51. Dec

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Lisa was at the salon today getting her hair extensions fitted in. She enjoyed having her short hair a lot as it felt a lot more free but usually, when she's on hiatus she likes to have it alittle longer. Especially since last night, Rosie told her she liked it longer too.

Besides, for her appearance on youth she wanted to have a new look.

She was sat getting her hair done when her phone rings, a call from Jennie.



"Lets hang out"

"Where are you? I'm at the salon"

"I'll get my mum to pick you up. I miss hanging with your dumb face"

"Yeah definitely sounds like it" Lisa giggles down the phone, rolling her eyes playfully.

Jennie giggles before replying "No, I do and I wanted your advice too"

"Oh okay. Everything okay?" Lisa asks.

"Yeah yeah, its all good. But, you okay to come over then?"

"Sure. I'll text you the salon"

"Okay, see you in a bit boo"

"Bye babe"

The stylist finishes fitting in Lisa's hair before she turns to ask her "Was that your partner? I know idols aren't allowed to date but, I think that's wrong... you should be allowed to date like the rest of us"

Lisa is taken back by the lady. She's never had a stranger ask her about her dating life so upfront because its always been a taboo, especially since she's an idol

She doesn't know how to respond so she just says what she's rehearsed a million times for interviews.

"No, I think it is more about not wanting to compromise my time that I can spend bettering myself and my performances for fans"

"Oh... okay... it must get lonely though no?" The stylist asks Lisa.

It used too, but, not anymore. Now she has Rosie. Rosie makes her feel complete in a way she has never felt before.

"No, I'm always surrounded by people" Lisa just replies sweetly, wanting this conversation to end. She pulls out her purse and pays the stylist before she gets out the studio just in time as she watches Jennie's mum approach the studio in her white Jeep.

"Hey sweetie" She greets Lisa.

"Hi, I hope it wasn't to much hassle to pick me up."

"Of course not! You know you're always welcome at ours" Jennie's mum replies to Lisa before stepping on the gas.

Lisa exits the Jeep as they arrive at Jennie's mums house and watches Jennies mum drive off.

Lisa pov:
Is she not coming in?

Odd, she came all this way just to drop me off?

I press the doorbell as I wait outside, tapping my foot on the ground.

"Oh your hair looks pretty Lisa" Jennie says greeting me, a little surprised at my extensions I guess before she pulls me into a hug.

"Hey to you too and thank you" I reply blushing a little.

I never really knew how to react when people complimented me.

"Whats up then?" I ask her as I enter her house.

"Have you had lunch?" Jennie asks me.

"Not yet..." I reply to her.

"Lets make something" She suggests. Before I can get a word in edgeway she speaks up again. "I bought this new recipe book I want to try out"

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