at her. "Well, maybe you should just talk to him," he suggests. Rosie does not move. "What's the point Barry? He doesn't talk to me," Rosie says with a newly appeared coldness in her voice. "Are you okay?" Sebastian asks worried. Rosie still just stares at the lake. "You know, you and Sebastian might look like each other which is what could trick one. But you see... when you're not looking at either of you the voice determines who it is. I took one look at you thinking that you were Barry because of the clothes... But listening to your voice... I thought we had a deal, Sebastian," Rosie says and turns towards him. Sebastian is surprised that she figured it out. "Rose, I can explain..." he says but Rosie stops him right there. "I don't need an explanation, Sebastian. I need us to be able to talk to each other. So talk to me... What is bothering you?" Rosie says showing a softer side of herself that Sebastian would never have guessed existed. Sebastian looks Rosie deeply into the eyes collecting the courage he needs to be honest with her. "Yeah... Yesterday, when I rushed off... I got a text from my dad. He was angry about my disregard for the protocol of the show and everything else. Also, he was angry with me about you - about us. He made me watch as you and Barry and Stefan were up here. My father said that we don't... that we... That this isn't love. I said it was but my father's words and you keeping secrets from me... That made me doubt... us," Sebastian says letting his guards fall. He has taken Rosie by the hands and are holding them lightly while seeking her eyes. Rosie is surprised that Sebastian's father would be mad about something so harmless as a relationship. "I don't want you to doubt us. To doubt me. Which is why we have to be completely transparent with one another starting right now. It's true that I didn't want you to know anything about what we were doing but... it's not because I don't trust you. It's because I do, and I want to keep you safe. You almost got your head shot off," Rosie says firmly. Sebastian realizes that she is right about the being-safer-not-to-know-anything part. "I know that. But Rose... I want to be able to help you. Your mother's murderer is still out there according to the new evidence in the case but not for long. I want to help you put that bad guy behind bars. No matter who it is," Sebastian says really meaning every word. Rosie is truly touched by the fact that he would do this for her. "With all my heart... I thank you," Rosie smiles fooling Sebastian. He smiles. He had really thought that she was going to say that she loves him but that must be for another time. "I'm happy to help," Sebastian smiles. Rosie gets herself together to talk about the pink elephant on the roof. "This date... I know to complete the assignment or task or whatever then we have to kiss our assigned partner... I should be the first to say that I am not a fan of the concept but... How do you really feel about it?" she asks. Sebastian sighs. "What am I supposed to say? I am not a fan either but neither of us can drop the show. We have to do it no matter how much it kills us," Sebastian says. Rosie sends him the look. "Sorry about the 'kill' thing," Sebastian apologizes. Rosie smiles. "It doesn't matter," she says and rests her head on his chest. She wishes she could stay here forever but knows it is not a possibility.

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