Part 2

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Louis alarm clock went off although he didn't sleep most of night because of how excited and nervous he is for today. He checked the clock it read "5:30am" he said pretending to cry .. "so early " he thought. He got himself out of bed and dressed in black skinny jeans and a blank shirt , he brushed his hair but left it quite fluffy.

As soon as he washed and did his morning routine he grabbed his makeup case , brush belt and left the house , he put everything in the boot of the car and got in. He took a deep a breath. "Let's do this " he thought.


Harry sipped his freshly made coffee and fixed his collar on his flowery Gucci shirt , He left two buttons down showing off his swallow tattoos and some chest hair. He took his coffee to go as Scott and Sam arrived ready to take him to the shoot. "Ready boss?" Scott said

"Ready as I'll ever be Scott " Harry said stepping out into the early morning mist , Sam opened the door letting Harry into the car. Harry's mind wondered what this makeup artist would be like , he sighed and drank his coffee slowly.

"Everything Okay Harry?" Scott asked

Harry looked up at the mirror "Yea fine just a lot on my mind that's all." Harry smiled Scott and Sam are more than just his bodyguards they're his best friends. 

Louis soon arrived at the Gucci photo shoot and was greeted by Anna the receptionist and a director Andy.

"Hi .. I'm here for hair and makeup for the Gucci shoot " Louis spoke politely but nervous.

"Louis Tomlinson?" Andy said
"Yes that's right " he said

"Would you follow me and I'll show you to the dressing room." He said

Louis nodded and followed him trailing his makeup case behind he walked down a long Hall way , the place was beautiful.

"So this is the dressing room Youl be working in and this shoot will be for a week and You will be working on Mr Harry Styles " He said checking his list of actors and actresses. " Andy said

"That's great , thank you " Louis said having know idea who this Harry is.

"If you need anything like coffee or tea and anything specific please call one of our Assistants." Andy said then leaving room.

"I will do thanks " Louis said opening his makeup case. He switched on the Hollywood mirror making sure the light bulbs were all working, lighting is everything.

Louis smiles at himself as he set everything out neatly his brushes and hair products at the ready.

He sipped on his bottle of water and put some extra things in his on set bag. His stomach erupted with nerves. His thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the dressing room door. Louis stood and opened it revealing two built guys with ear pieces. He gulped

"Hi are you Mr Tomlinson ?" Scott said

"Y-Yes I am sir " he said quite shy

"May we have a word" Sam said walking in the room

Scott spoke to Louis while Sam checked for sharp objects and anything that was going to cause harm to Harry. "So Louis is it?" Scott asked

"Yes that's right" Louis said

"We are Mr Styles bodyguards we are just checking everything is safe in here and wanted to check if there are any sharp objects on you so if you don't mind could you lift up your arms so I can do a quick search." Scott asked professionally

"Uh.. sure " Louis did as he was told and Scott checked everywhere. " okay that's great thank you for your time , Mr Styles will be here in 5 minutes , we will be outside the dressing room at all times okay kid." Scott said

Louis nodded quickly as they both stepped out of the room shutting the door behind them. Louis took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. "Wow this Harry guy must be important huh" he thought.

"Suddenly the door was being opened by Scott letting Mr Styles into the room as Louis could see in the mirror , he turned around quickly facing Harry , he blinked and gulped.


How's that's for ya ? 😍💗

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