Chapter 3

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Glancing over at my phone screen I realised it was now 5.00pm, the time I had arranged to meet Denzil at. After my little texting session with Lewis, I helped myself to a potnoodle as that could be part of my tea. I'm not a very big eater but I would eat something else later on as a supper with lewis. Knowing Lewis, he would beg for me to buy a pizza.

Plus, I didn't want to go around to Denzil's straight away just in case he was having his tea. Besides, it's not like it would take forever for me to walk down there. After all, I only live a few doors down the street. In the end I went back up to my bedroom and rang Lewis.



"Yup it's me."

"You okay? I thought you were going to your neighbours house?"

"I am. I just thought I'd ring you first. I know I texted you before but we haven't spoken in ages!"

"I know. I miss you loads."

There was a slight pause before I carried on speaking. "I miss you too Lewis. Honestly, you should come and move in with me."

"I would take you up on that offer but I doubt your parents would agree."

"True but they do trust you and I think they would be glad if you were around whilst they were away with work."

"I suppose. Are they at work now?"

"Yeah for a few weeks I think. Do you want to stay for a bit with me then?"

"Of course! I'll always be there to look after my little sister and as I'm like your big brother I have to protect you. So anyway what's this new neighbour like then?"

I could feel my cheeks burning. "He's called Denzil and he lives next door but one. He's in my year and he's really nice."

"Do you like him?" Lewis went into big brother mode. It's quite funny though, myself and Lewis are not even blood related yet we see each other as brother and sister so that's how we introduce ourselves to new people. Everyone knows that about us.

"I hardly know him." I pointed out.

I heard Lewis give a relaxed sigh. "I just worry about you, you know after everything that's happened."

"I know." I softly said.

"Go on then. I can tell you're dying to tell me all about him." Typical Lewis. He's such a girl at times wanting to know all the gossip. Not that I would actually tell his this as it would ruin his 'bad boy' reputation.

I gave a slight chuckle before launching into story mode. "Well you see he's..." I contined to torture Lewis by telling him every single detail. I even told him about Scout, Phoenix and Emily. He was quiet throughout the whole thing but i knew he would be proud of me for making a great first impression.

"I think you should carry on talking to him and become closer tonight. Then try and maybe make a move."

"Lewis are you crazy? I've only just met the guy!"

"But from what I've heard, he seems like a nice lad and I can tell you're into him. Just see how it goes."

"Okay I will do." I glanced over at my watch and decided I should head over to Denzil's. "Look Lewis I've gotta go round there now."

"Have fun and please try to get closer with him."

I mentally rolled my eyes before saying, "I'll do my best, bye Seddon."

"Bye Craig. I love you!"

"I love you too!" I then placed the phone down after hanging up.

Lewis really was there for me whenever I needed him. Even if I only wanted a general chit chat with him, he would stop what he was doing for me. He has had a really bad past; he got expelled from Waterloo Road from doing drugs and basically breaking all the school rules and being a thug. His parents were never around though so that explains why he put up a front and acted the school's 'bad boy'. I know he regrets everything he did and that's why he's so strict with me. You see, Lewis doesn't want me to end up like him and that's why he's so protective and my parents admire him for that. At first they didn't really like him but once they got to know him and found out his story, they started to view him as their oldest son.

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