Chapter 18

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James regretted everything. Quidditch was his life. Every breath he took was for Quidditch. And for Lily. But that's a different story. He would give up anything for Lily. But he took his desire for her too far, making him put his most favorite thing at stake. He realized that Quidditch was far more important to him than Lily, and he would never put that at stake again.

He summoned up the courage to go to his former teammates and apologize. It was hard, for him at least, because he had so much ego, being the Quidditch Captain and very popular throughout the school.

He walked towards the section of the table they were at. Sirius was also tagging along, very much like a puppy.

"Uh- Hi guys," James said hesitantly.

"What are you doing here?" Antonia asked in her steel-like voice.

"I thought you said you didn't care about us anymore?" Alice piped in.

"Oh, he's probably realized what a terrible mistake he made, putting Lilith before Quidditch." Daisy said.

Kyle and Fin tutted together. James winced.

Should have known Daisy would be sour.

"Er- well- Daisy, I guess you're right. I'm really sorry. I didn't realize that I was sacrificing my favorite thing- in the whole world- for a stupid crush. I wholeheartedly apologize. I'm ready to accept any punishment, just please join the team again," James begged.

Antonia was sniggering behind her hand.

"It's so funny to see one of the most popular kids in the school apologize like this to a couple of nerds!" she said, still laughing.

James turned red but continued to act cool about it.

"Yeah, I know! Now. What punishment shall we give him?" Fin asked, rubbing an imaginary beard.

"Oh, I know-"

"That won't be necessary," Daisy said with a sweet smile, cutting off a very enthusiastic Kyle.

"Apology accepted," Alice said, with a grin as welcoming as Daisy's.

The rest of the team groaned but went along with it.

"Welcome back to the real team, Captain Potter!" Daisy said shaking his hand.

Everyone cheered.

Suddenly Daisy caught a figure looming in the corner.


She looked angry. When Daisy caught her eye, she quickly turned the corner and left, robes flying in the wind, as if to enhance her anger.

The actual team was posted on the notice board later that day:

Chasers: James Potter (Captain), Sirius Black, Alice Forrester

Backup Chaser: Landon

Keeper: Fin Wood

Backup Keeper: Jayden Vill

Beaters: Antonia Frotev and Kyle Lopez

Backup Beater: Paris Mackintosh

Seeker: Daisy Evans

Backup Seeker: Taylor Blair

"This is a much better team!" Sirius exclaimed. Daisy grinned and nodded.

"We just have to make sure we win the next three rounds." Daisy said.

"We can do you." Sirius waved his hand in the air.

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