Chapter 6

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I met up with Scout, Denzil and Phoenix next day to discuss what things we would take down to Scotland with us. It might have just been my imagination but Scout seemed a bit off today, especially with Phoenix. It was as if she wanted to be anywhere but with us lot. I decided to tackle her about it later once the boys were out of sight.

"Scotland eh? I never imagined I would go there, let alone move up there!" Denzil exclaimed.

"I know, it's going to be such a change for us all. Especially me and my brother, we've never left England. Even to go on holiday!" Phoenix was practically bursting with excitement.

I couldn't understand why. It's not as if we would be missed. Besides it's not like we were going to be moving half way across the globe but this would be the start of a new life for everyone. To leave all the memories behind.

It hurt me to know I would be leaving behind a few of the people I love but that couldn't be helped. After speaking to my parents last night I had met up with Lewis to inform him of my decision. I could tell he was surprised to hear that my parents had accepted my decision but over all he was happy for me.

"Go for it Charlotte. Chances like this don't happen often and you've just become close to your friends so you won't want to leave them. Maxine wouldn't want me to hold you back, she would want us to stick together but live a good life. So go for it!"

I wasn't expecting Lewis to be so... happy about this. I had just moved closer to him and got used to his company, and now I was moving again.

We hung out at my place and ordered a pizza. We did our typical Friday night routine which consisted of eating our pizza whilst sat down in my living room whilst watching a movie. The few hours we spent together meant a lot to me and I knew once I was down in Scotland I would miss these times.

I wasn't completely alone though, Lewis said I could call him whenever I wanted and he would come down to Waterloo Road whenever he got the time off work. I was all set and ready for my new life. The worlds longest lasting hug was held by Lewis and I. After we said our goodbyes, I headed upstairs to finish the rest of my packing.

"Earth to Charlotte!"

I was snapped out of my daze to find all three of my loser friends laughing at me and pulling faces.

"You were proper out of it then!" Scout finally managed to choke her words out.

"Oh haha you're very funny. Anyway back to the topic, what were you guys saying?"

"We were talking about the journey. I'm taking crisps, Phoenix is taking drinks so you and Scout need to think of something to bring." Denzil inputted.

"I'll bring sweets if you like?" Scout suggested.

"Yeah, just make sure there's some fizzy ones for me!" Phoenix joked as Denzil smiled. Scout didn't move a bone in her mouth. There was definitely something going on between the two of them.   "How about I bring popcorn?" I inquired with a smirk plastered on my face.

They all smirked back knowing full well I wasn't bringing popcorn for the enjoyment of eating it. Hell no! I was bringing it because Mr Budgen had an awful experience with it in the past during a lesson. A lesson involving popcorn, syrup and a mischievous girl named Rhiannon.

I don't know much about Rhiannon. All I do know is that she doesn't seem to like Scout that much. Whenever she sees her she will completely ignore her and if I'm with Scout, she won't even recognise her presence. I don't know what she has against Scout as they have never spoken. Rhiannon doesn't exactly live the perfect life and she might be jealous of Scout as the social helped her and not Rhiannon. Perhaps I'm just over thinking things.

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