Barry's Secret

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"Oh crap! I should've known that something like this would happen when I saw them here!" Barry said, referring to the Glee club a couple rows behind him. They all turned their attention to the screen.

After the video ended, everyone was shocked, except for the Glee kids. 

"What the hell Barry!!!" Iris exploded.

"I was... Different... back then." Barry explained.

"Understatement of the century" Kara scoffed.

"Okay! Onto the next series! There was no 'Best of Barry Allen' video, so it's just gonna be my favorite clips." Alex said, Getting their attention back to the screens.

"This is the most recent opening monologue for Barry. And Barry, I swear to God if you speak along with this, I will punch you so hard it will be like when Zoom attacked."

To say that all of the glee kids were surprised would be an understatement. Then the next clip played.

"Okay, so the next one isn't exactly Barry, and it's pretty recent." Alex said. Then the video started.

By the end of that video, Oliver was as red as a tomato. 

"Okay! Next clip!"

At the end of that, Barry and Caitlyn were blushing so much.

"Okay, so the next clip is both Barry and Kara, and, just a heads up, Clark don't kill Barry."

"Why would I kill Barry?" Clark asked. Both Barry and Kara paled.

"Nothing!" They said in unison. Everyone looked at them in confusion, while they both tried to become one with their chairs.

"I still don't see why I would kill Barry." Clark said, confused.

"Oh, I would kill that Meerkat for multiple reasons" Santana spoke up, for the first time since the beginning.

"Oh, I forgot that you were even here, Sha-Queer-a" Barry snapped back, Sebastian starting to take over. He even had his signature smirk on.

"BARRY!!!" Both Kara and Alex yelled at the same time. 

"Okay, so the next one is multiple videos cause I'm not the one who made these sooo yeah." Then the next clips started.

"Okay! That was that last of the Barry Allen videos that I wanted to show, but I have something else for the same person!" Alex said. Everyone looked at her confused, then the video started up.

After that, everyone was shocked except for the Glee kids, Barry, and Kara.

"Why would you keep this from us?" Joe asked. Barry stayed silent.

"Okay! Before we start on the next person, there are refreshment on that table over there." Alex told the groups. They all got up and got some food and stuff before it started on the next person.



Hey guys! I hope you guys liked that. Sorry for how many videos there were in this. Also, I'm changing the order of how people go. It's gonna go Barry, Kara, Blaine, Ryder, Then Magnus. It's not a huge change, I'm just doing that so I can do the duet episode earlier than I was going to originally.


479 words

Secrets~(A Flash/Supergirl/Shadowhunters/Glee crossover)Where stories live. Discover now