Part 22

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Louis screams echoed through the set and studio outside causing the everyone to go silent.

"Ah!' Ow!" Louis sobbed holding his side laying on the ground.

Harry and the boys came running towards the screams. "Holy shit Louis !" Scott yelled

"WHAT!!! WHAT!!!" Harry panicked realising it was Louis's screams.

Harry rushed to louis side , "Louis what's going on what happened baby oh god " Harry choked.

Louis sobbed "T-Tony he—- ah!" He winced

"Tony what darling Tony fucking WHAT!" He yelled

"Harry this is not the time to yell we need to get him to a hospital stat!" Scott said

"N-NO Scott , Tony's b-been hurting me " Louis broke there and then. Harry gulped his ears burning like fire his breathing picked up.

"Harry?... Harry!" Sam said

"HES DEAD HES FUCKING DEAD!!! " Harry yelled he was so angry right now he stood up and ran inside.

"Harry stop !!" Sam yelled running after him to protect him.

"S-scott " Louis choked

"Louis what happened what did he do to you " Scott said picking louis up "I-it's hurts g-gentle please " He sniffled

"I-it all happened about a month ago .. "

"A month , Louis why didn't you tell us , your pregnant for god sakes " Scott said

"I-I know I .. he left bruises on my wrists and arms from squeezing me to hard and he tripped me up and kicked me in the ribs " Louis said

Scott carried him towards the car "S-Scott want Harry please he's gonna get hurt " he sniffled

"Louis sweetheart I need you to calm for me please breathe in and out slowly okay , listen sam is there with him he will not be in any danger you have my word. " Scott said

Louis sat back on the chair whilst Scott drove .

"Can you role up your sleeves please louis " Scott said

He sniffled doing as he was told , Scott gasped "Jesus!"

"S-Scott .. what if the baby's hurt " Louis sat up and groaned "Ah! It hurts "

Scott ran his fingers through his hair worriedly as he drove to the hospital.


Meanwhile Harry booted door open pulling out his gun. "THOUGHT YOU COULD RUN HUH!" Harry yelled at Tony.

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