Chapter 24

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"What the hell are you thinking?! Oh yeah, that's right. You're not!" Mr. Smythe called in his son to discuss his 'lack of ambition' as he likes to call it. Sebastian has been listening indifferently the entire time. "Dad, I'm following my heart like I always have. Why does it matter so much now? You didn't really seem to care when I left nor when I returned here. Why does it matter now?" Sebastian says tiredly. His father would go on and on about his disregard for the rules and his crazy teenage ambitions which should have been adult visions instead. Mr. Smythe looks challenging at his son. "Why did you run into that fire? Felicity told me what happened, but I want to hear you say it, so I'll ask one more time. Why did you run into the fire?" he asks avoiding his son's question. Sebastian seems annoyed with his father. "Rosie," Sebastian answers well-considered, "she ran into the fire and I followed to keep her safe and I did." Mr. Smythe is not pleased with that answer. He has his son sitting in the chair on the other side of his desk, but it feels like there is a canyon between them. "And you are paying the price for it. How's your back?" Sebastian's father makes fun of him. "It's better," Sebastian answers a little tense. He cannot help but wonder if his suspicions are true. "Well son, as your father I cannot say that I approve of your relations with Ms. Blackwell. It's almost incredible what a magnet to unfortune she is. Stop that, I can see it in your eyes. You wonder why I cover for the whole incident with Robert at the second photo shooting. Wace wasn't pleased about the outcome," Mr. Smythe tells his son. Sebastian listens interestedly. "I don't want the contestants to feel unsafe. Their safety comes first here. Besides, the media would make up some nasty story and use it to close the show making everyone of you unemployed. You all work for a manager and react to their bidding. If you don't, you're cut. Rosalinda Blackwell is a special case here since all her tragic background stories have become what keeps her interesting. She doesn't act like any other of you. She is unpredictable which makes her interesting and dangerous. I hear her not-really-a-bonus-dad has opened the case revolving her mother's murder based on her words just as much as the newly found evidence. Turns out they has a scan of the murdered murderer's head which indicated the way of impact. Your friend is in trouble – both here and outside these walls. I hear Ashley's nasty. What I am trying to say, despite the fact that you're probably hardly listening, is that I really care about the safety of my contestants and everybody else here. But mostly I care about the heart of my son. I can tell you the next thing scheduled is an interview and the host your mother has hired isn't really known to be gentle. If Rosalinda breaks down during the interview and it makes her cut, I can't undo it. Rules are that every contestant must survive the interview without running out for any reason. I just don't want my son to get broken. I know firsthand what a broken heart can do to a man," Mr. Smythe explains to his son. Sebastian does not understand what he means with his last sentence, but maybe he was wrong about his father. "I don't hear a reason for why you suddenly care now," Sebastian says slowly pausing after every word. Mr. Smythe sighs. "I always cared, my son. I was just never good at showing it to you or your mother. And I'm sorry for that. I haven't been the supporting and loving father and husband that I should have been. I realize I can't right my wrongs in the past, but I can stop making new ones. I want to be part of your life, Sebastian. You are my only son. My only pride next to being married to your wonderful mother. I've been pushing you away, I know that. I'm sorry, son. I'm sorry about everything," Mr. Smythe says so convincingly that Sebastian actually believes him, but he does not know what to say. "I'm not afraid of a broken heart because she breaks up with me. I fear that one minute she's there and the next she isn't," Sebastian says before getting up and leaving. He hopes he is wrong about his father being the mind behind Mrs. Blackwell's murder...

Felicity has invited herself over to stay in Rosie's apartment to discuss her cousin's wounds with Flora. Rosie leaves them be. She would only intrude anyway. Instead, she spends time with Barry going over their finding in her mother's case. So far, they know that the murderer was shot outside the crime scene building, the research was stolen and has never been seen since and the murdered murderer did not commit suicide. "We have no motive for the criminal. He's a smooth criminal that is," Rosie says deeply in despair. Eric joins them. He takes a brief look at their findings. "Did your mother have any enemies? Anyone who was mad at her?" he asks. Rosie does not know. "Honestly, I don't know but my father would," Rosie admits. "Any hearts she has ever broken? Don't look at me like that, Barry! A broken heart would make you do even crazier things than a heart in love," Eric says. Rosie wonders if he talks out of experience. Alana walks into the living room and starts pacing back and forth. The three just look at her with 'weird' painted all over their faces until Eric has the nerve to ask, "Alana, is something wrong?" She does not stop pacing. "There are no tasks, no events. How am I supposed to know what to make? I don't know if it should be a marvelous ball gown or a survival outfit!" she bursts out. Rosie realizes that she is right. They do not know what is coming. "We'll know soon enough," Eric says mostly to calm Alana down although he is just as clueless as she is. "An interview." Rosie turns. Sebastian has walked into the apartment. Flora left the door unlocked so that he could enter whenever something was up. "What?" Eric and Alana ask simultaneously. "The next assignment is to pass an interview with the host without storming out," Sebastian says. Rosie can see that he is a little shaken. "How do you know?" she asks carefully. Sebastian looks at her for the first time since he entered the apartment. "My father called me into his office... mostly to say that he does not approve of my decisions as always, but also to apologize for not being the ideal father. He told me about the interview because the host my mother has hired isn't known to be gentle and she might start digging in your past. He wanted to help despite everything," Sebastian answers honestly. He can see no point in lying to Rosie and her team. Rosie does not know what to say. She can see that Sebastian is shaken after the conversation with his father but she herself is shaken to hear this. "Well, we better get started then. Alana, you have your work cut out for you. We need to prepare," Rosie says with difficulty. Felicity and Flora have heard the voices and have come to the living room to see if everything is alright. Felicity knows her cousin and is sure of what that weird look on his face means. "Flora, will you help attend to my cousin's wounds while Barry and Rosie finish up their work?" she asks and drags her cousin into the spa before he can object. Rosie does not look at him. Barry senses that something is wrong. When Sebastian no longer can hear what they say, he asks her, "Something that isn't right between you two?" Rosie looks at him. "Didn't approve of his decisions? Mr. Smythe doesn't approve of me. I can live with that but what if Sebastian can't. He and his father have never seen eye to eye but sometimes the family bond is stronger than everything else. What if that everything else is Sebastian and I? I can't lose someone again," Rosie says. Barry is surprised that Sebastian means so much to her. "If he leaves you, he isn't worth it because he couldn't see the amazing person you are," Barry says meaning every word. Rosie smiles flattered. "You are the best," she says and hugs him.

"Why that face?" Felicity asks in the spa. She has gotten the stupid black shirt off him and is unwrapping the bandages around his back. "What face?" he asks in his bad boy voice. Felicity never really cared but now it annoys her like hell that he is putting distance between them. "That face saying the world is about to collide with the sun," she answers in a sharp tone stressing every word. Sebastian looks annoyed with her. "My father," he answers in a tense tone of voice, "He comes after all these years to apologize and his reason for why now... He said it was to prevent me from getting my heart broken. He was worried that if Rosie didn't make the interview and was cut that I would give up everything to follow her." Felicity does not seem surprised however Flora does. "And what did you say?" Felicity asks her cousin knowing that his answer would be sharp. Sebastian looks at his cousin to decide whether or not he should tell her what he answered his father. "I answered I wasn't afraid that she would break up with me. I am afraid that she might be taken from me," Sebastian quotes. Felicity smiles wildly. "Only you have the nerve to stand up to your father like that," she determents. "Why are you so interested in that all of a sudden?" Sebastian asks a little suspicious. Felicity giggles. "You have to survive a 30 minutes interview by telling the truth. I just want to make sure you are ready. Besides, this host is going to grill you in your lies like barbeque if you tell any. I did a little research and she is a master of trapping people in their web of lies. You better make sure that you're not keeping any secrets from Rosie before the big showdown," Felicity warns him. Sebastian is a little surprised by how bossy Felicity has become. She used to be that sweet little blond girl with glasses who always smiled and tried to please others. Now she was bossing them around. "I don't keep secrets from her," Sebastian says even though it is not true but the ones he keeps, is for her own protection. "I hope you're not," Felicity says and lets Flora attend his wounds. They already have scraps. Flora is pleased.

Florian has cooked dinner tonight. Sebastian and Felicity stay to enjoy the meal which apparently is cooked cabbage with carrots and onions. None of them dare criticize Florian's cooking but they all silently agree that he absolutely cannot cook dinner to save his life. Alana seems troubled about something so Barry asks her what. Alana sighs. "After what I hear the interview is 30 minutes in hell so I am just considering making a dress that showcases Rosie's fierce and feisty nature or if it should be a contrast and then nice and neat. I have no idea so I was thinking we could put it to a vote," she says honestly. Rosie smiles understandingly. She would not want to dress her either. "I say nice and neat. There is no reason to encourage a roasting more than necessary," Flora votes and reasons. "I vote with Flora," Florian agrees. "I say fierce and feisty. Nice and neat would never fool anyone. See how the first meeting with Sebastian Smythe went," Eric reasons against them. Barry agrees with Eric and Alana is neutral. Sebastian and Felicity do not want to vote because it is really none of their business, but Eric pushes them, so they just vote for the contrary of each other. Felicity agrees with Flora and Florian and Sebastian agrees with Barry and Eric. It all comes down to Rosie's vote. She stares at them all. "Why do I have to make the tough call?" she asks causing the others to laugh. "You are the one who is going to wear the dress," Alana answers. Okay, Rosie cannot beat that. "Well, both options are great but what would fit the purpose more? According to Felicity and Sebastian the host is going to be cruel. Who does cruel better?" Rosie asks. "Sebastian," Felicity answers without even thinking. They all look from her to Sebastian and back again. "Okay... After Sebastian who does cruel better?" Rosie hesitates. "Well, that honor belongs to you, my dear. You are making my life a living hell," Eric says. Rosie cannot help but smile. "Well, why don't we give the host what she needs? A little fierce and feisty to beat her at her own game," Rosie smiles cheerfully. "Okay, now what colors?" Alana asks. They all sigh.

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