Chapter 1

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Lily Evans was a flower.

She was beautiful, kind, smart and confident. Lily was the most popular girl in school and had plenty of friends.

Daisy Evans wasn't a flower.

She was beautiful, but she didn't show it. She was kind, but nobody knew. She was smart, most brilliant witch in the year, but everyone thought it was Lily. She had only one best friend and that was it. She was practically a nobody.

They were twins, but not identical, so not many people knew they were siblings. Most people didn't even know who Daisy was.

This all changed, however because of something Lily wrote, that one sentence, changed everything.

It was summer time, and Daisy was great. She loved summer, because she could see Petunia, her other sister, and Petunia loved her as much as she loved Petunia. Daisy was in an armchair, her nose stuck in a book as always.

Suddenly, an owl flew in. She recognised the owl as Mary McDonalds owl, one of Lily's best friend. Daisy went over and gave the brown owl sweets. She then took the letter and prepared to give it to Lily. But the letter slipped from the envelope, clearly not put in right.

I want to take a look. No, that's not right. But... Whatever, just get this done.

Quickly checking that nobody was looking, Daisy quietly opened the letter. Two letters actually, one from Lily, obviously sent to Mary, which Mary had attached on back. She read Lily's first.

Dear Mary,

I miss you and Marlene so much! I really hate summer...I miss Hogwarts. Petunia and Daisy are horrible, but they're they're the only one here, except for my parents of course, they're nice.

I finished all the summer homework, have you? Please don't roll your eyes.

I really, really hope James will mature this year, and stop asking me out, he knows the answer will still and always will be no.

Daisy got better grades then me. URGH! She's the only one who beat me, please don't tell anyone Mary. Daisy really is a pain in the arse sometimes. I mean, I wish she wasn't even my twin-

What! Daisy stopped reading. She didn't couldn't even read Mary's letter, this was enough for her.

All her life, Daisy had always been in Lily's shadow, she was invisible to everyone, she didn't want to seek attention, so no one has ever insulted her before. Lily was okay, she usually just ignored Daisy.

But this made Daisy furious.

What the bloody hell? She had been bad-mouthing me this whole time. She hates my existence!

Daisy felt tears swell up in her eyes, and she really felt horrible, she threw the letter out of the window and ran up to her room, crying for hours on end.

Am I really that bad to Lily? Or is she just trying to be cool in front of her friends?

Whenever Daisy felt horrible, she talked to Alice Forrester, her best friend, her only friend in the world. But Alice wasn't here, and they were going back to Hogwarts soon, so no time to owl her, so Daisy decided to go and talk to her other sister. Petunia.

At least Petunia accepts me. Petunia hates Lily.

Petunia was a muggle. When Lily and Daisy got in Hogwarts, Petunia went mad. Lily was excited, but Daisy didn't really want to go. She was a shy girl, and she felt comfortable at home. That made Petunia happy. In the end though, Daisy's parents made her go.

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