8. Wild One- Vampire knight- Found Friends

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  • Dedicated to My Favorite horses! Dash, Turbo, Sugar

Yes i know i changed this chapters title but i really dont care.


Akiras POV

As i walked out of the infirmary Yuki tackled me in a hug. "ARE YOU OK?"  "yea.." I said. I walked away ignoring yuki cause i need to find Zero. As always i found him at the horse barns. "Hi Zero. Thanks for stopping Aido" (He was still asleep) I walked over to him and whispered "Hay honey were gonna be late for Kaname and Yukis wedding" "WHAT THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED" "Nope you just weren't waking up" "Don't do that again" he said. "Hey your a pretty horse" I walked over to a midnight black horse his name plate said Thunder "Hey that's the new horse! Don't go near him!" i heard zero yell. That means i assume he hates everyone, even Zero. "I don't care Zero" I yelled back at him. I walked up to him and reached out to touch his face. He reared and tried to stomp on my. I dodged it easily as i moved to the right. I could tell, he was a demon horse. Demon horses are pure black with some kind of marking on there forehead. Since i was a demon he was perfect for me! I Slightly touched his face and said some calming words to him. i moved the hair on his forehead out of the way to find a lightning bolt, Instead of the usual white marking , the lightning bolt was red. "AWW Come here thunder! Will you let me ride you?" He put his head forwards. "Hey Zero why don't you Mount Lilly so we can go for a ride around campus. "Ok" he said still shocked. "I'm going to ride bare back i will meet you over at the fountain. I took thunder out of the stall and walked him over to the fountain. As i got on him Zero came. "Lets go" i said and Thunder took of sprinting. "This is fun!" "Jump the fence" i whispered into his ear. He jumped. I was so happy! I completely forgot about Zero.

--At the headmaster office--

"HEY HEADMASTER" "What?" "Can i compete in horse jumping with Thunder?" "You mean the horse?" "Yea" "But you are only 12" "What if i can prove it?"


Ok the next chapter about how she tries to prove to the headmaster she can compete


Vampire knight-Lost BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now