Chapter 9

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"Are you okay?" Barry asks. Wace agreed that they had to cancel the photo shoot - he had to repair his camera - so they are all off the hook for the day. Rosie smiles vaguely. "I didn't expect this... Oh god, what the hell is happening to my life? It used to be so simple, Barry!" She says frustrated and buries her face in her hands. "Hey," Barry says and holds her in his arms. "Everything will be alright," he promises. "But for how long?" Rosie asks thinking that everything was alright before her mother was murdered. Everything was okay before she dated Robert. Everything was okay before she came here. Every time something great is going on... something happens - life happens. "Let's not worry about that," Barry says. Rosie closes her eyes as she rests her face against his chest, trying to forget the world. "It seems as though the universe is much against the photo shoot of you and Sebastian," Barry jokes. Rosie cracks a smile. "Agreed," Rosie says and looks Barry in the eyes. His dazzling blue eyes. Barry breaks the eye contact. "Uhm... we should... we should probably check in on the others. See how they are doing," he says awkwardly. Rosie smiles. She has always loved his goofiness, but she does not see his feelings for what they are.

"Hey! Smythe?" Rosie calls when she sees Sebastian. He is heading for his apartment. He interrupts his doing and walks toward her and Barry. "What's up?" he asks. Barry still finds it weird that he and Sebastian look this much alike. He has not fully adjusted to it yet. "Just wanted to see how you are doing. Everything went a little crazy back there," Rosie says. Sebastian nods. "That's for sure... That was you ex, right?" he asks curiously. "Yes... I'd prefer not to talk about it," Rosie says. Sebastian understands. "Hey, just a thought," Barry says, "Isn't it just a little bit weird that he got through the security with that gun? I mean how did he even get in?" The thought has not even occurred to Sebastian. "You're right. Even if he had gotten through, help should have arrived because of the cameras in every room. Odd that they didn't come," Sebastian says agreeing with Barry. "Yeah right, like you didn't know," Barry attacks him. Sebastian does not seem to understand a thing. "What are you saying?" he asks. Barry crosses his arms. "With your parents being the organizers wouldn't you know if something like this was planned?" Barry asks. Rosie is surprised that Barry would even think that. "Wait, are you saying that this was planned? That Robert should have shot one of us?" she asks. Barry thinks it through. "Not just anyone... It would have been you, Rose. By accident," Barry says shocked. "What do you mean?" Rosie asks confused. She looks from one to another. "I think it could have been planned. That you should have been killed or at least frightened enough not to talk more about your mother's murder. I think this could have been organized by the murderer," Barry suggests. "Well, hello CSI," Sebastian says. It's true that if Barry had not been a crime scene investigator then they wouldn't have known it this soon.

"How are you feeling?" Barry asks. He is dressed in a black and white tuxedo due to a dinner being held in favor of all the teams. Rosie is wearing a royal blue long dress decorated with rhinestones. Her hair is set up in a beautiful hairdo made by Florian. Alana insisted that she wore a couple of fabulous white heals since she has white decorations in her hair. Rosie agreed to it all without uttering her opinion on any of it. The team noticed her strange behavior but left it for Barry to take care of. Even Eric shut up about it. "Good... considering the circumstances," Rosie mumbles. The two of them left as the last members of the team. The others took the first elevator. "Do you think the others know? About why the photo shoot was cancelled or why security dragged an unconscious man out of the building?" Rosie asks worried. "No. No, I don't think anyone knows. The organizers would try to cover this up. You could have died! Their son could have died! If Robert had fired his shot and had mistaken him for being me, I mean. No, everything is still going according to the plan and schedule so no one knows. It would be wise not to mention it for anyone, though. Agreed?" Barry says. Rosie nods. She wonders if Sebastian would be able to keep his mouth shut as well. "He won't say. He's smart despite his stupidity," Barry says reading her mind. Rosie smiles. Barry always knew what she was worried about. "This is the first time I meet the others. What should I say?" Rosie suddenly panics. First now, it struck her that she was not there for the first orientation breakfast like all the others. "We'll both be new faces," Barry says trying to comfort her but it only makes it even worse because that would mean that everyone would know each other already and then all the attention would be directed to them!

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