Chapter 10

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Eventually, when people start to understand the resemblance-thing with Sebastian and Barry, people sit down. Barry goes back to his table after he has make sure Rosie is okay. He notices she seemed a little beside herself - more than the circumstances would allow. "So Sebastian, have you and Barry ever traded identities?" Alec asks with crossed arms. Rosie is getting tired of this feud between the two. "Alec, whatever problem you might have with Sebastian, could you please try to see past that, just for this event and then you two can go back to the love-hate-relationship that you're running?" she asks with a spiky tone in her voice. Sebastian cannot help but smile. Alec looks shocked at Rosie. "Well, everything for you," he says grumpy. Rosie is pleased with her accomplishment. Lucy is red haired girl with crystal blue eyes. She is wearing a brilliant ocean blue dress with white heals. She is sweet but not the smartest. She is quite naive and not the brightest. Ashley turns out to be a pale blue eyed light haired girl with nothing but confidence. She is wearing a sweet pink dress. During the whole dinner, she keeps sending flirtatious eyes toward Sebastian. Rosie starts to get annoyed by it when five minutes have passed. "So Alec, you are surprisingly quiet considering you haven't been shutting up these past days. What's up?" Ashley asks. Rosie sends Alec a strict glance. "Just not in the talkative mood," he smiles bitterly. Ashley does not seem to care anyway. Her eyes are locked on Sebastian. "So, Sebastian, how is it working with a complete and hysterical brat?" she smiles. Sebastian sends Rosie a quick glance to see her reaction. She sits still, waiting for the point to come for the day. "What do you mean?" Sebastian hesitates. "Well, obviously this girl has some serious attitude problems. I mean what happened with the elevator and the way she stormed out on you when you two were taking a stroll in the garden," Ashley smiles. Rosie's temper starts to boil. "How would you even know all that?" she asks sharply. Ashley looks surprised. "Well, haven't you guys gotten the flat screens installed in your apartments where the show can be watched yet. Oh dear, you haven't. Oh, I'm so sorry. I really thought you knew," she smiles. Rosie sees right past her sweet fake attitude. Sebastian looks at Ashley with an overwhelmed look in his eyes. He seems distant. "Well, we didn't know until just now. Is there anything else that we should know that we don't?" Rosie asks faking a smile. She glances at Sebastian who seems to have disappeared in thoughts. "Well, you could start explaining what went down in the garden and then we can take the rest from there," Ashley says crossing her legs. Rosie really starts to dislike this girl. Sebastian wakes up again. "Rosie, there's nothing to explain. Ashley, you should have better things to do than snooping around in other people's business," he says stopping Rosie. Ashley becomes offended by Sebastian's accusations but pretty quickly she becomes interested in why he would defend Rosie. "I'm sorry. I didn't know that something was going on between you two. Seems to me like there's more than just the partnership," she says with a cruel tone in her voice. Rosie does not know what to say. Sebastian is out of words too. He knows what he feels and that he finds himself attracted to Rosie, but he has no idea how she feels because every time he seems to get closer to her, something happens that pushes him further away from her. "Maybe we should stay off that topic, right Ashley?" Hope interrupts. Both Rosie and Sebastian is grateful. Ashley sends Hope an annoyed glance but stays off the topic. "So Rosie, why did you decide to become a model?" Hope asks. Rosie is caught off guard. "Uh... I'm not," she says overwhelmed. "Wait, what do you mean you're not a model?" Stefan asks. A weird look glides over Sebastian's face. Disbelief? "I'm... The other model left... Eric was without... He helped me. I owed him... I'm not a model," she stutters. Rosie has a hard time finding the proper words. The others seems surprised. "But if you're not a model... How can you then be here?" Hope asks gently. Rosie shakes her head. She knows that she has screwed up big time. "I can't do this. I'm going to bed. See you... around," Sebastian says looking at Rosie. He has a hurt expression in his eyes.

Rosie has lost her appetite. She does not even touch the food. The others do not say much to her but leave her be. When the dinner is through and everyone starts to leave, Barry finds Rosie. "Hey, are you okay?" he asks. Rosie does not know what to say. She has heard that phrase so many times that she kind of forgot the meaning of it. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to be alone for a bit," she says. Barry nods. "I'm going to take some fresh air. See you tomorrow then," he says and leaves. Hope comes to Rosie. "Are you alright? I shouldn't have asked, I know... I'm sorry," she says. Rosie smiles vaguely. "You were only trying to help," she says but cannot help feeling sad. "Maybe you should let him know how you feel about all this. He is your partner. I hope you'll find the answer. It was nice meeting you. I hope we'll see each other around. Goodnight," Hope says and leaves Rosie be.

Rosie is all at sea. She has no idea of knowing what to do. She decides to seek Barry's advice and heads for the roof. She didn't even know that there was one. The mansion is more like a rectangular box. She sees Barry stand at the edge looking out on the landscape. He has taken off the blazer and tie and is now standing in his white shirt. Rosie walks up next to him and looks at the landscape. He does not say anything. "I really screwed up with Sebastian," she says after a while. Barry moves a little insecure. "How bad could it be?" he asks a little distant still looking at the landscape. It turns out that there's a lake behind the mansion surrounded by a forest. "I pretty much... Uh... I don't think he had realized that I'm not really a model like everyone else here so... I had not told him. Hope asked and... Oh Barry, you didn't see the look on his face... Disbelief... Mistrust... I think I've ruined every chance at a working partnership with him," Rosie tries to explain. Barry smiles vaguely. "What could possibly be funny right now?" she asks. Barry looks at her for the first time since she came up to him. He draws her closer into his arms. She rests her hands against his chest. His hands rest around her waist. "You are just so cute when you're upset," he says softly with a smile. "Barry, this is a real problem! I don't know how to fix this! I... I don't even know what I really did wrong. I mean my behavior was a clear indicator that I'm diffidently not a real model and I don't know a thing about how photo shoots and catwalks works. I..." Barry leans closer and kisses Rosie to make her shut up. His lips are soft and warm. The kiss makes a great warmth spread inside her. Rosie is surprised by the kiss but does not push him away. Instead, she embraces the kiss until... She feels Barry's steady heartbeat underneath her fingers but Barry's heartbeat is always racing like crazy whenever they are together. She breaks off the kiss and looks shocked at him. "Sebastian..." she whispers. Sebastian looks at her with his carrying blue eyes.

"Sebastian, what..." Rosie begins but she has no idea how to finish that sentence. She does not understand anything. "Rosie, I... I don't regret doing that. Like you shouldn't regret anything either. I get why you didn't really mention that you're not a real model. I should have known... But despite that - you being model or not - then I think we have both felt the tension, the chemistry between us. I don't know what it is or where it would lead but I'm willing to give whatever this is a shot," Sebastian says. All the scheming is gone. Rosie knew that beneath all that he was a good guy but she never even imagined that he could have feelings for her. She thought it was just a game he was playing. Rosie sighs. "Sebastian... I appreciate your honesty but... Why didn't you say who you really were? I thought you were Barry until I noticed your heartbeat," Rosie says. She feels vulnerable. And she hates that feeling. Sebastian looks at her with his forever dazzling blue eyes. They say it all.

Rosie admits that she has felt something but is not sure what that something is. So in order to find out, they have to keep whatever this is a secret if she should be willing to give it a try. Sebastian understands and accepts her terms. A secret relationship. "And no more pretending to be Barry unless it is absolutely necessary," she warns him. Sebastian smiles. "I promise. But you should know one thing first. Everybody knows that we do not get along so if we suddenly do, they'll know that something is up. If this is supposed to stay a secret, we have to keep on hating each whenever we are not alone," he says. Rosie has not thought about that but understands. "What are we then going to do?" she asks not sure. "I don't know. Keep up the act, I suppose. Nagging at each other every time it is possible. You hating me. Disagree on everything as always," Sebastian suggests. Rosie nods. Then she looks Sebastian in the eyes. "How could this even happen?" she asks lovingly. "Destiny," Sebastian answers and leans down to kiss her. Even with her heals, Rosie is still about half a head smaller than him. The kiss is gentle, playful and lovable. Everything one could wish for.

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