Chapter 11

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Rosie and Sebastian leave the roof separately to avoid misunderstandings from the other contestants. Rosie takes the stairs the whole way. The last thing she needs, is to be locked into the elevator once more. Barry's warning drives through her head the whole way. That her mother's murderer could be the one who organized the whole thing with Robert. She is so caught up in her thoughts that she does not see Hope coming towards her. "Hey. Are you okay? With Sebastian and all?" she asks. Rosie is torn out of her thoughts. "Hope? Oh hey. Yeah, I'm... good," Rosie says smiling vaguely. Hope is not really buying it. "It did not exactly seem like that back there at the dinner. Also before everything with Ashley and Sebastian. You seemed distant. Sebastian too. He's just better at hiding it. I noticed the same with the doppelgänger. He's on your team. Has something happened? I mean, everybody here pretty much knows what you have been through as a child but there's more than that. I can tell," Hope says. Rosie is not sure how to get out of this one. "If you don't mind I'd rather not talk about my past. It brings nightmares," Rosie says when reminded that it could be dangerous for everyone here if she kept on talking about her mother's murder. A surprised look glides over Hope's face. "Oh, of course. I was being insensitive. I've never really had any loses in my life. But even though you lost something, you still gained. Barry is cute," Hope says smiling nervously. Rosie is surprised by her last comment. She knows that even though losing her parents hurt, she has still gotten a great new family. She had lost a mother but gained a second father. "Maybe I could arrange a meeting with him if you'd like. He's a really nice guy. He would never say no," Rosie smiles. Hope considers this. "Okay, I'd really like that... but let's make it a double date. Me and Barry and you and Sebastian," Hope says expectantly. Rosie feels like she is struck by lightning. Then her facial expression changes. "I would never go on a date with Sebastian. As far as I am concerned, we are nothing but mere partners. I can't. I won't," she says. Hope seems disappointed. "I just... I don't know Barry like you do and have only met him this once. I thought it would ease the tension if you joined us but I don't want to make you a third wheel," Hope says let down. Rosie feels bad for her. "Maybe - just maybe - can I arrange it. However I can't promise that Sebastian and I will get along," Rosie says. Hope brightens up. "I'd love that," she smiles. She only heard the first part.

Barry is the only one still up when Rosie comes back to the apartment. He looks worried. In front of him is a newspaper. The title is ominous. "Case re-opened: Linda Blackwell's murder," Rosie reads. Barry nods. "My father is the detective who re-opened the case. He is going through all the previous evidence in order to find clues. The murderer was found a couple of blocks away from the crime scene building. He had a bullet through his skull. Back then they thought it could have been to avoid prison or maybe guilt but now evidence is saying that the mode of impact isn't from a gun to his own head. He was shot. My father is saying in an interview in the article that he thinks the murderer could still be on the loose. They are using the footage from here to navigate the investigation. You were a witness," He says in a low voice. Rosie sits down next to him on the couch. She can read Barry's worries. "Nothing will happen to him... I know we agreed not to say anything here on the show but maybe that's just what we should do," Rosie suggest. Barry is about to object but Rosie cuts him off. "The murderer cannot focus on two things at the same time. If we keep him occupied here, your father won't be bothered trying to solve this case. He will get quiet to work and we take the bullets. We will work as a shield for him. No more need to die or get hurt. Please, Barry say you understand," Rosie begs and takes his hand. "I do. I understand but... We can't ask others to put their lives on the line. You realize that while we are driving attention away from the investigation, we are drawing the bullets. We will put a target on the backs of everybody who contributes. We can't ask that of people," Barry says. Rosie knows this but she is desperate to rid that worried expression off of Barry's face. "I know, Barry. But I can't just sit still knowing that my actions have consequences for the people that I love. Look, the criminal, whoever it is, doesn't know that we know that he is out there and that Robert was a warning. We need to show him that we are not afraid. I am not afraid..." Rosie says. Barry looks at her with hope shining in his eyes. "Do you really think we can pull this off?" he asks. Rosie takes his hands. "I believe, Barry. You taught me that. To believe," she says really meaning it. Barry strokes her cheek. "I need to tell you something," he says looking her into the eyes. Rosie is getting curious. "Last night, this morning, you said you had dreamed that we kissed," Barry starts. It is difficult for him to say. Rosie is starting to put two and two together. "It wasn't a dream. It happened," Rosie whispers. "Oh god," she whispers remembering everything with Sebastian and her promise to Hope. Rosie bites her lower lip twisting her head around this. "Is something wrong? How do you feel about this? I knew I shouldn't have said anything. It was just..." Rosie puts a finger over his mouth to make him shut up. "Barry, I should have known... This morning when you were so relaxed when I told you about the kiss. You told me to go back to sleep!" she says frustrated. "I'm sorry but... Your job here is to be available..." he stops right there when he sees the expression on Rosie's face. "What I mean is... I'm just a counselor. I don't really have a role here. You do. I thought in that moment that nothing could happen between us because it would complicate things. You being on this show. Everybody flirting with you - by the way not a fan of Sebastian - and just everything else. I didn't think this could work," Barry says and shrugs his shoulder. He is at seven seas not knowing how Rosie is going to react to this. Rosie covers her eyes with her hand. "I just wish you had told me sooner..." she says. Barry looks confused at her. "Sooner? I..." he starts but does not know what to say. Rosie bites her lip. How the hell is she supposed to explain all this to Barry. "Okay, I have no idea how to tell you this so I'm just gonna do it. Hope likes you, she asked if I could set up a double date with her and you and Sebastian and me. Before that I thought I had met you on the roof because you said you were going to take some air. I told you how I felt about not being completely honest with Sebastian and just told him that I'm not a real model but I try. You were very understanding and then all lovable. And then you kissed me... I was convinced that it was you until I felt the heartbeat. Yours is always fast but Sebastian's is steady. Your heartbeat was steady. Turns out it was Sebastian. Then he confessed his feelings for me and said that he had felt this connection between us and then we sort of agreed to try this out but no one could know so to everybody else we hate each other and can barely stand each other. So now I have no idea of how I really feel because then it was you and then I thought it was you, but it was Sebastian and then it was Sebastian... I don't know what to do," Rosie says sounding more and more unhappy. Barry tries to follow her but she is saying so many things at once that he feels like his head is about to explode. "Okay, hey. Yeah... I understand sooner now," he smiles overwhelmed. Rosie feels bad for just blabbering everything out like that. "Look Rosie... Maybe we should forget everybody else - just for now - and then focus on how we feel... to solve this, I mean," Barry says. Rosie understands that it i necessary but she finds it hard. It is difficult to separate her feelings for two men that look exactly like one another. "As annoying as Sebastian can be... then I've seen the good person he is underneath all that... attitude..." Rosie tries. Barry nods. He had seen that too. He waits for Rosie to comment on their kiss. "Barry, I... We practically grew up like brother and sister. I don't know if we can see past that. Right now I can't... Maybe somewhere in the future there's a... yeah well future for us. But right now, I think we should stick to being friends. At least just for now," Rosie says. That was difficult for her to say. Mostly because she does have feelings for Barry but with everything that is going on and the show. It just feels like the right thing to avoid any more complications. Besides, she did promise Sebastian that she would give their relationship a chance. Barry thinks about it for a while. "I understand. Completely, I understand," he says. Then he sounds more playful. "Now, this Hope?" he smiles. Rosie smiles. She is relieved that Barry takes it so well.

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