Chapter 21

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After Daisy left, Sirius just looked around in shock. This had never happened to him before. A girl suddenly leaving him.

"What the bloody hell just happened..." He murmured to himself.

All his life, Sirius Black had been a charmer. He was even able to charm his own grandmother. But Daisy Evans didn't fall for his charm. Sirius Black was stunned. He didn't know what to do. He was embarrassed about what happened, and didn't know if he would be able to face Daisy. He truly liked Daisy, and he admired her, but at that moment, his feelings for Daisy changed.

Once Daisy returned to the girls dormitory, she saw Mary and Alice sitting on their beds, waiting for her return.

"How was it?" Alice asked eagerly. Daisy sat down on the bed and sighed deeply.

"Was it that bad?" Mary asked disappointed. Daisy shook her head.

"It was horrible." She said. Alice gasped.

"What happened? He's Sirius Black!" Alice said. Daisy just sighed.

"The date began perfectly, we went for a meal, and we had fun. But then when we got back...we started making out, and then it got heated up, then we...well...he tried to..." Daisy didn't finish her sentence, but the girls understood,

"Wait! Did he try to rape you?" Alice asked. Daisy shook her head quickly.

"Gods no, like I would let that happen. I just ran away, and now I'm so embarrassed. I don't know how to face him." Daisy said, burying her head in her hands. Alice put her arms around her best friend.

" what does this mean? Are you two still a thing?" Mary asked. Daisy shrugged sadly.

"I don't know. I just ran away." She said. The three girls didn't notice that Marlene was nearby, listening to their conversation the whole time.

"Why do my relationships never work out? Alice, you're dating Frank, and you two are so good together. Mary, you and Remus also fit together, and you guys all love each other. My first relationship was a disaster with Remus, because I wasn't ready to kiss him, and now, my second relationship is also a disaster, because I'm not ready to have sex with Sirius!" Daisy burst out crying. Marlene then stood up.

"May I help?" She asked. The three girls looked up alarmed.

"Marlene?" Mary exclaimed.

"I used to date Sirius back in fifth year. He was a charmer really, but he's also a big heart breaker. He's dated multiple girls, and all of them fell for his charm. except for you. I guess you and him just aren't meant to be because you two aim for different things, you two are just different. Tell me, Daisy, are you truly happy when you're with him?" Marlene asked.

Daisy thought for a second or so.

"Well...not all the time. We actually fight a lot, and I guess the dates we have aren't the ideal dates I would picture. He's so adventurous, and I'm not as much," Daisy said. Marlene nodded.

"Your personalities just clash," Marlene said. She had been watching the pair for quite a long time, and this was what she had concluded. Mary though, who knew Marlene very well, raised her eyebrows.

"Marlene, are you just saying this so Daisy will break up with Sirius, and you can have a chance with him?" Mary asked. Marlene's face went red. It was true that she still liked Sirius and hoped to have a chance with him, but she actually wanted to help Daisy too.

"You can take my advice if you want, Daisy. But if you don't want to, it's your choice. I'm just trying to help. It's no secret that I still like Sirius, but I'm not trying to win him back by destroying your relationship," Marlene said coolly and left.

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