Chapter 11

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I was stood beside Denzil whist Mr Chalk took a photograph of us all due to a request by Denzil. Mr Budgen got down onto one knee. "Maggie. Would you do me the honours of being my wife?"

A wide smile spread across my face, this was so romantic. Before Maggie had the chance to reply disaster struck. A grey massive truck came roaring down the road at full speed breaking everything in the process. The burger grill was no longer standing and it was now heading towards us. This was it. I saw my life flash before my eyes. We all gasped as we realised this could be the last breath we were to take.

"Look out!" Mr Byrne screamed.

Everyone began to scream and I was panicking like mad. My heart was beating too fast it felt as though it would stop any second. Anxiety gripped onto my body forcing me to become numb and short of breath. I was dying I knew it. The truck came was coming closer and I realised my time was up. I had to let Denzil know of my feelings in case he made it.

"Denzil I love you."

I hoped he would be okay no matter what. My time was up, I knew that. All I wanted was to let him know as he was everything I had been looking for. My heart started to close up and the breathing became even less frequent than it already was. Everything seemed a million miles away from me as I made my way towards the wall at the side of the road. Voices didn't seem to register in my head. Well, one voice did.

"I love you too Charlotte. I have done since day one."

Denzil. He loved me. I loved him. I placed my shaky hands onto the side of the wall and tried to recompose myself. "I can get through this" I thought to myself. Then a shock ran through my body and I felt myself falling to the ground...

I shot up in my bed, my heart beating so loudly I thought it would explode. The last words Denzil spoke were in fact spoken to me along the lines of "I love you too." I burst into tears at the realisation of this. Denzil was my everything and I was his. You may be thinking "how do you this is what happened during the accident?" I'll tell you the answer; seeing this flashback of the disaster was awful but as soon as I saw what happened, something clicked in the back of my mind. The realisation hit me and my memory was gained, as soon as he had voiced his words, I had passed out and hid my head on the wall. I must have only been out for a few minutes as a short while after, I found myself being helped by the paramedic.


When Maxine passed away I could not come to terms with the reality of it all. Every day I expected for her face to pop up somewhere and prove that she was still with me. It took me a long time to register in my head, the fact I wouldn't see her again. All I wanted was to hug her one last time and tell her the things I had built up in those years of not seeing her. I wanted to see her, of course I did! But with all that business with my auntie and Kevin, life became unbearable. The last couple of years before her death I had no contact with her, the only reason I knew how she was doing was due to Lewis. He would text me to let me know all the latest news and that is how we became close.

At Maxine's funeral, I was taken by surprise at the many different faces there. Most of the people there hardly knew Maxine and I felt my heart pang as I realised that she only had a few people there. One woman with short blonde hair would not stop with the waterworks. I guessed she was close to Maxine. Perhaps she was a neighbour. Maxine was the only person I was close to. Sure I had best friends but only one of them guided me through everything but not soon after she moved house and I haven't spoken to her since. Even if I was contact her I wouldn't know what to say as it has been years.

I now feel that the same thing is going to be repeated over the death of Denzil. I can't afford to let myself drop into the deep surroundings of black and doom which I did a few years back. It seems strange to say that it was a few years ago which marked Maxine's death as I can remember the day I found out quite clearly. I came home from my old school to find my parents sat in the lounge with morbid expressions sealed upon their lonely fragile faces. This was not unusual at the time for them to be home so early so I thought nothing of it until I saw their faces. They sat me down and told me the awful news.

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