Chapter 21

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"Well, as you all know the Rescue Round was cancelled due to a little drowning problem on the lake. The persons involved are all well and on their feet. As an apology for the unforeseen safety problems, we are thrilled to throw you this banquet tonight in the wake of everything," Mr. Smythe announces. Rosie thinks it is a little weird throwing a banquet the same day one of the contestants almost died but sure why not? She is dressed in a beautiful rosa gown with gold details matching her hair. She is wearing matching glass heels. Alana has grown pretty fond of them and so has Rosie. Sebastian is dressed in a wonderful midnight blue blazer where the traditional red ribbon has been exchanged with a rosa-colored ribbon and the stitches are made with golden threads. The all-around patent leather shoes have not been exchanged. The couple is shining as they enter the hall hand in hand. Sebastian has no regard for his parents when it comes to Rosie anymore. He is done hiding his love for her. Brianna comes over them. She is wearing a beautiful sunset orange dress with sky blue details and ribbons. "Hey power couple. I see you two worked things out," she smiles. "It helps almost dying. Guess, that's what it took for us to overcome our boundaries," Rosie says in a light tone. Sebastian smiles lovingly at her. "Yeah, how are you? We haven't heard much," Brianna asks explaining the lack of communication this place has. "Well, I guess they don't sign with uncertainty. Rosie is fine but the audience is furious. I overheard my parents argue. Apparently, a drowning accident isn't really what the audience wants for drama. The views raised like crazy, but the critics are hard. This banquet was supposed to calm them down but that's not likely. This show is hanging by a thread," Sebastian tells. Rosie is surprised that her nearly drowning because of Ashley could get the show cancelled. "That can't happen! We need to keep this show alive," Rosie objects. Sebastian is surprised by the fire that burns in her eyes – until he realizes it is an actual fire that reflects in Rosie's eyes. One of the many flower decorations has caught on fire. One of the candles must have dripped. Without thinking even for second of her own health, Rosie runs forward grabbing a couple of vases on her way to put out the fire. The other contestants start running the other direction and Rosie has to fight through a maelstrom of confused and terrified contestants, specialists and managers. The fire starts spreading fast. A tapestry catches on fire and soon after follows another table decoration. Smoke is developing. "Rosie!" Sebastian is terrified for her and sets after her. Brianna looks with wonder and horror as they both heads straight toward the heart of the fire. A window is open allowing the fire to get fed with oxygen. Rosie is now by the heart of the fire and pours the content of the vases over the flaming tables. Only part of the fire is put out. More water splashes over the fire. Rosie sees Sebastian next to her. A flame by the edge of her eyes catches her attention. She knows this pattern. Gasoline! The fire was intentional but what for? "Are there no sprinklers?" Rosie shouts to be head over the flames. Sebastian looks at the ceiling. "They are there!" he shouts back confused. Why were they not working? Suddenly, Barry comes rushing through the storm of fire. "We need to get out of here! There's more fires!" he shouts. Just then a window blows open shattering the glass everywhere. Sebastian throws himself over Rosie to cover for her so that she does not get hit. He grins his teeth shortly but pushes on leading Rosie out of the burning hall. Barry leads the way.

"Are you okay?" Everybody has assembled by the stairs. Flora comes running with bandages in her hands. She casts a quick glance at Rosie and Barry and pushes them aside. "Rosie, Barry, you guys are fine. Oh my god! Sebastian, you have glass splinters shattered into your back!" she gasps. Sebastian purposely stands with his back away from Rosie. He does not want her to see this dreadful sight. "Sebastian," she whispers out of her mind. Sebastian is not sure what to say. He would catch a bullet for her. "Sebastian!" Mrs. Smythe's whiny voice shatters through everything. Brutally, she pushes Rosie aside to embrace her son, but he keeps her on a distance to avoid her pushing the glass further into his back. "Sebastian, we need to fix you, right now!" Flora says trying to stay calm. Sebastian nods. "We don't have a doctor here!" Mrs. Smythe objects unhappily. "That's okay. Before I went all health care-like, I was a nurse. I know how to stitch a person together – not that it's going to be necessary!" Flora says nervously. She leads Sebastian back to the apartment where she has all her old nursing equipment in case of an emergency. Some of the other contestants try to calm down Mrs. Smythe in the meantime. Mr. Smythe is nowhere to be seen. Weird, Rosie thinks before following Barry, Stefan and Brianna back to her apartment to check in on Sebastian and help Flora.

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