Part 7

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The next morning Louis woke up in his apartment and showered , he grabbed some strawberry shampoo and scrubbed it through his light feathery hair. His mind wondered on today , he was body was tired but he loved it , he's never had this opportunity before and he's enjoying every minute of it. He rinsed his hair and body and got out drying and changing himself into fresh clothes. Today he wore a light pink shirt with flowers on and black skinnies with vans.

He made sure his hair was decent and left the house , he loves to be to punctual always early or on time. Louis smiled driving his convertible his mother bought him a while back. He sipped out of his coffee cup and drove to the Gucci company.

As soon as Louis arrived he grabbed his things and made his way inside and into the dressing room. He didn't bother knocking and walked straight in seeing a half naked Harry. "Oh.. I'm sorry H-ha um sir I..." he stuttered.

Harry chuckled "Hey relax Louis it's okay it's your makeup room , I just got here early I should of left a note , I apologise." Harry said kindly

Louis gulped looked at his tattoos and perfect body he was practically drooling. Louis nodded "Well I'm sorry anyway " he said

"And Louis , please call me Harry " he said

"Sure , of course " Louis said setting up everything on the table and switching on the mirror lights. His cheeks were burning as Harry was still half naked on the chair. 

Harry raised an eyebrow looking at all the makeup Louis had. "Wow I've only just noticed this bit you got some nice makeup here " Harry said smiling and looking up at Louis.

"Well thanks, I try I guess " Louis smiled and got his foundation palette ready. Harry sat back and relaxed.

He primed Harry's skin and added some sun cream on before he layered on some foundation and powder. The scent of strawberries hit Harry's nose and he closed his eyes taking in the smell.

"You smell like strawberries Louis " Harry said

Louis giggled "Yea.. that's my shampoo "he blushed

As Louis was adding some blush to Harry's cheeks, Harry's smoothed his finger along Louis jaw watching him. Louis couldn't help but blush and try to concentrate.

"You're very beautiful Louis, I hope you know that darling." Harry said sincerely

Louis gulped and smiled "T-thank you ,Harry " Louis said

"You are too " Louis said kindly but he looked away shy getting some lipstick. He layered the lipstick on a brush and lightly applied it to Harry's lips.

"I think this lipstick would look so much better.. on .. you " Harry said slowly taking the brush from Louis hand , he lightly grabbed his jaw smoothing his cheek. He then looked at Louis lips .

Louis froze when he felt a plump lips attached to his , Harry's was kissing him. Louis blinked but kissed back gently feeling Harry's lips brush against his oh so perfectly.



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