Chapter 3

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The next morning, Eric is up early but he does not understand why Rosie is not up yet. She has always been an early bird. He tries knocking on the door to her room. "Rosie? Rosie!" But she does not answer. Worry and fear that something has happened to her strikes his mind and he breaks the door open, finding Rosie sleeping on the floor in front of the door. He almost stepped upon her. "Rosie? Wake up," he says trying to find out what the hell happened. Rosie sleeps like a rock. So far she has only gotten eight hours of sleep. No wonder she sleeps this tight. "Rosie!" Eric shouts but it is no help. Desperate, he finds a glass of water and pours it over her face. She wakes up sputtering and coughing. "What the hell?!" she shouts when she sees Eric's face. "Good morning, sunshine," he says annoyed. Rosie stares angrily at him. "Did you have to break down the door?" she asks just as annoyed. "Just get dressed," he says and leaves for the kitchen. The bathrobe is soaked. Dripping with water, Rosie hurries across the living room into the spa to find Alana and hopefully some clothes.

"You're not a morning person, huh?" Alana says as she helps Rosie undress. The bathrobe sticks to her skin as though the water were glue. "Just not today," Rosie answers as the robe is finally off her. Alana throws a towel in her face. "Dry." Yes, of course! Rosie wants to say but does not. The mood is already bad enough in the apartment. "What am I wearing today?" Rosie asks instead. Alana shows her a wonderful purple dress. "That's skintight," Rosie says after having one look at the dress. But she is right. The dress is tight with no straps, only a pattern of fabric. "You have to make an impression. Everyone else here is working professionally as models. You're not. Therefore, you have to convince people that you belong here just as much as all the others do. Please Rosalinda. Don't do this for Eric or anybody else. Do it for you," Alana advises. It is not stupid advice. "Fine. I guess it could be worse," Rosie says and holds the dress up in front of herself.

The dress fits perfectly and is not as uncomfortable as it looks. With the dress goes a pair of black high-heals, a black little handbag for accessory and a dazzling silver feather pin to hold the hair. As Rosie looks herself in the mirror, she comes to believe Alana's words. She does belong here, just as everybody else. Flora was right. Florian is magical with brushes and eye-shadow. She looks like a real model. Like she has always been one. They are the perfect team.

"Ah, finally!" Eric exclaims as he sees Rosie exit the spa. "Wow, is that necessary?" he asks as he notices the dress that she is wearing. "Relax daddy, it's only a dress," Rosie answers and does not understand why he is so upset. "That is not a dress. That's not even clothes!" he shouts. Rosie is surprised by his reaction. "Isn't this what you wanted? For me to be your model? Alana picked this dress. I trust her. I choose this. Don't get in my way," Rosie says calm and cold. She does not understand how he one moment can be bossing her around and demanding things and the next moment then not be pleased with the result. "The orientation breakfast awaits," she says as an excuse to leave.

Rosie is mad as she storms off to find the dining hall. She is so caught up in her emotions that she does not see the other contestant coming her way. Therefore, she walks right into him. "Hey, watch it... Who the hell are you?" The male contestant stares wildly at Rosie who is a little startled herself. "I could ask you the same thing," she answers annoyed. The other contestant is dark haired, has cute dazzling brown eyes and a charming smile. He is dressed in an ordinary white t-shirt that stands out on his slightly light brown skin. The outfit is completed by a pair of black jeans and black and white sneakers. "Feisty, I like that." Rosie raises her eyebrow. "I'm not feisty," she says a little mad. "What are you then?" The stranger asks intrigued. "I'm on my way to the orientation breakfast. If you don't mind, I'll go now," Rosie says being hostile. The man smirks. "Good thing I'm heading there myself. Then I can enjoy your dazzling company," he jokes but does join Rosie as she heads away.

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