Part 13

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Morning came and Louis rolled over on his belly which was not the best idea. He groaned opening his eyes. He kicked the blanket off him quick causing Harry to move. Louis rushed into the downstairs bathroom , as he didn't want Harry knowing he's still sick. He leaned over throwing up. He spat as tears fell from his eyes.

He flushed the toilet and freshened up , he took a deep breath and walked back upstairs to bed. "Where'd you go?" Harry said rubbing his eyes.

"Oh I needed some water , was thirsty "he lied

"Are you feeling better ?" Harry asked smoothing Louis hair back.

"Mhm" Louis said biting his lip

"Lou?" Harry warned

"I'm fine I promise " Louis said feeling bad for lying to him.


Later that day Louis was back on set with Harry , he already did his makeup and did some of the other cast members. He was on a break and at the food table. He grabbed a small plate and put on some sandwiches and a few chips. He sighed as he still wasn't feeling right. He nibbles on a sandwich not knowing Scott was watching him. Scott pressed his button on his walky which signalled Harry's ear piece. "Uh Harry , Louis doesn't well at all are you sure he's better?" He said

Harry instantly turned towards louis watching nibbling his food . "I can't get over there right now Scott will you keep an eye on him for me please , I'll be 10 minutes filming " he spoke back into his mic.

Harry himself was worried for Louis, he bit his lip and filmed a scene on the set road. Meanwhile Louis grabbed a drink and sat down for a while. That's when he felt stares, he looked over at Scott who was looking over at him. Louis gulped and sighed. Louis sipped his drink bit something about the smell made him gag and spit the drink onto the floor, he wiped his mouth. His breathing picked up , he walked the chair and sat down.

Scott rushed over to Louis immediately "Louis I think you need to see a doctor you look awful " he said

"What do you know what I need?" Louis snapped

Scott was taken back but let it slide as Louis looked stressed. "I'm fine I told you " he said

"Well Harry's worried about you , so the least you could do is get yourself checked out, you don't seem right at all Lou , I'm worried.

Louis eyes filled with tears and he broke "I—I don't know what's wrong Scott... I'm scared I-I don't feel right " his breathing picking up

"Hey hey shh relax , come on let's go " Scott picked Louis up like a child and took him to first aid. "Harry I'm taking Louis to the paramedic he's really not right , he needs to be checked out " Scott said

Harry froze in his spot as he was about to say his lines "Cut" the producer called out

"Everything alright Harry ?" He said

"I need to take a break somethings come up " Harry said walking off set worried as ever.

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