Part 11

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3 weeks later

The Gucci shoot had finished but it wasn't over yet for Louis Makeup career. Harry had taken Louis on as his makeup artist full time, and not only for him for his workers and other artists.

Louis was beyond happy , he was currently in Harry's office , Louis didn't know if they were actually a couple yet but in his head he knew. Louis had another job to do after today , for a few days he had a music video to work on , yes it's Harry's music video.

Louis was in deep thought until Harry spoke "Louis are you okay?" He asked

Louis blinked "Y-Yea I'm okay haz"

Harry stood and walked over to Louis sitting next to him on the couch. He kissed his cheek gently. Louis blushed

"Can I ask you something?" Louis said

"Anything darling"

"A-are we like.. uh together like uh.. couple ?" Louis asked nervously.

"If you want us to be " he smirked grabbing Louis small hand in his.

Louis beamed and leaned in to kiss Harry gently.

Later that day

Louis was in a new dressing room on the set of Harry's music video in London , he was in the middle of styling Harry's hair when he felt a rush in his stomach causing him to stop what he was doing and grab his belly.

"Are you alright darling?" Harry asked

"Yeah f-fine " Louis forehead began to sweat

He went onto to applying foundation to Harry's skin. "Can't wait for this music video h-" Louis paused and gulped. "Oh god.. I'm gonna throw up!" Louis panicked.

Harry's eyes widened and pressed a button on his phone and Scott and Sam rushed in the room immediately. Louis held his mouth "B-bathroom quick !!!" Louis said following the boys there. He rushed to one of the cubical and threw up everything.

Harry rushed over to him concerned , "Babe!" Harry knelt and rubbed his back. "Harry don't look at me like th-" Louis leaned over the toilet throwing up a lot more.

Louis felt sweaty and horrible "Oh god what was that about " Louis wiped his mouth

"I think you should go home Lou , you're sick" Scott said

"N-no I don't wanna go home I'm okay , I'm feeling better now " Louis said standing up slowly feeling slightly dizzy.

"Woah there little one " Harry grabbed onto him , Scott was on the other side of him. "B-but What about the makeup " Lou said

"We can cancel for today come on , let's go home Lou , you need your rest." Harry said kissing his head. "Sam can you let the producer know I'm cancelling today please " Harry said walking Louis to get come water and his jacket.


Ooo what do we think 🙈

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