Chapter 23

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After breakfast, Alana insists strongly on a dress fitting because she is trying out a new pattern for the dress and she is not sure if it would suit Rosie's figure or not. Rosie, an hourglass, understands Alana's concern rather than being mad like most diva models would be because she herself has troubles finding something that fits from time to time. Pants and jeans are the worst. While Alana is busy bossing Rosie around, Felicity drops by with the pain-relieving. Sebastian is grateful and thanks his cousin a million times which, to Barry, seems out of his way. Sebastian decides to go talk to his manager and specialist about the clothes that has been destroyed and also if they know anything about the storm that is to come since it is so quiet now. There is nothing arranged for the day which is odd considering it is a Saturday. Barry and Eric start to discuss the safety of the entire show and also its future. Could the show be cancelled because of the many safety problems? Barry thinks it is most unlikely since everything except the drowning accident and the fire has not been shown to the audience and most of the other contestants do not even know about it. Eric seems somehow convinced that everything will be revealed soon enough if they are just patient in waiting. Barry thinks that is stupid and that they should do something themselves to broadcast the truth. In the end, Flora comes storming asking both of them to shut up about that stupid argument and just be useful for once! Both men are severely surprised by Flora's outrage. Florian is testing out different makeup products on a dull with a similar skin tone to Rosie. When the fitting is about to end, Rosie gets a text from Brianna. 'Can you meet me by the entrance? Please, I'm pretty shaken by the whole drowning-and-then-the-fire-experience' she writes. Rosie is surprised that it would even have an impact on Brianna. She always seemed to be down with almost anything. 'Sure, I'll be there in 10' Rosie writes back. When she tells Alana where she is going, Alana's response includes handing Rosie a red dress with black stripes down the sides to emphasize the curves and a pair of heels with wedge. Rosie thanks her, jumps into the clothes, throws on some quick makeup and heads towards the elevators. She storms right past Sebastian but turns around when she realizes who it is. "You're in a hurry," he smiles. Her turn might not have been as smooth as she had hoped which also showcases on Sebastian facial expression. "I'm meeting up with Bree. She's a bit shaken by the events of yesterday. I mean, the cutting, the Rescue Round and fire. It's a lot to take in," Rosie explains. When Rosie mentions being shaken, he thinks of her this morning and decides to join the girls. "Is there room for one more? I'd like to join you ladies," Sebastian asks. Rosie smiles. "You're ruining the chance of girl talk!" she smiles accusingly but reaches out her hand for him to take.

Brianna does not mind Sebastian being there at all. In fact, she seems rather relaxed. She is leading the couple back to the lake but keeps a safe distance to the water. "How are you holding up?" Sebastian asks Brianna when the silence begins to be killing. "I'm rather shaken actually. I mean first Gwen and Mason had to leave us, then Rosie and I are kidnapped, and Rosie almost drowns. Then later, a fire breaks out resulting in a window exploding on your back! Call me crazy, but that's a handful to swallow," Brianna says upset. "Well, no one got severely hurt. Gwen and Mason live on, Rosie still lives, and I'll heal," Sebastian tries to comfort her relaxingly. Brianna lets her eyes glide over Sebastian's relaxed facial expression. "How come you're not upset at all? Your girlfriend almost drowned and you could have died!" Brianna freaks out. Sebastian and Rosie get weird about the girlfriend-part. They wouldn't want to be without one another, but they are not really thinking of themselves as boyfriend and girlfriend. They are just together. "Bree, despite everything that has happened since we came here, we can't let it tremble our world. If we do that, all hope is lost – even for Hope. We just have to find a way to deal with the things that scares us the most, whether it is losing your mother or overcoming death yourself," Rosie says. Sebastian is impressed by her progress. Brianna seems to notice it too. "You never talked about your mother's death until you came here, did you?" she asks. Rosie shakes her head. "Both my father and I never talked about it. Not losing mom. The murder and the murderer, yes. But never mother's death. To us she wasn't really gone. We felt it, that she was but we never accepted it..." Rosie sighs with tears running down her cheeks in a quiet flow before she goes on, "But I'm starting to." She tries smiling at Sebastian. He puts his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer while they still walk. Walking makes it easier, Rosie thinks, easier to breathe and accept. Walking is not running, running away. Or beating down your problems or swimming away from them like they were a shark and you the fish. Walking is taking things slow in a pace that is hard but necessary. "How do you deal with it? Not particularly your mother's death but everything that has happened to you. You come with a lot of baggage that most people couldn't handle," Brianna wants to know. Rosie smiles a little unsure but flattered. She has never really thought of how she managed to go through life considering that there were so many other ways she could have chosen but did not. "I leaned on the people I cared most about in the times of difficulty. Barry was a great help. He still is. Without him and his family I wouldn't have turned out like I did. I watched my mother get brutally murdered. I should have been a criminal but instead of working against the law enforcement, I work with them. I'm an assistant at the police department. I eventually quit swimming. Usually, I just handle reports and files and help Barry out whenever he's lost or stuck in a case. It helps having someone else see the problems from a distance. Often, what you're looking for is just a little outside your view. Lean on the people you trust, Bree. Then you'll get through anything," Rosie says feeling sentimental. She has never had many girl friends but having Hope and Brianna, maybe Felicity by time, really helps filling out that emptiness in her life. "Okay, I'll try that," Brianna smiles. "Hey, since we've got the day off, I think I might just want to spend it relaxing in a hot bobble bath. I hope you don't mind," Brianna says. Sebastian and Rosie smiles. "We'd never mind," Rosie smiles to her. Brianna wishes them a good day and heads back inside. Rosie looks at the water. A light breeze stirs up the middle. It is not friendly today. "She seemed okay," Rosie says lightly. Sebastian looks at her. "How about you?" he asks concerned. Rosie looks up and meets his eyes. "As long as I have you, I'll never be better," she smiles reaching up on her toes to kiss him. She puts her arms over his shoulders. Sebastian gently pulls her closer. The kiss is soft, gentle. It is not rushed or out of place. Rosie feels her knees getting soft, her breath is taken away, her heart threatens to give up, her body yearns to be near his so badly that it feels like she is floating on air. The kiss is so intense and to intimate that Sebastian forgets all about the pain soaring through his back, he feels like he is going to die if Rosie leaves his arms. His heart is racing, the blood is bobbling through his veins like it was champagne, his body yearns to be close to hers. "I love you, Rose Blackwell," he says through the touching of their lips. Rosie stops to look at him. Her pupils are dilated. It is the first time he has said that to her. When Rosie does not say anything, Sebastian starts to question whether he should have said it or not. He meant it, he really did but is his feelings returned? Rosie's eyes start to fill with water and a smile spreads throughout her whole face. Her eyes smile so bright that they shine like sapphires. "I love you too, Sebastian Smythe," she says breathlessly. Sebastian smiles relieved and kisses her out of joy. She returns the kiss, this time being more passionate, more urging.

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