Nora and Barry

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Nora knew this day would come, she had known since she had made the decision of using her powers to travel back in time to meet her young to be mother but especially her father, who had barely known in her own time. But who knew that, apart from deceiving others, she could deceive herself as good? They say when you lie once you start knitting a net of your own lies, and eventually you get stuck with them. Unfortunately for Nora this time would be no different than that.

How precisely had her learnt to control her powers enough to manage time travelling was a secret, one Nora had buried deeper and deeper ever since she arrived to 2017. She knew Barry from all people would feel repulsed by her choice of company if she ever told him who had taught her to give full use of her powers, but eventually the truth came up. It always does.

That day they were gathered in the central talking about recent cases they were trying to solve. Nora had been rather quiet the entire day and it made the rest of the group slightly suspicious of her attitude. As if she was hiding something, something she had already been advised to speak about already but she didn't. She simply wasn't ready yet, or that's what she kept telling herself.

While most of the team was dealing with Cicada II and Vickie, Sherloque was busy investigating Nora and her mysterious appearance. He had managed to crack the code in her journal and found a contundent proof of Nora's betrayal: a sample of handwriting that could only belong to one person. Barry's worst enemy Thawne.

He didn't delay to confront Nora in front of everybody but the girl decided not to say anything yet again, so he ended up exposing her with all the evidence he had found while she cowered more and more under the stare of everybody. And being a dramatic person as Sherloque was, he didn't reveal the most important detail of all until the very end. Who had indeed taught Nora to control her powers and manage time travelling?

"The same person who's been directing you all this time making puppets of all of us as he seeks to alter the timeline to suit his own purpose..." Sherloque left the sentence hanging there as the rest of the crew put two and two together and figured it out.

Nora had been working with Thawne.

The news dropped like a bomb in the middle of the desert. All the rest of the team kept hearing in their heads was the sound of tration echoing inside. Everybody begged her with their looks to say something, to deny the accusation, but no one's was worse than Barry's heartbroken stare following her everywhere.

As soon as Nora tried to mumble an explanation something broke inside the Flash man. His face contorted in pain as to what he was about to do and in a second it had already happened before everybody's widened eyes, but not as wide as Nora who found herself trapped inside the pipeline like any other criminal.

"Dad. Dad!" she called with all her might but all she could see was his back on her. "I'm sorry I lied to you" she spoke from her heart wishing her meer words were enough to bring back the comforting smile she knew from her dad, but it didn't happen.

"So am I" he replied coldly over his shoulder, trying not to get lost in his daughter's desperate eyes. He was afraid his resolution would crumble down if he did. So he left without looking back.

Once Nora was left alone with her thoughts she simply crumbled down. She had come to make things right, not to break her dad's heart in two. She didn't know if anybody would ever forgive her, and the thought of being trapped there like a criminal, alone for the rest of her life frightened to no end. In that moment she made a wish, that her mom was there with her.

Gentle steps could be heard from the hallway leading to her cell and, hoping it'd be someone willing to listen, Nora raised her tearful eyes to see through the glass the young woman that would eventually be her mother Iris walking towards her. A sense of relief invaded her when the sympathetic eyes of her mother landed on her sitting down on the cold floor.

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