Chapter 28

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Rosie is nervous as she waits backstage. Albina Deathcore has been grilling the other contestants for the entire week and now it's her turn. Her stomach is about to surrender to the nauseous feeling gutting up in her chest when Sebastian arrives. She keeps her stomach in check. Sebastian's Boudreaux suit and black tie match Rosie's dark mosaic patterned dress. His breath stops for a second, when seeing her, before getting himself together again. He is up first. Barry arrives with a red rose for his breast pocket. He hesitates for a second when reading the intense vibe. "You forgot this," Barry says placing the rose. It's identical to the one Sebastian gave Rosie when they first met. It aches through his heart with the memory but there is not time for grieving because by that instant Albina shows up on stage recapping the cuts from the week while the contestants' faces show on the screen behind her; "Welcome back for the final interviews, but before we kick off the ball, why don't we recall who we've had to say goodbye to so far. Monday, we said goodbye to Megan Owen, followed Tuesday by Hayden Carney and Connor McCormick. Wednesday, we lost Julian Martin, Courtney Gillies and Lee Spencer. Yesterday, it was Vanessa Martinez and Leon Alveraz, which brings the number of contestants who passed up to 10. Will today's contestants survive the flames, or will they burn brighter than they shined? Let's find out as we welcome the first contestant; Sebastian Smythe!" Sebastian run onto the stage when his name is called. He shakes hands with Albina before taking a seat across of her. He fakes a smile for the live audience. When the applause has silenced due to Albina's deadly eyes, she engages the grilling; "So Sebastian, this chain of events has really had an impact on you, literally. Why don't you start off by telling us all what we are dying to know; how are things with you and the dear Rose? As you might well know, you two are the it-couple which has been the talk of several interviews so far." She dove right into the danger. "Actually, as of three hours ago, Rose and I are not couple anymore," Sebastian enlightens her. Albina's face turns to stone. It seems as if her whole plan for the interview just collapsed. "Not a couple... you two broke up?" Albina repeats, not sure that she got it right. "Yes," Sebastian confirms. He tries to appear as naturally as possible. "Well, now you need to tell us why?" Albina says trying to get her grip back. "Well, Rose and I slowly grew apart and three hours ago she decided to pull the plug. It wouldn't be fair to lie about a happy relationship when it wasn't anymore," Sebastian explains briefly and well considered. Albina has to pull all the details out of his words by decoding them. "Wait! She broke up with you? Why?" Albina wants to know. "We didn't work anymore," Sebastian rephrases Rosie's words. "Please, Sebastian. Don't be numb on the details," Albina encourages him. "I guess there's been more drama then we could handle. Too much has happened between us. It seemed forced in the end. Why were we even together?" Sebastian says trying to hide his heartache. Albina is surprised to hear this. "Is this your words or hers? I mean, you just said she broke up with you. Would you have broken up with her?" she asks curiously. "No, I wouldn't. I still love her. Now and forever. But I have to let her go even if it aches in my whole body when doing so," Sebastian elaborates. "I get that," Albina smiles compassionately. It surprises Rosie that she would even be capable of pretending to be compassionate, however she seems sincere. So much for the hatred towards love. Rosie feels a void in her chest hearing Sebastian's words. "Tell me," Albina continues, "is she the one? The one and only. The one of your dreams?" Sebastian nods. "Yes, she is." Rosie feels the tears pressuring on. It was necessary, she reminds herself trying to stay calm. "Did you ever think of proposing?" Albina wants to know. Sebastian hesitates. Then he finds a little red box from his inner pocket. "I did. Tonight, after this round, I wanted to propose to her giving her this," Sebastian says sadly, opening the box. Inside, there is the most gorgeous heart-shaped sapphire in the mount of a golden ring. Rosie gasps putting a hand in front of her mouth to hide her badly covered surprise. The audience sighs devotedly. Albina glances at a camera showing Rosie's reaction from backstage. Albina almost falls down her chair seeing the ring. "Oh my... Well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. I mean, she breaks up with you hours before you're going to propose. It must have been a sign from above," she tries. Sebastian shrugs his shoulders. "Perhaps, it was just too early. I mean, we have only known each other for a couple of weeks but I have never felt more certain about anything. She is the one. The one and only," Sebastian says. Rosie's heart melts hearing Sebastian say this. She searched his face from her hideout behind the curtain. He means every word. It's not a publicity stunt. "Well, unfortunately she does not share the same opinion about you. I mean, why else would she break up with you?" Albina smiles insecurely. Sebastian shakes his head. He is trying to figure this out as well. Something isn't making sense. Albina looks at the time. "Oh? We've already used too much time. Well, you survived 30 minutes and more. We must set a bell for the next interview. Sebastian Smythe has advanced to the next round! Congratulations," Albina says shaking his hand before showing for him to leave the stage. "Now, that was emotional. Let's see if the next interview will be just as heartbreaking. Please welcome, Rosalinda Blackwell!" Rosie is late to perceive that she has to enter the stage and almost trips, falling on her face. "Easy there, dearie," Albina smiles. Rosie smiles nervously. "Once a clutch, always a clutch," she smiles shaking Albina's hand. Albina signals for Rosie to take place across of her. Once, comfortable in the chair, she is bombarded by Albina. "Now, Rosie, is it? Good. You just heard all that, I take it. What is your response? Did you know Sebastian felt this deeply about you as he has revealed just now?" she asks going straight for the heart. Rosie is not sure what to say. She is truly touched but cannot allow herself to show. "No, I didn't. Never had I imagined that he would ever think of spending the rest of his life with me. I mean, it's touching but I just don't feel the same way which puts me in an awkward situation. I mean, think about it; had I waited just a couple of hours I would've had to turn down his proposal. What disaster wouldn't that have been? He's my partner on the show that's... that's all," Rosie says distancing herself from the situation. "That's all? Well, he clearly thought more of it. Does it surprise you, that he would marry you?" Albina wants to know. Rosie hesitates. It does but not for those reasons. "As he said himself; it's too early. I mean knowing each other for a couple of weeks is hardly reason enough to marry. I know things have been moving fast and there has been so many obstacles and twists and turns that one would think, we've comprised years of getting to know each other into barely a month. It's crazy! I mean, I care about Sebastian but marriage? Not that much," Rosie answers hastily. Sebastian, who is watching from the sideline, starts to notice wholes in her story. Too many details are left out and she is screwing around in her words. Her eyes flicker nervously too as if she were lying. "Well, that is surely a deal breaker for certain but were did it go wrong according to you? Everybody thought you loved him with all of your heart," Albina digs. Rosie knows she isn't making any sense, but she cannot tell the truth. "Well, I might not be a model or a classic schemer, but I know how to twist people around my finger to do my biding. Sebastian merely was a pond in a much bigger game. I've never loved him," Rosie lies. A camera zooms in on Sebastian's face. He's heartbroken. It is shown on a camera visible to Rosie, who notices this and knows she went over the line but perhaps that is what it takes to get him to stay away from her. "Well, I clearly underestimated you. All this time, acting like the porcelain doll when you were the destroyer. Well played," Albina credits her. "Thank you. With no one knowing anything about me, it was easy to become who I needed to be in order to get where I'm at now. However, with my schemes revealed to the public and the other contestants, I am expecting a lot to turn around. For example, with Sebastian out of the way I am free to follow my true heart which will be sure to stir up some trouble," Rosie says confidently. She must play the role well and convincingly for her plan to work. "I see. I find it so very interesting that you turn out to be so different from the Rosie we've all gotten to know. What about your sad story about your mother? Is that all made up too?" Albina wants to know. Had she known what consequences this question was going to have; she probably would have left it out. "No, that's all real. My mother was murdered in front of me when I was only 10. My father was suspected to be the mastermind behind the murder and has been imprisoned ever since. I grew up with Barry whose father took me in and raised me the best he could. I'm damaged. I became damaged back then and I still am today. Perhaps, worse than ever," Rosie said speaking freely of her mother's murder. If things go as according to her plan, she is out where she cannot breathe. A shocked look glides across Albina's face. "What? No, really? Well, darling, it's no wonder you've turned into someone this cold when you had that terrible experience. But you don't sound convinced that your father really planned your mother's murder?" Albina says trying to keep herself together for the remainder of the interview. "Because he's not. There was little evidence which indicates that someone tried to cover up their act. Someone with a lot of recently purchased money," Rosie says. She hopes he is watching. "Well, darling, that's..." Albina is cut off by a bell announcing the 30 minutes has run out. "Well, I guess that's all. Rosie Blackwell everybody!" Albina smiles to the camera. Rosie exits the stage while Lucy Holland walks in as Albina presents her. Rosie feels like she is being suffocated from all the lies she had to spin right back there on stage. Stefan catches her arm as she walks past him and she turns to meet him. He notices how dilated her pupils are and how her breath is stacked. "You alright?" he asks genuinely worried. "I'm fine. I just need to breathe... fresh air," Rosie snaps at him. She wants out of here. Away from Sebastian. Away from the only person she knows she cannot lie to, should he confront her now. The only one who can see past her lies. "Rosie..." Stefan starts but Rosie breaks free of his grip and storms off. Sebastian comes over to Stefan, who is clearly confused. "What's up with her?" Sebastian asks worried. "She seemed out of it. Completely. She said she needed to breathe fresh air but..." Stefan says. Sebastian knows where she is going. Suddenly, it strikes him that her transparency wasn't coincidental. It was to confirm what they already suspected; The murderer is in the building. Sebastian thanks Stefan for his help, although Stefan has no clue whatsoever about what he did, before storming off to the roof, hoping he is not too late.

Arriving at the staircase, Sebastian is surprised to see that it has been blocked. Not from the reconstruction work but this was done with hand and on purpose. "Sebastian, what are you doing?" Barry says as he catches up to him. "I think Rose is in danger," Sebastian said flurried and started moving all the stuff out of the way to unblock the staircase. Barry catches up to his thought and quickly helps him. Even though they work quickly, they still fear that they might be too late...

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