28. Votre être

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Lisa pov:
Paris is amazing. I loved it the first time i was here with the girls and my family but being here on my own and well, my manager... it was just another kind of amazing.

I was able to do a lot of sight seeing on my own and got to go to a shooting range. It was really fun. I sent the girls a photo and they all replied asking me who was dumb enough to give me a gun, i mean... not going to lie they're right. Im the last person they should trust with a gun.

The fashion show was incredible and ive been receiving so much love both from my fans and the people around me its making me so happy. I think i might have something going here with Celine.

I'm developing a really good relationship with their creative director, i hope it goes somewhere. I'd love for them to have an event over at Korea so i could bring the girls along too.

Rosé pov:
I've been pushed to the extreme these last few days. I'm being worked to the fucking bone. I've been getting up at 4:30am and not sleeping till 1am.

I'm being asked to spend so many hours at the dance studio practising new choreography everyday and performing them by the end of each day. I am so tired, i've barely been able to eat the last few days without being told to hurry and get it down quickly so that i can continue practising.

I wish i knew what they were making me practice for... i'd love to think it is for my solo but, i still have no solid news as to when that is going to happen and i just get extremely nervous every time someone asks me about it - be that my friends or the fans.

I've barely spoken to any of the girls the last few days due to my hectic schedule. I've seen Jisoo and Jennie a couple times in the last few days just when running to my bedroom or kitchen to grab a quick snack but otherwise - nothing and well, with Lisa in Europe, i haven't spoken to her at all apart from when she landed.

I feel drained.

Both physically and mentally.

We have our fan signing in a few days and that is the only thing giving me motivation to get through this. After the event i have nothing on, not even these studio sessions. For once I'm glad to be jobless.

Lisa will be back today so i hope i get to catch her and hear about how Paris treated her. I know i'll have to beg the choreographer to let me go earlier and boy, was that going to be a hard job.


Lisa pov:
Finally touched down in Korea. We made our way to the dorms straight away, as i was tired after all this travelling and i just wanted my bed at this point.

I get to the dorm and see Jisoo and Jennie in the lounge awaiting me. They come over and give me a tight hug.

"We missed you!" They say in union as they each squeeze my cheeks. I give them a big smile and tell them i missed them too. Wheres Chaeng?

I quickly glance around and can't see her anywhere. "How was it? Its a lot of fun right?" Jennie asks me.

"Uh... yeah, it was so awesome. Like, all the cameras pointing at me was lowkey overwhelming but felt great at the same too" i answer her while still looking around for any sign of Rosie. Even her slippers weren't in the hallway.

Just then i hear our door unlock and Rosie stumble in. She was wearing 2 backpacks, one on each shoulder and 2 water bottles in her hands.... she looks like she hadn't slept in years.

She looks up at me and drops everything and runs over to me. "Hey!" She says in a high pitched voice as she hugs me tightly, slightly lifting me up into the air.

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