Chapter One- The River

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*I don't want to change the beginning because it would confuse my current readers, but to all my new readers this story gets wayyy better the farther you go. With that being said, I hope you enjoy this story!*

A whimper escapes my mouth as my right leg slams into a rock. Jumping into a fast flowing river might not have been the best idea, but I had to get away from that monster. Who's the monster you might ask?

Well when I was a young kid I was kidnapped by an evil man. He made me do all of the chores around the house, made me sleep in the cold basement, and beat me daily. My life was boring, painful, and honestly just confusing at times.. it didn't feel real... He got home from work like normal and I quickly went to my room, if that's what you want to call it.

He called me upstairs and when I got there, he was standing there with an almost empty alcohol bottle in his hand and handcuffs. He walked over to me and grabbed my hair throwing me to the floor. He handcuffed my hands in front of me then chugged down the last of the liquor. I was expecting him to hit me or kick me next but what he did next pushed me to the farthest breaking point I've ever been to.

He started to take off his clothes and I knew exactly what he wanted to do. I got up quickly and grabbed the bottle from his hands. After Smashing it over his head I ran to the door and fled from the house. He's drunk which makes him slow but he was still right behind me. I got to the river and he was catching up quickly. I had two choices, stay and be killed by him, or jump and drown. Guess which one I picked?

My leg feels like it's going to explode but I don't worry about it for too long. Next thing I know, the current of the river pulls me under and as I'm trying to fight to resurface, my head hits something and my world goes dark.

I hear a few words, I can't tell if it's real or if I'm just dreaming but I can feel my eyes opening.
"She's human."
"Alpha she's waking up"
My eyes flutter open and my whole body hurts. I'm laying on my stomach on a rock that's half my size in the middle of the river.

I hear two people yelling but I can't force my body to move. The handcuffs are very tight now and I can feel it cutting into my skin.

I let out a cry from the pain I am in and I hear a soothing voice yell "Don't move I'm coming!"

The fear of who this man is makes my heart beat fast but I can't force myself to move still. I hear a loud splash and I see a giant black wolf swimming towards me. My body start to shake from fear of this giant wolf and I don't know what to do.

The wolf gets to my rock and he goes to climb onto it when the whole thing cracks then breaks. This pushes me back into the water and I close my eyes awaiting my imminent death. I feel wet yet warm fur and I open my eyes to see that I am on the wolf's back. He climbs up onto the shore then lays down and I roll off of him. The wolf walks off into the woods before I hear a loud howl. Less than a minute later a tall man comes running out of the woods towards me.

He runs over to me and pulls me into him while saying "mate." I feel confused, what did this guy want from me?

I hear a voice from behind call out "is she okay?"

The voice scares me and I wiggle out of the mans arms and stumble backwards almost falling.

The man catches me and growls "mine" before he pulls me into him once again.

He lets go slightly and looks into my eyes while asking in a more calming tone, "what's your name?"

I give him a questioning look, I was still in shock.

Before he can say anything else the voice from before shows up with a metal key in his hand. He gets closer to me and I start to squirm.

The man who is holding me says "it's okay, his name is Noah, he won't hurt you.. I swear it."

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