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(One week and two days before the straw hats reunited)

Y/n p.o.v
"So you eight basically got lost you have no ship no supplies and no idea where you are"the king asked we all sat down introduced ourselves and told him about our situation, strangely he took the whole us being pirates thing very well.
"Buhaahhaahahah!"my thoughts were interrupted by the kings loud laughter.
"Father!"Vivi exclaimed surprised at her father's sudden burst of laughter.
"I'm sorry my dear it's just that you Eight really remind me of..."the king immediately stopped as he gained a sad expression and so did Vivi.
"Anyways where are you boys heading?"he asked trying to change the subject which made a few of us raise a brow but dropped it.
"We are Heading to a place called Dressrosa"i said as the king raised a brow at me and was about to speak up when a guard I think burst into the room.
"My King!"the solider said almost shouting.
"What's wrong?"the king asked.
"a group of bandits they've attacked a nearby village"the guard said.
At that moment the king stood up from his seat with concern in his eyes.
"And what happend to the soldiers we've sent to deal with them"the king asked.
"only one of them returned sir he said that the leader of the bandits possesd a devil fruit ability"the solider said the king stood still no one said a word before melodies spoke up.
"we'll deal with them"meliode said.
"Really!, But why?"the king asked looking at us.
"Because your highness it's not right for anyone to act stronger and pick on the weak I swear to you that on my Honor as a Gentleman We Will Defeat those bandits"johnathan said.
"yeah it's the right thing"i said as the king looked at me and smiled.
"then you'll need someone to help you find the village"the king said.
"I'll do it!"Vivi said as the king turned towards her with a confused look but only smiled.
"Princess it's not safe out there and if you get caught you'll be in danger"the guard said before he was stopped.
"Okay then, my daughter will lead you to the village"the king said with a smile, "I wish you Eight good luck".
"Yep me too good luck out there stay safe and make sure to drink a lot of water"gintoki said while eating some sweets.

"I Hate All of You!"gin shouted while being dragged by Ban.
"To Be honest We're kind of doing you a favor I mean it's either this, or being chased by Alucard's dog"meliodes stated.
"Yeahhh see we're the good guys here"judeau said in a mock tone.
"Vivi how long is it gonna be before we reach the village"i asked turning around to look at her she changed her outfit before we left now wearing a purple rope but she still looked beautiful wearing it.
"we're not far we'll probably arrive in a few minutes"she said while smiling at me I felt heat rising up to my cheeks.
"o-oh! Okay"i said before turning around she was only confused.
"hey is that it"ban said pointing to a small village it was in ruins when we enterd the village we noticed that the people we're avoiding us, I decided to walk up to an old man and ask him.
"hey there can you tell us what happend"i asked he immediately shushed us and motioned us to follow him inside his house, I heard him say "we'll that's a good idea"before we enterd.
"Do you mind telling me who you are?"the old man asked.
"Oh yeah we we're sent here by the king to beat a group of bandits that attacked this village"i explained, the old man stayed silent for a moment before speaking up again.
"I Advice you to leave"he said which surprised me.
"But Why?!, aren't they threatening you and everyone here?"I asked he nodded and opend his mouth to speak up.
"Yes, but what chance do you have, I don't doubt that you're strong but many people before you and your Friends Died trying to Protect our village Even My Son Was One Of Them"he explained which angerd me more but before I could say anything someone spoke up.
"Then it's your Fault for being weak"alucard said in a nonchalant tone, which angerd the old man.
"Alucard what are you saying?"Johnathan asked.
"The Truth, if you Lost all your Loved Ones To Them You Shouldn't Have Given Up, You Should've Fought Them To The Last Breath But You Decided To Lay Your Head Low Like A Bunch Of Cowards"Alucard said.
"And who are you to speak!"the old man shouted.
"Someone who couldn't give a Shit about a bunch of Cowards, If It Was My Choice We Would've Left Immediately"alucard said which made the old man fall on his knees and cry.
"Enough!"Vivi said she looked at Alucard with anger in her eyes,
"how could you say something like this?!"Vivi asked.
"Only the truth"alucard said plainly.
"Okay that's enough"i said everyone turned towards me.
"look old man, I promise you we'll help you out so Where are those Bandits?"I asked he stayed silent before nodding and motioning to follow him outside we kept walking, while people looked at us with confused or sorry expressions on Their faces the old man suddenly stopped and turned to face us.
"This is as far as I Can take you the Bandits are in that church while they're leader stays inside"he explained while motioning to said church we nodded as he left.
"so what's the plan"i asked looking at everyone else.
"we could go and rush them"meliodes said while putting His Hand On His Chin, None Of Us Expect For Alucard Noticed Ban Who Was Walking Towards The Church.
"I can help"Vivi said which surprised us.
"I don't think that's a good idea"judeau said.
"No I swear I know how to fight"she said as she brought out a string with some pieces of metal that looked like peacocks feathers.

"No I swear I know how to fight"she said as she brought out a string with some pieces of metal that looked like peacocks feathers

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"Then it's settled Y/n's girlfriend and her Duck are gonna help us out"Meliodes said as I and Vivi blushed at this.
"W-what! No that's ridiculous"i said as everyone chuckled.
"Hey who the hell are you?!"we heard someone shouted which thankfully Stopped the Teasing and made us turn around, to see Ban standing with one of the remaining bandits in his hand while the rest were knocked out.
"Hey guy's this guy says that we don't stand a chance against the boss"ban shouted to Us while Vivi and Karuu looked shocked at how Calm he was after beating about twelve bandits in a Flash.
"H-h-how did he do that?"Vivi said with wide eyes.
"Believe me you'll get used to it"Shisui Said.
"what the hell is going on here!"someone's voice came from inside the church we all looked as the door was open to reveal a giant man towering over even Alucard and Johnathan and he looked pissed.
"What the hell happened here?"he demanded as the bandit that ban held in his hand grinned.
"It's them Boss!, They Attacked Us"the bandit said pointing towards us, the man tuned towards us with anger in his eyes.
"You dare come to my village and Attack My Men?, who sent you was it the king?!"he asked.
"Yes we are sent here to stop your evil doing once and for all"johnathan said as the man only grinned.
"I'm sick and tired of the king sending more men to try and stop me only to die so how about this I will fight you one on one of I win you die and the king will stop sending his puny soliders after me, But if you win I'm your prisoner so how about it?"the man said.
"I agree to your offer"Johnathan said as he headed towards the center of the village in front of the building.
"you're gonna regret this"the man said with confidence before jumping towards Johnathan he sent a punch to Johnathan's face but he caught it with ease.
"what how did you?!"the man said shocked but he didn't get to finish before Johnathan kicked him in the face sending him tumbling back.
"it's easy because I fight for a cause I'm stronger then you"johnathan started as the man hit the ground sending rocks towards Johnathan so this is his devil fruit power, but Johnathan kept walking towards the man breaking each stone with a hamon powerd punch, "and because you think you ate a devil fruit gives you the right to pick on the people of this village"johnathan said as the man was shocked at what he saw this guy was breaking the giant rocks he sent towards him with ease.
"h-how are you doing this, this is impossible I'm the strongest here!"the man shouted at Johnathan.
"No you're the weakest because you hide behind your power but once someone stronger then you showed up you couldn't do a damn thing"i said as everyone looked at me, "you're nothing but a fucking coward that's all you'll ever be".
"damn you"the man whisperd he was enraged as he got up and ran towards johnathan with a fist coverd in stone.
"DIE!"he shouted as he sent his fist towards Johnathan but Johnathan only blocked it with his hand that was  now covers in a black like armor.
"Wh-what the hell is this"the man stutterd.
"this is the power that we've obtained after two years of hardwork"johnathan said as he broke the stones around the man's fist with his Haki coverd hand.
"And this is the power I'm using to stop your evil doings!"Johnathan said as he punched the man breaking many of his teeth and sending flying in the air until he hit the ground unconscious.
"Great job I must give you that"meliodes said while claping.
There they are"a voice said we then saw a lot of the residents of the village surround us.
"thank you for defeating the bandits"a male voice said.
"we appreciate what you did"a woman's voice said.
"no need we did what we thought was right"i said.
"please allow us to throw you a celebration for defeating those monsters"one of the villagers said.
"No need we're in a hurry anyways"i said.
We apologized as we left taking the bandits with us when we arrived at the palace the king greeted us with a smile.
"so how did it go"he asked as I opened my mouth to speak up.
"Not That much of a challenge really"i said As the king laughed.
"I knew there was something strange about you eight"he said
"now let's celebrate!"the king said as we all smiled at this.
"Woo-hoo alcohol"ban shouted.
"Yep we're definitely gonna enjoy this".

So here it is a new chapter tell me your thoughts the next chapter will be exciting so hold your breath and until next time.
Peace out.

One Piece Girls X Male reader [VOLUME 1] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now