Part 21

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About a month later
1 month pregnant Louis )

Louis sighed softly smiling down at his tiny baby bump growing slowly. Harry has been very protective of him ever since.

Louis walked outside to a out door short video shoot for Harry this is the last shoot for the week.

Louis went to rush over to the makeup area but Tony grabbed his arm tightly stopping him. "Now Louis you know you're not supposed to run on set " Tony said still gripping his wrist.

"Would you please let go you're h-hurting me " Louis said weakly.

Tony gave him a glare and let go of him and looked around for anyone watching what he was doing.

Louis gulped rubbing his arm and walked on over and started applying makeup to Harry's face. "Good morning darling " he said pressing his hand onto Louis stomach.

Louis flinched away a little making Harry frown. His eyes widened "Baby what's wrong?" He said holding his hand gently.

O-oh nothing s-Sorry just wasn't e-expecting you to touch my s-stomach in p-public" Louis said

"And why are you stuttering , calm down it's okay darling " He said

"I'm fine sorry haz " Louis said fixing Harry's makeup.

Meanwhile Louis walked over to the food table and grabbed a plate it was his break whilst Harry was filming a small scene. He filled his plate with a bit of potato salad ,pasta and some chips , he grabbed a juice box and sat at a table.

He could feel Tony's stares

He slowly starting eating and it tasted so nice he was eating a little quick.  "How's it going Louis " he felt a hard smack on his back making jult forward and almost choking on his food.

Louis coughed a few times getting Scott and same attention.

"Did you see that Scott ?" Sam said

"Yea Louis was choking is he alright?" He said

"I think so " Sam said

Louis carried on eating his lunch as Tony sat opposite him looking around. "Are you not eating ?" Louis said

"Na not hungry , I can you see you practically ate the whole buffet anyway " he spat

Louis was taken back "Are you c-calling me fat?" Louis yelled a bit

"Keep your voice down twink!" Tony said getting up , Louis got up also.

"What is your problem huh !" Louis tried

"Let's just go calm down shall we " Tony said walking more like forcing him offset , he put his foot in front of Louis tripping him up so he landed on the floor. "O-ow!" Louis yelped

"You do not yell you hear me !" Tony demanded kicking Louis in the ribs" Louis screamed out in pain causing the whole set to go silent but by then Tony had rushed off.

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