Chapter 41

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James decided to run away again.

Daisy was still in shock, while Madam Pomfrey was glaring at James. Sirius was grinning widely, while Remus and Peter both had their mouths wide open. Alice, Mary, Marlene and Lily were all squealing like this was the best thing in the world, while the other houses were cheering.

The other schools were acting like they just seen a romance movie.

So James ran away again.

Bloody coward.

So, yeah, they won.

"One thousand gold galleons! Wow!" Peter said, looking at the money in Sirius's hands. Peter looked at it grinning widely, with a look of awe in his face. Sirius really didn't look like he cared much, this was small money to him. Sirius was very rich for a eighteen year old, so it didn't matter much to him.

"You can have my portion, Peter." Sirius said, handing it to him. Peter immediately shook his head, but Sirius insisted. The two started pulling and pushing the money bag. Peter's family was okay. They weren't great, but they weren't bad either. The Pettigrew family was simply ordinary.

James was ignoring Daisy. Like always, he was being a coward.

"You just have to go and face her." Marlene was giving James some relationship advice. When it came to relationships, Marlene and Sirius were the experts.

"Yeah...I need to tough up....yeah no." James sighed and sat down. Alice rolled her eyes. She was sitting besides James, Frank by her side.

"You know what James, you are a complete idiot." Frank suddenly spoke up. The whole Gryffindor table, and all the other houses, who apparently were listening to their conversation, turned to Frank. Only Daisy wasn't there, because she was out flying. Daisy also needed to clear her head.

"You are a jerk, a coward, and you obviously are head over heels for Daisy. You are blind, and you have no idea what you are doing. We are graduating in a week, and you and Daisy still haven't started dating. How's that possible? You two are meant for each other. You guys are meant to be, but thanks to you, you guys are probably going to lose your chance." Frank said.

James's jaw dropped. So did Alice's. Frank Longbottom had never been so straightforward. Phil was grinning ear to ear. His friend had grown up!

"Yeah, James, listen to Frank. Honestly, my sister has had a crush on you since the start of seventh year. She's cried for you for who knows how many times. Yet, you still haven't had the guts to get up and become a man. You wasted your time on me! Like, who does that?" Lily asked, and everybody laughed.

That's when Daisy entered the great hall. Sirius nudged James slightly.

James stood up as Daisy started walking towards Gryffindor table. She raised her eyebrows at James.

James kissed her. This time, he didn't run away.

"We're graduating today!" Daisy shouted so loudly everybody in the common room heard. She was by the fire place, leaning back on James, while the gang were playing wizard chest. Girls verses boys. The girls were losing badly, but James was giving Daisy some help.

"Yeah, can't believe it, I'm really going to miss this place." Sirius muttered.

"Oh, no." Marlene muttered. Everybody turned to her.

"What is it?" Remus asked. Marlene was reading the phrophet.

"More murders." She whispered. Everybody sighed. It had been going on for days. He- who- must- not- be- named was now at full power. People were living in fear, while the death eaters were slowly taking over.

"I'm so done with all this! Urgh!" Lily said angrily, ripping the Dailey prophet in half. Lily was scared, she really was. She was scared for her family and herself. Daisy and Lily were both muggle borns and the two of them just might be the next target. James held Daisy close to him.

"Let's just... let's just all stay together. Let's enjoy graduation." Daisy said, calming everyone down. That was what she did best.

"In Hogwarts, I learned how to love, to care for other, to receive and give. I learned how to forgive, but not to forget. I had friendship, relationships, and I learned thousands of valuable lessons. Today, we are all gathered here to celebrate are last day in Hogwarts. Let us all hold hands and remember are time here. We are not leaving Hogwarts. We are simply remembering it and going on in here life. Remember Hogwarts. Today, forgive those who once tormented you, receive and give, and love those who love you. Remember Hogwarts." Daisy said. She finished her speech and almost everybody was crying, even the Slytherins.

She left Hogwarts, hand in hand with her friends.

"James! James! I need to tell you something!" Daisy said, coming back to the apartment she and James shared.

James and her were now working as Aurors. Both of them had the grades to do so. James had asked her to marry him just a month ago, and now they were having a pretty decent life. Well, decent if you minus all the times they had top go fight with the death eaters.

Voldemort, yes, James and Daisy decided it would be best if they said his name directly, was no very, very strong. Their were attacks all the time, and James and Daisy were part of the Order of the Phenix, an organization that Dumbledore formed, and they had to take care of the attacks.

It was tiring, dangerous and everything but fun, but James and Daisy did it for the woizarding world.

"What is it?" James asked, hurrying to her, looking worried. Daisy smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" James asked, looking more worried. Daisy laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" James asked, ruffling his hair, looking more worried than ever. Daisy kissed him.

"Harry James Potter." Daisy said, grinning widely, as she picked her child up. Harry was now a cute toddler, and his father had just taken him flying on his baby broom. Harry had definitely inherited James incredible flying skills. The kid was definitely talented.

He also loved Uncle Sirius, who was is godfather. It was very heartbreaking for the fact that Alice and Frank were now not here with them. Bellatrix Lestrange had tortured them insane. When Daisy and James found out, James had wanted to go directly to Bellatrix, thankfully, Sirius stopped him from doing something stupid, Lily, Remus, Mary and Marlene were doing okay as well.

All was well until the night Daisy died.

She was battling Voldemort himself. It was never godric's hollow, and Voldemort won. She was badly injured, but James still had a tiny hope in him that she could survive. He brought her to St. Mungos, but everyone knew she wasn't going to make it.

Before she died, she told Lily to take care of James and Harry. She also cast a spell on Harry, a protection spell, no one knew what it was, except for Dumbledore.

And then Lily and James died. That night was horrifying. Voldemort was after Harry, and Peter had betrayed them. Peter, James thought that he was his best friend, had betrayed him. Sirius was brought into Azkaban. The ending was devastating. James and Lily fought to protect Harry, and in the end, the two died. Marlene and Mary both died afterwards. Sirius, who heard about her death in Azkaban, was rumored to go crazy.

Remus was okay, thank heavens, but his friends were gone, leaving him alone. With only one thing keeping him going,

Harry. He survived, thanks to his mother's ancient spell.

But they didn't die in vain. They were all heroes in the end. And some believe, Harry believes, that they are all up there somewhere, living happily ever after, watching over Harry.

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